Author Topic: Michael Students Night (Wednesday)  (Read 7594 times)


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Michael Students Night (Wednesday)
« on: June 08, 2011, 10:58:06 PM »

Michael Students Night is an informal get together where fellow students can meet each week at a designated time and get to know each other. The event meets at 6PM Pacific/9 PM Eastern and usually runs for around three hours or so. Stay as long as you like, or just drop by and say "Hello."

It doesn't matter if you're a newbie, a regular, or a lurker in the Michael community -- you're all invited! Think of it as a time when you can talk, babble, chant, confess, deliberate, divulge, express, gab, gossip, influence, intone, parley, prattle, spill the beans, and verbalize without social or moral consequences. And it's with other Michael students, so it doesn't get much better than that.

We'll be meeting at the newly refurbished Michael teachings chatroom and I think you'll like the new look of the place. I've emptied all of the ash trays, steam-cleaned the carpets, removed those embarrassing stains on the couch, threw away the fast food cartons and bags -- even the moldy Ben & Jerrys containers were scuttled. The place is almost looking too sanitary now.

Go to:

See ya Wednesday night!
