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Messages - John Roth

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Channeling / Re: Channeling Past lifes and previous cycles
« on: August 12, 2011, 02:29:14 AM »
Where can i get this information from? Emily Baumbach for example, doesn't channel this information. And a few other things not, too, that are listed in the Social Network under "My Page". Are some channels doing this and others dont?
PS: Yeah, I know, I dont have to know these things, but I want to :S. Thanks for answering :)

Greets Raoul  :D

Generally, you ask about past lives in a specific channeling session. There are also quite a few past life regressionists around; Michael channels don't have a monopoly on this! There are also some people who practice regression to the between lives state -- check Michael Newton's books on the subject. Dave has posted some work he did with a between lives regression.

As far as I'm concerned, the number of previous Grand Cycles really has very little to do with just about anything, and there is very little that ever comes through from previous Grand Cycles.

Previous Cycles / Re: Grand Cycles
« on: August 12, 2011, 02:24:25 AM »
But I would like to know something, about Grand Cycles, too. With more Grand Cycles, do you have more Experience or wisdom? As an essence?
But isn't wisdom and experience, at least, if you reunite with the Tao, given to the whole Tao, and in this way, to everyone/everything, who/what is reuniting with the Tao, after you (at the latest). But maybe, I know too less about this subject, and it's too complicated for me, yet. But I wanted to ask.  :P

Greets Raoul

Grand Cycles weren't part of the original channeling in MfM, they came later. The central core, the "spark" is what persists from one Grand Cycle to the next. As far as what happens between Grand Cycles, I haven't any idea. I think we're more like first graders discussing what daddy and mommy do at work.

Essence Twins / Re: Essence Twin
« on: August 10, 2011, 11:38:51 AM »
ok, then i probably would have to get a chart channeled. Ehm, but you (John Roth) said, in another post, that most of the people dont meet their ET in physis, and those who do, wish they hadn't because the relationship is simply too intense. That sounds like the description of "Twin Souls" in other teachings. Like in books from Varda Hasselmann (Germany) from an entity calling "itself"(?) "Die Quelle", where i read it. And in this Excerpt from the MT-Site, it's been said the term Twin Souls (or "Dualseele" in German) is synonymous with the term "Essence Twin":

Essence Twins Articles

An essence twin is a soul we team up with for an entire grand cycle to reflect ourselves back to us; it is the most intense relationship we can have. It is synonymous with the terms twin flame and twin soul, but not necessarily with soul mate.

But however, i just wanted to know it, because i read you would live the life (or role) of the ET, too. At Least, if he is discarnate. And that you got abilities, he gots, too, and other stuff, i dont know at the moment. Therefore, i was interested. But it isnt that important. Okay, I have to get a chart channeled, where i can find this information, too. But the most overleaves, i already find out with reading and thinking. So i dont know, if I am gonna do this. Thanks for the welcoming :)
Greets Raoul

The Michael Teachings have been around for a while, so there's a great deal of cross-fertilization going on. My dislike of the term "twin soul" is because it's used in different ways by different writers. The one you quote seems to have a pretty good grasp of what it is. It's still not a really good term because there are Essences without Essence Twins, and a few have shown up who have Essence Triplets.

There's a good deal of bleed-through from the Essence Twin's role, but that doesn't go to the extend of actually being able to do the role. For example, I'm a Scholar with an Artisan essence twin. I'm fairly creative in a somewhat stogy way, but no way am I an Artisan. I don't multi-task worth a darn, while Artisans multi-task as if they invented it (they probably did [grin].)

Essence Twins / Re: Essence Twin
« on: August 09, 2011, 02:51:46 AM »
Hello. :) How can i find out my Essence Twin role, or even if i have one (an Essence Twin)? Lots of People here know, but how? I'm just a bit curious about it ::)
Greets Raoul

Hi Raoul.

"SomeOldSoul"'s comment is about right: you need your chart channeled. Essence twin information is a standard part of a chart. There are pointers to a number of channels on the MichaelTeachings site who will do it for a reasonable fee (it costs more to ask questions.)

Before you do, though, it might be a good idea to ask what you want to do with that information. An Essence Twin is not the "Twin Soul" or whatever that a lot of new age writers talk about. If you were planning on meeting her (or him) in this lifetime you probably will without needing to consciously know about it. These plans tend to work out automatically.

The entire chart contains a great deal more information, most of which is usually more relevant than the ET's role.

