Where do Bodhisattvas stand in the Michael-oriented scheme of things? A person will decide in one life that s/he wants to make the Bodhisattva vow, which is to delay one's own "enlightenment" until all others have reached their goal. However, how can that work - wouldn't it be selfish for someone to delay their own cadre/entity's advancement because s/he was stuck on earth helping everyone else, due to their vow? How seriously should a Bodhisattva vow be taken? Do you think it's a vow made by personality, or can it be something decided by Essence?
Bodhisattva is not a Michael Teaching term. I'm sure someone has asked Michael about the Buddhist concept at some time, but I don't remember the specific answer, other than it didn't confirm the thinking behind the term. Partly this is because Michael doesn't seem to agree with "enlightenment" the way most traditions think of the term.
According to the MT, essences simply don't stick around once they've finished their lifetimes on the physical plane.
In counterpoint, there are several cadres that have decided to see the entire drama through from beginning to end. Most of them are incarnating relatively slowly, and skip huge amounts of history between groups of incarnations.
On the gripping hand, time doesn't mean the same thing on the astral as it does on the physical, so having some essences decide to have their last incarnations later than the rest doesn't necessarily hold up the process of integration.
John Roth