Perhaps again a question of semantics. But any thinking person will ask the question 'why' as well as trying to understand the what and the how. The 'essence ' (forgive the word ) of Michael 's teaching is he presents a system which systematically and clearly defines what constitutes the stages of the soul ages, and says that over many lifetimes we progress on our personal path from stage to stage and from age to age using different roles, overleaves etc.
Why is it so annoying to you when I give my understanding of 'why' we are on this path , especially as Michael does hint at it when he talks of agape being an ultimate. My understanding of agape is unconditional and impersonal love for all energy, which implies losing the I , the theme of this topic which I tried to address.
Nowhere have I said that I will ever get their in this lifetime or in the forseeable countless lifetimes. I am merely am making a 'philosophical ' point and keeping an ultimate goal in view. Gradual unfolding enlightenment is as good a word as any to me for understanding what happens to the soul as it progresses over several lifetimes through the stasges and ages.( I dont confuse it with 'ecstacy' which is perhaps what you thought I meant,and is a momentary flash of intuitive understanding often drug induced ).
Go back to the first post you made in this thread, which I'm going to repeat below. I've underlined some key phrases.
I do agree with you . You make very pertinent points. Soul evolution is about being beyond the I. New to the Michael channel (though not the messages) I (pardon) am surprised at the need that so many supposedly advanced souls have to attach labels to their infinity and advertise it . Eg 'I am a 6th level mature soul, I have difficulty with..etc'.). Is it loneliness ?, confusion about identity?, hoping that this label will provide the answer since my last one 'a Libra' or a Sethite , or Woman or Caregiver or Father or Writer or whatever didnt 'give' me what I need ? . Or is it a desire for contact with others by letting it all hang out? (in which case for me it would have the opposite effect.) How many I's do we and society attach to ourselves and still we know it does not tell a millionth about what we really are (potential infinite souls). So for me (here I go again) , its more important to understand from within, ie develop intuition as to how to act, be , in a given situation . And since this depends on the moment there is no label which suffices.
$60 later, to know one is a third level whatever with such and such overleaves and chief features and other terms which I never read in the original Michael books makes no difference,might only be making someone else richer, and can be used as an excuse for not empathising , acting for the good and extending ones awareness.
According to the Michael Teaching, no, soul evolution is
not about "being beyond the I."
Is someone in high school studying algebra "more advanced" than someone in second grade studying addition? According to some, yes, but it's not an advancement that's due to anything but the passage of time and learning what comes to everyone with that passage of time. You applied the label "supposedly advanced souls" to the people who are studying the teaching and then taking them to task for doing things that are not supposedly characteristic of "advanced souls."
There's no merit badge for having, after immense struggle, arrived at the august age of 13 and entered high school. Everyone will reach that age unless they die first. Having reached that age, they will reach 14, then 15, then 16. Unless they die first. It's simply part of growing up, and it will happen regardless. Applying the label "advanced soul" indicates some kind of maya. A feeling of superiority, possibly smugness at having attained something few others have managed.
To repeat what I said in that first post, the centerpiece of the Michael Teaching is a personality classification system. If you think that people should somehow be "beyond labels," well and good, but that's not the MT. People who think their life task is to learn to be loving by avoiding labels are in a different classroom, studying a different teaching. They're not going to be very comfortable in this classroom. Neither classroom is superior to the other.
Being a part of the MT means, among other things, learning the personality classification system and also learning how to apply it
appropriately. It's not appropriate to think that it's a hard-and-fast system of rigid categories. If I say, for example, that I have an attitude of Idealist it simply means that my approach to things tends to be closer to that archetype than it is to, for example, Cynic or Pragmatist. It doesn't mean that everyone with that label is the same, because they aren't. It does mean that there are enough similarities to justify forming a cluster.
So far, I haven't seen you actually trying to deal with what I'm saying. You seem to be attempting to justify your original statements.