General Discussion / Re: The "I" of it all
« on: August 01, 2011, 12:40:06 AM »
Ah so  the big guns are out to discipline the apostate. Why do you feel so threatened? You have decided that  there is an orthodox way of understanding Michael , and those who see it ,or get inspired by it differently are wrong. That is called  dogma. And anyone who differs is an apostate . History repeats itself. A truth comes along. Some ,mainly younger souls busily  interpret it set up an organisation, church , website whatever, and get very angry with those who ask why , or dont fit with their established dogma.  Its all happened before. Your anger and irritation betrays you. Real old souls wouldnt react this way.

So you know how "real old souls" would react, eh? So far all I've heard from you is the same warmed-over dogma about love I got in church as a child. Dressed in new age clothes, of course.

General Discussion / Re: The "I" of it all
« on: July 30, 2011, 03:56:12 PM »
Perhaps again a question of semantics. But any thinking person will ask the question 'why' as well as trying to understand the what and the how.  The  'essence ' (forgive the word ) of Michael 's teaching is he presents   a system  which systematically and clearly defines what constitutes the stages of the soul ages, and says  that over many lifetimes we progress  on our personal  path from stage to stage and from age to age using different  roles, overleaves etc.
Why is it so annoying to you when I give my understanding of  'why' we are on this path , especially as Michael does hint at it when he  talks of agape being an ultimate. My understanding of agape is unconditional and  impersonal love for all energy, which implies losing the I , the theme of this topic which I tried to address.
 Nowhere have I said that I will ever get their in this lifetime or in the forseeable countless lifetimes. I am merely am making a  'philosophical ' point and keeping an ultimate goal in view. Gradual unfolding   enlightenment is as good a word as any to me for understanding what happens to the soul as it   progresses over several lifetimes through the stasges and  ages.( I dont confuse it with 'ecstacy'  which is perhaps what you thought I meant,and is a momentary flash of intuitive understanding often drug induced ).

Go back to the first post you made in this thread, which I'm going to repeat below. I've underlined some key phrases.

Quote from: Kenneth Margo
I do agree with you . You make  very pertinent points. Soul evolution is about being beyond the I. New to the Michael channel (though not the messages) I (pardon) am surprised at the need that  so many supposedly advanced souls have to attach labels to their infinity  and advertise it . Eg 'I am a 6th level mature soul, I have difficulty with..etc'.).   Is it loneliness ?, confusion about identity?, hoping that this label will provide the answer since my last one   'a Libra'   or a  Sethite , or  Woman or Caregiver or Father or Writer or  whatever didnt 'give' me what I need ? . Or is it a desire for contact  with others by letting it all hang out? (in which case for me it would have the opposite effect.) How many I's do we and society attach to ourselves and still we know it does not tell a millionth about what we really are (potential infinite souls). So for me (here I go again) , its more important to understand from within, ie   develop intuition as to how to act, be , in a given situation . And since this depends on the moment there is no label which suffices.
$60 later, to know  one is a third  level whatever  with such and such overleaves and chief features and other terms which I never read in the original Michael books makes no difference,might only  be making someone else richer, and can be used as an excuse for not empathising , acting for the good and  extending ones awareness.     

According to the Michael Teaching, no, soul evolution is not about "being beyond the I."

Is someone in high school studying algebra "more advanced" than someone in second grade studying addition? According to some, yes, but it's not an advancement that's due to anything but the passage of time and learning what comes to everyone with that passage of time. You applied the label "supposedly advanced souls" to the people who are studying the teaching and then taking them to task for doing things that are not supposedly characteristic of "advanced souls."

There's no merit badge for having, after immense struggle, arrived at the august age of 13 and entered high school. Everyone will reach that age unless they die first. Having reached that age, they will reach 14, then 15, then 16. Unless they die first. It's simply part of growing up, and it will happen regardless. Applying the label "advanced soul" indicates some kind of maya. A feeling of superiority, possibly smugness at having attained something few others have managed.

To repeat what I said in that first post, the centerpiece of the Michael Teaching is a personality classification system. If you think that people should somehow be "beyond labels," well and good, but that's not the MT. People who think their life task is to learn to be loving by avoiding labels are in a different classroom, studying a different teaching. They're not going to be very comfortable in this classroom. Neither classroom is superior to the other.

Being a part of the MT means, among other things, learning the personality classification system and also learning how to apply it appropriately. It's not appropriate to think that it's a hard-and-fast system of rigid categories. If I say, for example, that I have an attitude of Idealist it simply means that my approach to things tends to be closer to that archetype than it is to, for example, Cynic or Pragmatist. It doesn't mean that everyone with that label is the same, because they aren't. It does mean that there are enough similarities to justify forming a cluster.

