« on: July 26, 2011, 08:57:57 AM »
You're right the Young soul world it far more preferable to a baby soul world. But by reducing everything to the profit motive , it often trivialises what is valuable, and a lot of independent producers are margianalised (such as mom and pop baby soul economy who cant compete with the young soul supermarket chains.) But I reiterate , it has been a necessary stage in the planet's evolution. Capitalism is quintessentially young soul since its essence is controlling production (Marx) , ie the material world.
I think China and India and Brazil are now emerging into the Young soul conciousness from a predominantly baby soul one. So are Syria, Yemen, Lybia , Egypt,hence the protests. I also think that the USA is evolving into a mature country, hence its crisis of capatilism,something Britain went through decades ago for the same reason. We are seeing the willingness of an increasing minority to question those values (hence the interest interalia in 'spiritual side of life, something young souls with their focus on the material, three dimensional world have to ignore. Israel where I live is also a young soul country, being 'undermined,' positively in my opinion more and more by mature souls.
But the othert aspect of young soul domination is less palatable to me: controll of the material means a need for power . Unlike the old baby soul system of power ;kings and queens etc, it is now more hidden, multinationa corporations ,and banks which really run our lives and over whichh we have no say > Why the recent recession in your country?