Author Topic: The King Presence  (Read 27060 times)

Chiara DB

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Re: The King Presence
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2011, 05:51:41 AM »
I'm a old server, and my reaction to your posts is...well...that you guys seem a little bit full of yourselves.  I have been in plenty of situations where someone will "take control" and try to lead.  I don't like it.  It's not necessarily that I want to lead myself; most often, I don't.  It's more like I don't need a leader.  I don't need somebody to be "in charge".  I am perfectly capable of doing whatever needs to be done myself, and I resent anyone trying to impose themselves on me or run things.  I think it's arrogant.

I certainly don't take control, take charge, or force my leadership on anyone -- far from it. I will take a leadership position if no one else will, or if it is assigned to me, but I certainly don't seek it out unless there is an obvious need for it. I'm not really sure how you even got that from anything that's been written here. I do help gently lead others by example, though, and often through service to them.

I think it's difficult for people in the King role to understand how to use that energy, and if they also have a CF of Arrogance, it is even more difficult. Your mind can play all kinds of multi-leveled tricks on you with that combination of overleaves, tricks that can make you seem like someone who thinks an awful lot of themselves. But what I was trying to communicate in my previous post is that that is not the case at all - quite the opposite. It's a false dichotomy set up by false personality, and it can be broken through an attitude of self-acceptance and service.

Chiara DB

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Re: The King Presence
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2011, 06:03:25 AM »
Elisabeth, I don't think you should have to apologize and go into self-deprecation for talking about what it feels like to be a King. If it rubs some people the wrong way or pushes their buttons, so be it. That's not in our control. This forum is for all of us to have discussions and explore what these teachings mean to us and for us.


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Re: The King Presence
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2011, 06:34:52 AM »

Thanks Drury, I appreciate you vomiting about yourself too. ;)

 :D   ;)

Just wondering more about the king energy and if it does indeed affect people, and if it does, how does it? What do people feel?

I think it’s human nature, maybe from early lives on this planet, to look to certain people to take control in emergencies and potentially save lives.  Just discussing physical characteristics, I have a book called “Amazing Face Reading,” by Mac Fulfer, J.D., who is a jury consultant and a teacher of face reading.  For example, it seems to be human nature that people tend look to someone with a wide, square face and square jaw to take control of situations, whether as president of a corporation or to organize people in an emergency situation.  These would be the people who have the confidence and ability to take control of large groups.  Having a kingly aura would have the same effect.  Anyone who looks and/or acts as if they could take charge has the potential to be important in our lives - to rule us, control us, to save us in an emergency - so we take note when we see them.  People's personal reactions would likely depend on imprinting and soul age, among other things.  That’s my guess, anyway.  I’m not a hierarchical-type person, so I’d probably be the first one to be eaten by a saber-toothed tiger because I’m thumbing my nose at the grouping instinct.  :D

« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 07:07:40 AM by Drury »


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Re: The King Presence
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2011, 08:18:14 AM »
Eck, yeah, I think self-deprecation is my secondary chief feature. But damn that arrogance too, sometimes it just flashes into my entire brain "judgement judgement! defense defense". I still have a lot of problems with it.

Thank you for writing things so succinctly Chiara. 

Drury, that's an interesting bit of information, and makes sense. I'm not so often put in control of large groups, only occasionally, but usually I get people asking me information as I have the 'seem to know what's going on' vibe, or 'face' (king with scholar casting, knowledge is power). My dad actually often ends up being looked to to be in charge of things. I'm not sure if he's a king as well (or a warrior, with some sage elements) or if he has a goal of dominance, but we're quite similar except that he seems generally more confident with his ability to delegate and be a leader/visionary. He doesn't have a very wide face or very square jaw, but it is definitely focused and in control/intense (like mine).


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Re: The King Presence
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2011, 03:16:48 PM »
Elizabeth, I think it's not so much whether you actually are in charge at any time but that people would look first to anyone with king facial features or auras if they are in need of leadership.  No one in their right mind would look to me for that.  Even before coming across MT, I'd joke with my husband that primitive tribes would put me out in front when meeting a potential enemy because my smiling face and crinkly eyes say, "Nothing serious here, you can put away your weapons."   ;)


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Re: The King Presence
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2011, 09:40:48 PM »
my bf, randomly last night: "...that mystery quality you have that makes people stare at you, even when you look normal (not dressed interestingly) people still stare at you. I don't know what it is."  ::)

Well, I know the answer, but only could say "I don't know what it is either".


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Re: The King Presence
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2011, 11:36:03 PM »
I had a boyfriend once who I'm pretty sure was a King. With a capital "K." I remember him once saying, in a certain public situation, "What needs to happen here?" At the time I thought it was incredibly arrogant (turns out I'm in arrogance myself - who knew?), but now I see it as a Kingly thing to say. Although he definitely was in exalted arrogance.  :)

John Roth

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Re: The King Presence
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2011, 02:06:28 AM »
I had a boyfriend once who I'm pretty sure was a King. With a capital "K." I remember him once saying, in a certain public situation, "What needs to happen here?" At the time I thought it was incredibly arrogant (turns out I'm in arrogance myself - who knew?), but now I see it as a Kingly thing to say. Although he definitely was in exalted arrogance.  :)

That could be a King, or it could be someone who's attuned to group process, like Mature or Old, or even Submission.

Not saying he wasn't a King, just that there are other overleaves that could produce that response when he sees a group that's spinning its wheels and not getting anywhere.


John Roth


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Re: The King Presence
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2011, 02:13:20 AM »
Good points. Lots of other behaviors pointed to King, though. I remember the Michaels saying that Kings are sometimes allowed to run households from an early age, with "predictably disastrous results." I think that obtained here.


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Re: The King Presence
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2011, 03:00:23 PM »
I know a female King (Warrior-cast) who had a very "soft" presence.  However, at every job she has she ends up being the hub of the operation and in a position where she oversees everything.  She tends to be quiet but will go into action when called on.  You want her in an emergency.

She also has an almost pathological difficulty asking for help.  She hates showing weakness, although I've never seen her tyrannical, nor have I ever seen her (I mean ever) take advantage of anyone else's weakness.  Actually, she's very nurturing.  She can come off as quite ordinal--just don't mess with her.  She's been channeled as 7th level Mature.


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Re: The King Presence
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2011, 09:07:51 PM »
That's interesting, Ann. In my own experience, I've always found female Kings to be wonderful, sophisticated, and magnanimous. The feminine influence seems to soften the King energy in all the right places.