So far, I haven't seen you actually trying to deal with what I'm saying. You seem to be attempting to justify your original statements.

General Discussion / Re: The "I" of it all
« on: July 29, 2011, 01:49:21 PM »
Forgive me for 'dragging in' my interpretation. I thought that is what Forums are for.So let me quote  From the Messages of Michael (Yarboro Berkley paperback)
 - P57- 'Loving, the creative force  itself requires seperation from any personification.' My interpretation= losing the I )
' P64 -'We are all part of the creative force we call the TAo...  Imagine filling ten test tubes  then sealing them untill they are both airtight and watertight. They are part of the whole....The same way the body is trapped in the body..The Soul in its true spiritual state has no limitations or handicaps. )My interpretation =the soul in its true spiritual state is beyond the limitations of the  isolated self concious I )
P61. 'The overriding trait of this culture is loneliness. You are the loneliest people we know is unnecessary and something that the personality effects as a matter to keep the battle going '/  . My interpretation- Fear causes  loneliness and  manifests in an emphasis on the 'I' which is nothing less than the false personality
P87 -'You will lose your individual perceptions long before you become a mid causal teacher' . My interpretation - We are evolving in th ephysical to a state where we will be beyond individual perceptions ,ie the 'I' am ,think,feel.know'
 As for the religions I try not to confuse the teachings of the infinite souls  with the manifestations of of them in the religions. Michael says that agape is the ultimate goal of soul evolution in the physical. As did Jesus and Budda

I'd be interested to here what your interpretation of the above quotes might  be and whether you have others which could shed more light on this question.

When you try to encapsulate something in three words, you can't do the concept justice except by reference to some body of beliefs that's held by some group of people. Everything you've said about it to date leads me to place that with "spiritual" teachings that have transcendence or "enlightenment" as a goal. Michael has said, specifically (p.22),


A couple of sentences later:


The way I interpret this is to look at exactly what they've said: quit angsting over relationships or the lack of them, and get on with what Essence has planned for your lifetime.

If the search for enlightenment is your life plan, great. Many people do that in one or more lifetimes, many (possibly most) people don't ever do it in any lifetime.

General Discussion / Re: The "I" of it all
« on: July 28, 2011, 08:58:13 PM »
Sorry John. The topic is the 'I' of it all. All I'm saying is that I think that  the more we emphasize the I , the less easily we will be able to eventually  lose it. A perfectly legitimate view grounded in the roots of Tao , buddism and ancient Hinduism. Thats my take.  Please without attacking me (this post is not for you) tell us  What's your take on the  'I' as related to the Michael teachings?

The Michael Teachings doesn't talk about the "I". False personality, yes, that's a term from the M.T. As far as the other things you're trying to drag into the mix, MfM has Michael stating specifically that Hinduism is very distorted and Buddhism only somewhat less so. It says Taoism is the least distorted of the three, which does not mean that it isn't distorted.

The point I'm trying to get across here is that "losing the 'I'" or "losing the ego" is not, and let me repeat that, NOT a goal of the Michael Teaching. It belongs to other paths.


John Roth

General Discussion / Re: Self-Karma
« on: July 28, 2011, 08:52:25 PM »
I dont understand Karma to ever be  negative.To me. its the utterly necessary mechanism which drives us forward in our evolution which eventually will take us outside the 'test tube' as Michael says of the individual self to merge into the univeral ocean. So to me your term  'self loathing 'etc is not karma in any sense that I understand.  Its seems to be  actually  what you do when you avoid avoiding embracing karma. Self karma is not a useful term in my opinion.

Self-karma is basically something you haven't gotten right to the extent that it keeps coming back and keeps coming back and keeps coming back. Once you've got whatever it is right, it doesn't keep coming back.

General Discussion / Re: The "I" of it all
« on: July 27, 2011, 03:20:25 PM »
I do agree with you . You make  very pertinent points. Soul evolution is about being beyond the I. New to the Michael channel (though not the messages) I (pardon) am surprised at the need that  so many supposedly advanced souls have to attach labels to their infinity  and advertise it . Eg 'I am a 6th level mature soul, I have difficulty with..etc'.).   Is it loneliness ?, confusion about identity?, hoping that this label will provide the answer since my last one   'a Libra'   or a  Sethite , or  Woman or Caregiver or Father or Writer or  whatever didnt 'give' me what I need ? . Or is it a desire for contact  with others by letting it all hang out? (in which case for me it would have the opposite effect.) How many I's do we and society attach to ourselves and still we know it does not tell a millionth about what we really are (potential infinite souls). So for me (here I go again) , its more important to understand from within, ie   develop intuition as to how to act, be , in a given situation . And since this depends on the moment there is no label which suffices.

