Author Topic: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?  (Read 47319 times)

Old Scholar-Artisan

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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2011, 04:39:55 PM »
I had the MT essentially fall into my lap back around 1995.  I was in a used book store--the home of Scholars--and happened to pick up this book for about 50 cents:

I immediately resonated with the Role of the Scholar.  And I knew I was an Old soul.  It helped me so much to learn that Old souls have the attitude of "been there, done that" and as such often are ready to retire by the time they're 20!  That fit me to a tee.

I got a Michael reading and everything was pretty much dead on with what I had expected.

I still use the teachings daily as a way to frame reality.


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #31 on: July 24, 2011, 06:45:41 PM »
In 1991 I was on an organic farm in Belize and flower remedies were channeled for me via Michael.
I thought this was crazy but I was desperate to heal my paralysis at the time when doctors could not help me.
I cleaned my body there and a whole new world of natural medicine was shown me.
I forgot about the Michael channeling because so much happened for me on this farm.
Two years later I was in a book store while visiting Bar Harbor, Maine and the book "Messages from Michael" literally fell of the shelf in front of me. I remembered that afternoon in the jungle and took the book home, read it, and became desperate for any Michael channeling material I could get.

It made total sense to  me.
Thank You Michael
Thank You All

kenneth Margo

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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #32 on: July 25, 2011, 05:20:25 AM »
 The explanation of Soul Ages. Also the unsentimentality of Michael's 'teaching' esp in Messages of Michael (He doesnt like to be seen as a Guru). Like  its not about faith and belief, but being aware of what  is our task to progress. That this will happen whether we  'believe' it or not Confirmation of Karma and Reincarnation. Refutation of transmigration of souls,  His comments on marriage, fear being the greatest hindrance to progress and a particular disease of the planet Also his analysis of the corruption of the bible, comments about Buddism and Tao being the least corrupted etc. All this and much more resonated with  I already knew intuitively  but had never seen written.  It was as a prievious  has said,like coming home.


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #33 on: July 25, 2011, 01:46:29 PM »
I became interested in eastern, and metaphysical philosophical thought through martial arts and a general desire for spiritual understanding in the 1960's.  A friend, who had listened to my explanations of my spiritual perspective, sent me a copy of Messages From Michael in 1982, and I felt the resonance immediately.  She had never read the book herself, but said that my perspective sounded very similar to the perspective of an acquaintance, who gave her a copy for me.  More Messages, Michael's People, and Michael for the Millennium continued to provide awareness and understanding over the years.  The teaching has been the basis for my spiritual journey ever since.  I work in the entertainment and media industry, and had decided (years ago) to write a fiction novel that has its' basis in the Michael Teaching. Now that the actual writing is in progress, I recently went online for some research, and found this site.  The lack of dogmatic, ritualistic requirements, and the understanding that all is choice (and the ramifications thereof) have been the cornerstones of the Michael Teaching for me.  Thank you for providing a Michael teaching vehicle, and continuing information for all of us who wish to participate.       


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #34 on: July 26, 2011, 02:31:03 AM »

I got lucky at my local library finding one of the early Yarbro books I think which served as a good introduction to roles, soul ages, and the excitement of a series of books exploring the topics which are still my favourite topics: past lives with significant others such as Essence Twins, Travelling Companions, Task Companions and Heartlinks.
These are the things that hooked me as I've felt since I was a teenager that my energy at death doesn't just vanish, like different chemical states it progresses into something else ie solid liquid gas as a sort of an analogy.
Prior to coming to the Michael Teachings I had devoured life between life books by Newton, Stevenson, Weiss and Stokes. I had felt validated by the experiences related in these books and have wanted to find a community to talk about the topics, and get some channelling done regarding my past life experiences. I have had my overleaves channelled but not much past life channelling, and this to me is what I am most excited about. Anna


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #35 on: July 26, 2011, 11:16:53 AM »
There was an article many years ago in the Namaste/Odyssey magazine on soul ages which really created a life changing perception for me. Suddenly you could understand the functioning of people and move away from judgement and anger. As a practicing psychologist i use it frequently to help patients understand why people act in a certain way and it helps them to move to a better place of understanding, forgiveness and acceptance.


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #36 on: July 28, 2011, 01:37:16 AM »
My first experience with the Michael Teachings was much like Dave's.  A friend gave me MfM swearing she had just stumbled upon it and felt she should buy the book for me.  I looked at the outside cover and was not impressed; my first 20+ pages were not enthusiastic, and like Dave, I didn't like the idea of putting everyone into those little "boxes" and "levels".  So I closed and laid the book aside.  Then day after day, it howled "Read Me!!"  So finally I did. That was back in the mid 80's.  And then I read them all... again and again...underlining and highlighting.  And as I read, I kept thinking, "I knew that" and wondering just how did I know that, until I received my overleaves from Joya, and they explained THAT.  For me, they are not just teachings, they are liberating...freeing.   Pat Wynn      BTW, Dave, thanks for all you do.  You're appreciated.


