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Suggestions/Help / Re: Board organization
« Last post by Jon on October 10, 2013, 02:48:25 PM »
(exaggerating of course)
Suggestions/Help / Re: Board organization
« Last post by Jon on October 10, 2013, 02:46:30 PM »
There seems to have been about... 5... posts in a year and a half. I tried your suggestion, John, by clicking the "show unread posts" and there were none. Hence, the structure of the forum comes up again. Excessive structure tends to reduce the number of useful discussions. If there are 100 board topics and 100 posts total on the forum, that's 1:1. It might be helpful to do away with most of the sub-boards. Just a suggestion. I seem to be the only one in the past year who has shown any interest here... Did I miss the memo? :)
Suggestions/Help / Anyone home?
« Last post by Jon on October 10, 2013, 02:42:04 PM »
This is a really good site with good organization of topics, so I don't understand where everyone went.. Let's get some discussions going here again! I've posted here off an on for the past year and never get a single reply from anyone... Not that I need replies but just illustrating how dead the forum is... It would be nice to talk about things going on.

I'd guess that most of us have had experiences like that when we shared the MT. I think it's always easier to spark interest than retain it, however. One obvious hitch is that once students get beyond the theoretical side of the MT they inevitably face the task of doing the inner work necessary to live the teachings. That's daunting for some, and they will either fall back to the theoretical or quit studying the material altogether.

I agree with all of these points.  I have not had any interest in sharing the teaching because I so loathe religious proselytizing. But, a loved one who lost a dear friend to cancer has been grieving for 2 years and could not overcome the grief. I slowly began introducing her to agape, of a 'God' who does not condemn sinners, that there was no original sin, and no eternal judgment. That we are here to learn, grow, find peace within, to be a better person. Ultimately, to learn unconditional love, the ability to love the unlovable. Over time, she has come to agree. I explained my belief that her dear friend is right here with us, any time you think of her, that is her saying hello. At one recent resurgence of grief, I gently suggested that I believe this is not a one-shot life, but that we eventually return to continue our path of learning to love the unlovable.

The Center for Michael Teachings, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of print versions of the original Michael transcripts from the 1970s — Michael Speaks: The Legacy of Sarah Chambers (Volumes 1 and 2)

We are here with you today.”  With those few words in August 1973, Sarah Chambers, her husband Richard, and their good friends Alice and Dick started a journey that took them far beyond anything they could possibly imagine.  They explored the unseen realm of the spiritual world with their teacher “Michael.”  Along with good friend Eugene Trout, they created a new spiritual teaching — based in love — that helps people become more of who they truly are.  The group kept written transcripts of most of their meetings.  Those transcripts were copied and passed around to their friends and coworkers, then copied and passed to many, many others over the years. 

Why am I here?” someone asked one night.  Michael answered, “To hear the words you didn’t hear 2,000 years ago.  Maybe this time, you will listen.

Volume 1 (619 pages) contains the transcripts of those original sessions — digitized, formatted for easier reading and edited to change most real names to aliases.  . . .   Volume 2 (559 pages) contains charts, cartoons, drawings, three compilations made by the original group members, background information about many of the group members, interviews with several original members (including Sarah Chambers and Eugene Trout), interviews with Michael channels and a history of the Michael Teachings.     

If you have a mailing list, newsletter, blog or website, please share this announcement. 

To purchase printed copies of Volume 1 and Volume 2, visit
We want the books to be available to as many people as possible so we have set the purchase price at the minimum we are allowed to charge by the publisher so they will not be available via Amazon or other book distribution sites unless we raise the price. 

Center for Michael Teachings, Inc.
-  a non-profit organization supporting expansion of the Michael Teachings
5206 Markel Road, Suite 200
Richmond, VA  23230

"Love is the highest truth.  Truth is the highest good." ... Michael
Spirituality / Re: Trans or infinite?
« Last post by ped on January 28, 2013, 11:55:54 PM »
Really? Nothing? No one will do a channel or anything for me so I know I'm not insane? This isn't a joke people.
Spirituality / Trans or infinite?
« Last post by ped on January 27, 2013, 10:30:19 AM »
Okay this may seem like bulls-word but I'm one of these and I'm not sure which. Any help? My mind has been in total chaos since I was a kid and I cannot get a handle on reality anymore. I need some guidance from someone. I have literally turned water into wine in front of co-workers as I spoke to them about unity and their infinite nature because they started questioning me, I can make the wind blow on command, my eyes glow orange to white when I speak of love, I control people when I am in this state as they usually try to run away so I have to pull them back against their will. But it's so random and I hardly remember the events until years later. It leaves my body feeling like I've gone through chemo therapy or something. And otherwise I feel like I'm basically soulless or something, like I'm ready to lay down and die quiet frankly.
Soul Age / Re: Old Souls in a Young Soul World
« Last post by Jon on January 15, 2013, 09:38:38 PM »
This is a great discussion that ended too early... Apologies for the necropost.

I worked within the industry of my major for 8 years, then spent about 7 years doing fun/weird things for a living, and went back to the old work again--typical office environment. I have an MBA but have no desire to manage others, not even if it would open an opportunity to be a mentor. Instead, I keep to myself, as it's a very quiet, individualistic job, and have good relationships with fellow co-workers, where we do fun things together on certain days, go out to lunch often, and it's fairly low stress. Which suits me just fine.

But, I do have a tendency where the Sage will demand to be heard, and basically on Facebook, etc, no one "gets me" at all, not even remotely. They don't get my jokes, the innuendos, nothing, which can be fairly lonely at times, like living for years in a foreign country without properly learning the language and customs.  It's not for lack of trying, just somewhat hopeless. LOL! However, I will say, an interesting effect is that soul ages seem to reveal themselves very quickly in social media. The baby souls will rally around each other. Oh, I have some friends from childhood who are in a baby enclave, and they just don't get my religious humor, which is not meant to offend, it's just, maybe too layered, and they see only the literal, not the figurative.

One really obvious solution is to break contact with people who tend to grate with you. Sad but necessary. Baby and young souls have powerful egos who are intolerant of any foreign idea that threatens the status quo. Whereas, swapping jokes or stories with a stranger or old friend who happens to be mature/old, AND who is manifesting it, AND in 4th IM (that's a pretty significant factor), you won't run into that blowback. :)
Soul Age / Re: Old souls living a normal family life??
« Last post by Jon on January 15, 2013, 08:59:50 PM »
Are there old souls (actually manifesting old soul age) who are living a so called normal family life, married with kids etc, with a job to provide for the family and actually feeling happy that way.  I was wondering if I can be an old soul since I'm living that type of life and for now enjoying it or am I just not manifesting the old soul in me right now?



I am married to my TC, also 2nd Old, and we have 4 kids: 1 is 7th mature, the other 3 are much older than their parents, in fact--4th, 5th, and 7th.

Sorry for the necropost. :)
Michael Math / Re: Michael math as another set of overleaves?
« Last post by John Roth on October 30, 2012, 02:23:30 PM »
The numbers are the same as the overleaves, or rather they're the same as the axis. Some students think it's a bit clearer to say someone is in the third position of a cadence, some think it's clearer to say they're in the Warrior position and some think it's clearer to say they're in the ordinal action position. All three say the same thing.
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