$60 later, to know  one is a third  level whatever  with such and such overleaves and chief features and other terms which I never read in the original Michael books makes no difference,might only  be making someone else richer, and can be used as an excuse for not empathising , acting for the good and  extending ones awareness.     

I'm going to be harsh here. What I'm seeing in your post is the "labels are baaaaaad" argument. Followed by a whole lot of implied insults to people who use them and a pretense of moral superiority for not doing so.

You may think the above characterization is unfair. So is what you said. I'm just more honest about it, since I'm not clothing it in a "holier than thou" frame.

A large part of the Michael Teaching is a system of personality description that most Michael Students find to be quite useful. It's basic to the material; rejecting it out of hand could well be valid for you, but it also strongly suggests that the MT isn't going to be where you're going to find a home.

Most students don't understand the entire personality description when they first get theirs channeled. It takes a significant amount of work and self-examination to determine what parts are correct and what parts aren't. As Socrates is reputed to have said (in Classical Greek, of course): "The unexamined life is not worth living."

One thing that may help is to look at the poles of the role of Scholar: +knowledge, -theory. Theory would be using the personality system without enough real world experience of people and how the descriptions do and don't work in practice. Knowledge is acquired by plunging in and gaining that experience.

Soul Age / Re: Young Soul Contributions
« on: July 26, 2011, 01:21:44 PM »
What contributions have young souls made in our society?

I suppose it depends on what you mean by contribution. The Young cycle is about personal achievement, and a society with a large number of Young souls has to facilitate that. If a Young soul makes a social contribution, it's mostly a side effect of the drive to personal achievement.

If a Young soul makes a deliberate contribution to society, it will most likely be to move it in the direction of  facilitating personal achievement, which includes personal failure. You can see current Young soul attempts to move society in their direction with the push to eliminate Social Security, for example.

I ran across MfM in the early 80s, and like most Michael Students, it attracted me and immediately made sense, where Seth, Ramtha and all of that ilk were interesting information but never really coalesced. In retrospect some of the information from Seth fills in pieces. So does some of the information from Michael Newton, but Michael provides a framework that attracts me.

This is the usual reaction if you've got an agreement to study with Michael. I've never found anyone without an agreement who's attracted.

The Seven Goals / Re: Question to those with Goal of Growth
« on: July 20, 2011, 01:29:50 PM »
As a walk-in, my experience is kind of atypical. My goal before the walk-in was discrimination, and boy, was I a holy terror in rejection! The shift to growth was definitely confusing. Most people get used to their overleaves when they're growing up; I was in my middle 30s at the time growth landed. I've got the tendency to be interested in everything and anything, but I also tend to focus on one thing at a time, at least to explore in depth. Part of that's due to the Scholar influence, part of it's probably due to left-over physical imprinting from the previous Essence, which was a King and which demanded +mastery.

Applying The Teachings / Re: Hands Across Technique
« on: July 19, 2011, 04:09:22 AM »
Could someone explain what the hands across technique is and how it works?

The "hands across" technique is a way of getting out of the negative pole of an overleaf by working on the positive pole of the overleaf across the axis.

Let's say that one is in the negative pole of Idealist, which is Naivete. One way to work on that is to go to the positive pole of Skeptic, which is Investigation. The more you investigate as a routine matter, the less one will be caught up in naivete. Likewise, the more investigation, the more actual data one will have on the way to Coalescence.

For another example, let's say one is stuck in the negative pole of Spiritualist, which is Belief. One way out is the positive pole of Stoic, which is tranquility. Tranquility loosens the bonds of belief because it no longer matters as much what you, or anyone else, believes. Then it's possible to go to the positive pole, which is Verification.


John Roth

Frequency / Re: Can frequency change?
« on: July 10, 2011, 01:12:35 AM »
If frequency does not change until another Grand Cycle, are there any patterns through the Roles connected with frequency?
How can frequency impact Soul Ages?  Is it possible to sense frequency simply by observation on earth plane, or could this be  greatly modified by the Overleaves?  Any input will be helpful!!

Yes, generally the "solid" roles are lower frequency. That is, Warrior, King and Scholar. The other roles tend to be higher frequencies, with Artisans being quite buzzy. Priests are next, and there are Sages at all frequencies. Notice the word "tend," this isn't a hard and fast rule but something that happens more often than not.

It's usually easy to spot people whose frequency is quite different from yours. Most people can adjust their frequency by 20 or more %, but beyond that matching someone who's really different can be a challenge.


John Roth

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