Author Topic: Is Michael a Ghost?  (Read 24056 times)

John Roth

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Re: Is Michael a Ghost?
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2011, 11:45:22 PM »
So what I read into this is that "Michael" is continually changing essences as they are cycled off and more are introduced...and there is more than one "Michael" entity?

I may not have been as clear as I could be. What I intended is to say that the membership of an entity and a cadre is fixed before the first essence has its first lifetime on the physical plane. In other words, all 1050 Essences that compose the Michael entity have been part of that entity since before their first physical plane lifetime. "Integration" is a process of internal reorganization.


John Roth

so Michael is the name of one of the entities of the cadre, correct?  so it is possible that the other 6 entities could be channeling as other names thru someone else? just wondering.  and since this cadre is part of a greater cadre of 12, there could be a total of 90 other entity names?

Yes, Michael is the name that particular entity uses. There are several other entities in that cadre that are channeling, including, if I remember correctly, Abraham.

Quote from: Mary Lou
I know making it far too complex.  just asking since people I have heard get hung up that there is only Michael. it seems that there could be others, right?

There are numerous mid-causal teachers. Not all of them teach verbally through channels. Some of them use dance, drama, inspiring stories and many other media. Many of them teach at different soul ages. You don't think it's a coincidence that the entire fantasy role-playing genre has a strange resemblance to parts of the Michael Teaching, do you? Whoever came up with that one is a lot more successful getting its part of the message across. Frankly, I find explaining the MT to a gamer to be amazingly easy.

The "there is only Michael" contingent is more concerned with people pretending to be Michael who aren't. Michael has a lot of channels, and their channelings are spread all over the place. This makes it quite easy to fake it. As with all things, the three most important activities are validate, validate and validate.

John Roth


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Re: Is Michael a Ghost?
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2011, 02:00:13 PM »
Moo - The only reason they are called Micheal is because someone asked what to call them, and they said the last person to rejoin them after cylcling off earth had used the name Michael, so we could call them Michael, but they are lots of humans (fragmants, entities, essences, souls) who lived out all their lives on earth (and other places), learned what they needed to learn, and then went to a higher level where they have no reason to manifest on earth again. They like to help those of us still on earth by giving us an idea of how things work so we can better understand how to live our own lives and what we are doing here on earth.

They can't be ghosts or spirits since they no longer manifest on the planes where a ghost or spirit would hang out. If a medium would have a visual of them it would probably be a construct of that psychic or medium's mind since I believe anyone on that high a plane wouldn't have a form that we would understand. The people who were working with Seth drew him, but I think that was just more of a take on the perceived personality that came through since Seth liked to joke. A being on the plane of the Michael's wouldn't have a personality per se - and I think they are all melded in a way that if you talk to one you are talking to all of them. Diana/Timeflyer


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Re: Is Michael a Ghost?
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2011, 03:37:41 PM »
They once said "we still have Personality, it is simply no longer encumbered with Maya" or something like that. For comparison, Veronica (there is a discussion about whether this is an Entity or Fragment or what and on what plane), also says they have personality. For another comparison - I am reading a book Opening to Channel by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, who channel what they call "beings of light" Orin and DaBen. These beings say that what you perceive them as depends on what you imagine them as. Sanaya descibed Orin as pure light. She personally imagines him as a cloaked figure made of Light, but obviously the cloak is her own imagination. Anything that could be labelled as Ghost, I would imagine hanging out either on higher Physical or lower Astral plane and personally it has never even occurred to me to think of Michael or any other comparable being as such.


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Re: Is Michael a Ghost?
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2011, 12:01:06 PM »
I'm confused by the whole personality thing because I think of false personality and that personalities change with each incarnation. So if the Michaels' do have personality (which I just read) which personality do they have? I think of the soul (essence) being unchanging but the personality as mutable.

John Roth

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Re: Is Michael a Ghost?
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2011, 12:47:24 PM »
I'm confused by the whole personality thing because I think of false personality and that personalities change with each incarnation. So if the Michaels' do have personality (which I just read) which personality do they have? I think of the soul (essence) being unchanging but the personality as mutable.

It depends on what you mean by personality. In one sense, personality is simply anything in a person's behavior that distinguishes them from someone else.

Within the MT, "false personality" means characteristics of the body's personality that mask Essence, or "true personality." Bodies quite naturally develop characteristics that are pro-survival in their childhood environment.

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Re: Is Michael a Ghost?
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2011, 05:37:44 AM »
We're discussing something similar on the MT list at the moment. I'll add my two
cents at both places.

I think of a ghost as either being an earthbound astral fragment that won't let
go of it's earthly ties, or an energetic imprint from an emotionally charged
event that left a psychic impression in the terrain. In such cases, the haunting
is really like a holographic projection created by the emotional intensity of
individuals who have long since departed. I'm not entirely sure how it works,
but this projection plays back in an endless loop, perhaps gradually fading in
time like the decay rate of a radioactive isotope, to offer a comparison. The
haunting is no doubt perceived by those sensitive to such activity. That's pure
speculation on my part, of course.

So, in short, Michael is not a ghost. They're what we call an entity, which is a
united group of 1050 souls. They emanate from a spiritual plane known as the
Causal. You can find more information about this at
