King / Re: The King Presence
« on: April 25, 2011, 11:32:38 PM »
Well, we're both in arrogance... 
I'm well aware that many people don't necessarily need or want leaders or someone to take control. Very very often I don't take control, and I sit back and am very much a loner, leaving people to their own devices unless they come to me, or unless I can see that they might need some direction. And often it's nice when someone else takes control so I can relax and not have to feel wound up and guilty about 'not leading' (king maya). But it's very satisfying to help and lead when the situation calls for it. It's just the role essence.
I've experienced people who seem to need/want leading, or look to me to make decisions or call the shots (make the entire menu), and it can get tiresome. That's just my experience though. Not everyone expects me to lead (glad for it). And I really don't like feeling tyrannical and usually ask people if I'm 'taking over' too much when I'm helping them. I really don't take over or impose myself on people because I don't like being imposed upon myself. Pretty much.
Sorry if I sounded too whiny or full of myself about my boyfriend, perhaps he's experiencing the same frustration of the strange power vacuum that I experience. i.e. the "who's going to call the shot?" tension that can arise. It's just something I notice. And does just one person need to call the shots? (No). Usually we're very agreeable and split things evenly or do them together and it's quite harmonious. There are just sometimes where he wants me to tell him what to do and I don't know what to tell him, or he looks to me to lead outright. It's just an annoying sense of pressure very suddenly. Doesn't help that he tends to stare at me either until I give orders.
Maybe kings feel 'power vacuums' more than others? I don't know, it's just something that I'm really aware of. I'm not in power mode, but it's still like an instinct, walking into a room and immediately sensing who's in control, the dynamics, who's taking up the most room, and how much control I might have in a situation even if I don't use it. Sometimes I don't have much control or influence at all, and I'm fine with that, but it's like I still need to 'know' that I don't, so I can relax or go do other things. Yes, it's often annoying being 'on duty' all the time, feeling that I must be alert and watching out for how things are being managed.

I'm well aware that many people don't necessarily need or want leaders or someone to take control. Very very often I don't take control, and I sit back and am very much a loner, leaving people to their own devices unless they come to me, or unless I can see that they might need some direction. And often it's nice when someone else takes control so I can relax and not have to feel wound up and guilty about 'not leading' (king maya). But it's very satisfying to help and lead when the situation calls for it. It's just the role essence.
I've experienced people who seem to need/want leading, or look to me to make decisions or call the shots (make the entire menu), and it can get tiresome. That's just my experience though. Not everyone expects me to lead (glad for it). And I really don't like feeling tyrannical and usually ask people if I'm 'taking over' too much when I'm helping them. I really don't take over or impose myself on people because I don't like being imposed upon myself. Pretty much.
Sorry if I sounded too whiny or full of myself about my boyfriend, perhaps he's experiencing the same frustration of the strange power vacuum that I experience. i.e. the "who's going to call the shot?" tension that can arise. It's just something I notice. And does just one person need to call the shots? (No). Usually we're very agreeable and split things evenly or do them together and it's quite harmonious. There are just sometimes where he wants me to tell him what to do and I don't know what to tell him, or he looks to me to lead outright. It's just an annoying sense of pressure very suddenly. Doesn't help that he tends to stare at me either until I give orders.

Maybe kings feel 'power vacuums' more than others? I don't know, it's just something that I'm really aware of. I'm not in power mode, but it's still like an instinct, walking into a room and immediately sensing who's in control, the dynamics, who's taking up the most room, and how much control I might have in a situation even if I don't use it. Sometimes I don't have much control or influence at all, and I'm fine with that, but it's like I still need to 'know' that I don't, so I can relax or go do other things. Yes, it's often annoying being 'on duty' all the time, feeling that I must be alert and watching out for how things are being managed.