Looks like they've picked Trump and Hillary. And Trump will pull no punches. Should be a wild ride all the way to November, unless the GOP pulls a rabbit out of their hat and manages to unravel Der Donald at the convention.
After Trump's big win moderate Republicans must be lost in a desert of despair.
An initial media reaction has been to go harshly negative on Trump, bring out his strongman, South American military dictator attributes - especially in his followers. Cruz is the new anti-Trump among big donor money recipients in the Senate. But Cruz points our country towards theocracy, and that won't wear well. Cruz took on Frank Gafney (an architect of W's disaster in the Middle East), which may please big money globalists, but the people may not be in a mood to return to international bully boy of the 2000's. The GOP could pull a rabbit out of the hat and flock to John Kasich, the last chance to save the small govt., small family business on Main St. Republican Party.
Bernie says he is stronger against Trump than Hilary, he has ideological strength in the West, and he can win Calif. and New York.
Around half of the people have yet to vote.
So it's not over yet!