Author Topic: Automatic Writing  (Read 8129 times)


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Automatic Writing
« on: May 25, 2011, 08:54:15 PM »
How many of us/you are able to do this? 

I had a reading about two weeks ago from a lady who picked up on my ability to do this and she was so happy that she wasn't "the only one".  I have always done this, but there have been two or three situations/events where I was seriously compelled to just sit down and write, as if out of thin air.   It happens regularly too, such as when I am writing an assignment for Uni and all of the sudden, this other stuff comes through (which leads me to open another MS word document, write what is coming through down - then go back to the assighment).

Have to admit that its happening more and more now, in the last year,  because I am doing my BA in Social Psychology which is really quite relevant in terms of human geography.  So an assignment topic will come up that my guide uses to teach ME a lesson, outside the syllabus (He is cheeky that way).




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Re: Automatic Writing
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2011, 10:57:40 PM »
I have mostly done written channeling but it's just like the channels that consciously channel orally. There's a semi-trance state involved, but it's not anywhere near trance channeling where the entity takes over and you have no conscious awareness of what happened.

As for autowriting, I'm assuming you mean when an entity takes over your hand and you seemingly have no control over the process till it's done? I've never gone that far, but as I said before, like most of the other channels, I try to be a conscious channel.

If there's a distinction, some channels use what I call idea implants, where they channel a concept and then riff on it, putting the concept into their own words. Channels that use this technique tend to talk quite fast. For better or for worse, I follow the lead of channels that channel one word at a time. It can be an agonizingly slow process and it's more tiring; however, I don't think one method is necessarily better than the other. In the end it's all about the results.



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Re: Automatic Writing
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2011, 11:34:32 PM »
Hi Dave,

I am fully aware of it happening, I can feel the need to automatically write "coming on" hence the ability to open a fresh Word document and have at it.  I don't black out or go completely into a trance either, sort of suspended animation, with a few caveats.  (When it happens when the kids come in to talk to me about something, they see I am "distracted" and leave the room and come back later.  I am totally aware that they are there, and talk to them for a bit, usually to ask em to hold off for a few).  That being said,  I think you may have nailed it here, for the most part:

"If there's a distinction, some channels use what I call idea implants, where they channel a concept and then riff on it, putting the concept into their own words. Channels that use this technique tend to talk quite fast." 

The idea gets planted, I get into a "suspended animation mode" and start to write.  It all goes down and then I have to go back and correct what I have written as if there is a teacher standing there telling me "no no no, that wording is wrong".  This can go on for an hour or so, or it can be a 15 minute thing.

I'm working on trying to tame it to a specific time of day as it does get annoying when I am in the middle of a heavily referenced psychology assignment.  Heh

So its not just me, OK.  Thanx for that :-)




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Re: Automatic Writing
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2011, 12:20:47 AM »
Thank you Nancy and Dave for the above - validating discussion!

I am at the "idea implants" stage. i.e. An idea or topic area comes to mind. If this happens while speaking I'll just go with it and a brief (one or two sentences) period of ""suspended animation mode" seems to occur as I blab away.

Sometimes this happens while typing here on the computer. I'll just go with it and type away. I've found it best to proof read what I type, but too much changing ends up loosing something.

I'm continuing my project to expand my skill to become a conscious channel, and be able to speak, or write, whole paragraphs!