I have CF of Arrogance too Chiara, and boy your description hit the nail on the head! It can definitely be utter havoc, and is still something I have a very hard time with (the vacillation).
Opera singer.

That's pretty cool!
I have to say I really like helping people too, and again your words are something that really resonate with me and I
so get what you mean by them (in that I've come to those conclusions as well, of 'what to do' with the energy, or what feels 'most right', it's like you've been inside my head!). I've been a recluse for a long while, mostly because of feeling vulnerable, overwhelmed, and hurt by the world and people in my past, but keep realizing year after year now that my friends and family and others actually seem to benefit from having me around when I'm in a fun and more loving mood (ohhh my bad moods, they just affected entire houses sometimes), and that I do have the strength to lead and help get things done.
But it does feel so much better to make others feel better and confident, instead of plaguing them with your presence. lol.
It's a sort of personal responsibility, the king energy, and I have to say that I still usually feel awful/grimy whenever I become even a little bit tyrannical, as if I've just had enough of doing that in past lifetimes to where I'm sick of that sort of king behavior. It's a bit weird. I'd much rather be an inspiring leader or example for others to follow, some sort of person who can pave the way and help others toward mastering things, rather than lording completely over others.
Though I still go around town and on buses feeling that I should have seats reserved for me.

But yeah, King energy does have a lot of Service built into it. I guess most succinctly for me, it's just 'being available' to others. They don't have to see me all the time, but they know I'm there. I remember once in my freshman year of university, a very new acquaintance asked me to accompany her to the health center to get birth control, her saying that I felt like the only person available at the time who would accompany and 'protect' her and make her calmer about it, and by god... stuff like that just feels so good, and 'affirming'.
Chiara, as an old king, do you find yourself ever feeling a bit more ordinal or warrior-like? I only do sometimes in that I feel like I'm scaling down and becoming more territorial and protective (of my space, time, and of my family, art, etc).
So much more I could say.