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Suggestions/Help / Re: Anyone home?
« Last post by Dave on February 29, 2016, 10:57:57 PM »
I mostly abandoned the forum when my elderly parents took ill and required additional care. I'll probably do more with this forum after I upgrade the entire MT site in the near future.

Soul Age / Re: Old Souls in a Young Soul World
« Last post by Betty on May 08, 2014, 04:40:51 PM »
Like most of you, I think young souls have their place--in fact, every soul age has its place and function.  And, like you, I surely do appreciate all the technological and other inventions young souls have given us!  Even the TV shows are appreciated.  (well, except for the zombie craze, which I avoid at all costs)

As an old soul, I often feel out of place in our young-soul society, but I'm also very individualistic, so I'm okay with that.  As long as they don't try to force me to participate in their dramas and other scenarios, I'm fine.

I don't know whether it's from being an old soul, or just the physicality of this lifetime, but simply witnessing all the seemingly limitless energy of young souls makes me tired.   :)     
The Roles (or Soul Types) / Re: Understanding casting
« Last post by Betty on May 08, 2014, 01:47:14 PM »
Dave, I notice that all my posts are automatically flagged by you, the moderator.  I'm sorry to see that.
The Roles (or Soul Types) / Re: Understanding casting
« Last post by Betty on May 08, 2014, 01:45:53 PM »
I am understanding casting a little more now.  And I can see the influence of my King casting more clearly.  It does come across as authority to some, but to others it comes across as...controlling is probably the closest I can come to describing it. 

Perhaps, too, my King casting blunts my ability to have the gift of gab--which I don't have at all.  And my (inadvertent) bluntness abrades a lot of people and causes misinterpretation of my meaning.  This is something I have been working on. 

Unfortunately, there are those who go by their first impression and do not change their opinion no matter what.  But that is their choice.  I can only continue to try to understand as much as possible about my casting and how it affects me. 
General Discussion / Re: Virtual Choir of 2000 Voices - Very Inspirational!
« Last post by Jon on October 10, 2013, 04:42:00 PM »
Beautiful, Ulla.

Two years after your initial post, Virtual Choir 4 has been released.
General Discussion / Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Last post by Jon on October 10, 2013, 04:19:11 PM »
Concerning the teachings, I think discovering that I was an Old soul was the perfect antidote for the years I suffered from a painful lack of self-esteem. No longer would I feel the need to worry when my past lives out numbered the bristles in my toothbrush, or shy away in humiliation when someone asked me what my favorite soup was, and I innocently replied: "primordial."

Seriously though, the Michael teachings liberated me from relentlessly trying to pound that square peg into the round hole of my soul. I learned that it's OKAY to be eccentric and somewhat out of step with society, and although I occasionally worry about that birthmark on my forehead that suspiciously looks like the word "expired," I now know that my place in the world is both valued and unique. At least that's what it said on the back of the cereal box this morning!  ;D


So relate to everything you wrote here, Dave. Every bit of it.  I have never fit in with my overall extended family, and learned much later why that is--they are predominantly baby/young with a few mature souls.

Also regarding birth marks, I have the remnant of a bullet hole in my left side just below the ribs in line with the left kidney, and I've always been able to "feel" that kidney inside. It's been there as long as I can remember as a child.
General Discussion / Re: Why do we have ten fingers?
« Last post by Jon on October 10, 2013, 04:03:38 PM »
Such a funny thread, sorry I missed out when it was fresh.

Of course, if the OP was being serious and not silly, the answer is: because mammals have 5 digits per limb, and we are mammals. 

As a child I once asked my mom why our dog had a thumb way up in the middle of his leg. Her answer: because God made dogs that way.

A common ancestor mammal developed 5 digits per leg. Thumbs allowed humans to use tools. The rest is history.
General Discussion / Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Last post by Jon on October 10, 2013, 03:55:37 PM »
I discovered this teaching three years ago at a point that I later learned was the end of my fourth internal monad, which is not surprising in retrospect. I'd been raised Protestant Christian and slowly moved away from dogma during the last decade until I'd come to a tipping point where I would rather adopt atheism than continue to go along with dogma. I'd accepted evolution, but could not accept oblivion.

It was while in this philosophical no-man's-land that I was spending the day with my wife and kids, and she remarked that our daughter is an old soul in a baby body (not philosophical, a turn of phrase). That was a light bulb moment, my eyes grew wide, and I went online. My first search result was, so I read everything the site had to offer. A couple days later, I purchased MFM. I was stunned by the information that so corresponded with my own worldview at that point in time.
General Discussion / Re: Practical Everyday Ways to Live the MT
« Last post by Jon on October 10, 2013, 03:31:21 PM »
Does anyone have any practical suggestions on how to live the MT on a day-to-day basis?  Or at least strive toward that goal?

For instance, is there any way to photograph yourself to see whether you are at your real age, or whether you are manifesting a younger age?  And, if so, how to manifest your true age when appropriate?

Or:  when I am dealing with someone whom I truly dislike, how do I turn that into a lesson of growth?

Or:  when I despair of ever making enough money, how do I accept the situation - or change it, as the case may be?

These are just a few examples; I'm sure there are a lot more that are even more pertinent to striving toward growth and agape.  My brain is tired right now, though.



Hi Betty,

I'm committing forum etiquette no-no by resurrecting a "necro" thread. But every thread here is a year or two old now, so that may deserve a pass. :)

Wanted to respond to your first question on how to live the MT daily. John made a great suggestion about paying attention to the reality around you, in order to begin to see how it reflects your thoughts. I had a hard time understanding this concept until I found a teacher who describes it extremely well. Look for "TheSpiritualCatalyst" on youtube. Her teaching might not be for everyone but a few of her lessons were what I needed at the right time, and that is exactly what you expect to happen, a teacher will come to you when you most need to learn.

A positive growth moment came for me when I figured out that intellectual was an ego issue for me, blocking my ability to connect with higher self consistently. I would get only brief glimpses from time to time, mostly in extreme emotional situations. I latched onto that, and explored higher emotional, and found my higher self smiling at me, so to speak. I had to stop reading books for most of the past year, and focus on feeling things. The Michael teaching is very intellectually stimulating so that was mostly out too. No more thinking about cadres, entities, numbers--it all became nonsense to me for a time. That opened me up to HS.

Next, I stopped THINKING so much. This naturally follows when you stop reading for a while. I went on an intellectual fast, which I consider FASTING every bit as useful as going without food. This not thinking so much got me to pay attention to the moment, not thinking of the past or future, or anything, just being here right now, feeling my body being alive. That feeling alive in the moment led to really quick higher self contact and the ability to effortlessly maintain it. 

Suggestions/Help / Re: Board organization
« Last post by Jon on October 10, 2013, 02:52:52 PM »
Secondly, not allowing users to edit their posts AT ALL, is a serious detriment to useful discussions. I tend to type pretty fast to get an idea written down and then post it, occasionally needing to edit some typos or add an addendum. Users should be able to edit a post for at least a few minutes, maybe a half hour. This will cut down on trivial replies, and allow someone to edit a comment they regret writing. I have my technical support forum set to allow edits for 1440 minutes (24 hours). (I'm also using SMF).
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