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Messages - Diomedes

Pages: [1]
Artisan / Re: Artisan and the Five Levels of Input
« on: June 09, 2011, 01:02:12 PM »
Abby plays the role of an Artisan on NCIS.  Tim plays the role of scholar.  They are both excellent at computer operations.  I suspect that the best computer operators/developers, etc. are either artisans or scholars.

The TV show (NCIS) presents an interesting contrast between the styles of a scholar and an artisan.


Sage / Re: Positive & Negative Traits of Sage
« on: June 09, 2011, 12:46:16 PM »
As a sage, I am interested in your perspectives of the role.  I teach English in a college.  In fact, I have done this for 40 years.  Throughout my career, I have constantly struggled with the oration downside of my role. 

I find that if I cut back my verbage to the barest essentials, the students seldom get the information or appreciate it.  On the other hand, when I slip into oration, that is quickly a turn-off as well.

I have evolved to the realization that a full development of the material is necessary, spiced up with a large amount of humor, but that there is an exact point when I need to shut up and put the focus on the students and their opinions.  Often, this takes some form of group work for them to generate their ideas to the level that they feel comfortable in verbalizing them.

In class, another activity is to put the focus entirely on the author's work that is being studied.  Sometimes we will take turns reading short passages.  I model with pacing, emotional overtones, and precise emphasis on the key words (actually all the words).  Few of my students get very close to the heart of the material when they read a passage, but together we generally re-create the essence of the literature being studied.

My sage abilities, when handled with precision, help create exciting and interesting classes.  But when the oration kicks in, things go south in a hurry.

I hope this helps.

General Discussion / Re: Ralph Waldo Emerson
« on: May 05, 2011, 02:13:34 AM »
Thanks for the information on the Transcendentalists.  I loved them when I studied them in college, in the sixties, but I have only recently discovered them again, this time after 40 years of study in the realm of the spiritual.  In college, I simply was not capable of understanding Emerson's central message, and even now, his essays and book (Nature) are challenging because of the writing style.  He always channeled, or attempted to, when he wrote.

I am reading Richard Geldard's book, The Spiritual Teaching of Ralph Waldo Emerson, which is brilliant and very helpful to see what Emerson's thoughts were really all about.

Again, much thanks for your interest.

Introductions / Re: Dave's Intro
« on: April 25, 2011, 02:26:41 AM »
Just a note to say thanks for opening this forum.  I have studied your discussions for several years on your web site.  I have always preferred your take on the ages, roles, and overleaves over the others in books and on the web.

King / Re: The King Presence
« on: April 25, 2011, 02:21:00 AM »
In my novels class, we are reading The Kite Runner.  Baba, the father of the main character, is clearly a king.  He is very impressive.  I suspect he is an old soul also.  There is no doubt who the focus of attention is any time he is present, much to the consternation of his son.  It is a good study of Kingliness.

Introductions / Re: Introductions
« on: April 25, 2011, 02:16:31 AM »
I am an old Sage, with strong overleaves in growth and spirituality.  I am also competent in several personality tools, such as Myers-Briggs, Keirseyian temperaments, and the Enneagram.  The Michael teachings is excellent to deepen the study of each of these.

General Discussion / Ralph Waldo Emerson
« on: April 25, 2011, 02:13:59 AM »
Apparently my previous post was lost.  I am interested in the soul age and role of Emerson, if anyone knows.  If there is a link to lists of famous people, I would like that also.  Thanks.

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