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2011, 08:18:08 PM »
"Grounded practical advice on a vast a-ray(sp?) of topics," is a great answer.

Of greatest value to me has been the organization and explanation of that strange mystical and not well known, or described, realm that is said, but not well proven, to exist beyond death. The "Non-Physical Realm" as I saw it referred to in the Journal of Near Death Studies. i.e. All the material outlined in Jose Steven's Michael Handbook and expanded upon in cassette tapes by JP van Hulle regarding Planes of existence, Escence(sp?), Entity, Cadre, Soul Age, Role and various other Overleaves, and the webs of connections among them all (and perhaps other structures).

I've found Michael's framework to be validated by NDE, Newton's hypnotic regression to past lives, Tart's investigation of "Children Who Remember Past Lives" research AND many of the differing explanations of "the between life state" I've seen in many other channeled religious souces.

Role and Soul Age are the concepts I find of greatest value, on a week in week out basis, while manouvering through the emotional thicket of our emerging Mature soul age social world.


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #38 on: June 30, 2012, 05:47:21 PM »
I have been an avid metaphysical student since college days. Raised Roman Catholic (and with my mothers' relatives mostly Southern Baptist), at first I nearly became a Jesuit, but then began questioning. And questioning. And reading, reading, reading... Christian, Judaic, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Confucian, Bahai, Sufist, native American, and Wiccan scriptures and literature, from the Rig Veda to the Popul Vuh, the Analects to the Teilhard de Chardin, Abelard to the Q'uran, Black Elk Speaks to Blavatsky, the Qabalah to the Prinicipia Discordia.   
   I came across Messages from Michael not long after its publication, and though I was still ostensibly a Catholic, I had begun questioning, and it stayed with me, in the back of my mind. I then became a Buddhist, then Wiccan, then-- nothing organized. And came back to MFM. I am generally skeptical and wary of "New Ageism"  -- so many adherents seemed to me to be similar to devotees of Dungeons and Dragons, into the trappings and the mystique and not really serious students, or  else that they had traded one dogmatism for another.  But what I first loved about Michael's teachings was that, far from most other teachings, belief was not required. "Faith" -- which always seemed to me like buying a pig in a poke -- was,  far from a virtue, something to be avoided. And the more I reread and pondered MFM, the more rational it seemed, almost intuitive. I had, for example, always believed, at a deep level, in reincarnation: it had always seemed to me incredibly wasteful, not to mention cruel, that the "eternal" state of one's immortal soul was determined by the eyeblink in time that is a single human life.  Also, after long contemplation of the incomprehensible vastness of the Universe, the idea of a personal god, especially the narrowly parochial and often petty and petulant god of the Judeo-Christian/Muslim beliefs, seemed ludicrous. Yet I also felt that there WAS meaning to sentience, not so much a "purpose" as "significance"-- hard to frame it in words! -- a feeling that each individual's consciousness and experiences MATTER to the Entirety of the Universe, which is both so vast and yet (considering atomic and subatomic level structure) so intricate and finely wrought.  It seemed to me that there were glimpses of truth in most of the religions and philosophies I had studied, but that none were 100% true, by a long chalk.  MFM was one of the few sources which seemed to acknowledge much of these things. At first I was resistant to the structures -- roles and soul ages and overleaves -- but if there is symmetrical structure at a Quantum level, and at a cosmic level, why not in the architecture of consciousness? One of the things I most liked from early on is Michael's dictum that spiritual growth WILL occur... consciously or unconsciously. That belief doesn't matter in an absolute sense. (So much for "justification by faith"!) That Agape is "the love that moves the Heavens", as Dante so eloquently put it, that the idea of separation is, ultimately, illusory; and that we are all in the same boat, so to speak.  Michael's Teachings also encompass the randomness that is a feature of the Physical Plane, and harmonize the unavoidable Scathing of the Physical Plane with a Universe based ultimately on Agape.  SO: after nattering on so long, I would say in sum that what most attracted me to the Michael Teachings is that they seemed to me, if at first only subliminally, to be fundamentally TRUE.
--Be well and happy, all! John M (gilfaethwy)


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #39 on: July 06, 2012, 03:16:13 AM »
Excellent summation, from my point of view, as the very great majority is true for me as well. Thanks for putting it into words.

John Roth

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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2012, 12:14:32 AM »
Welcome aboard!

John Roth


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Re: What Attracted You To The Michael Teachings?
« Reply #41 on: October 10, 2013, 03:55:37 PM »
I discovered this teaching three years ago at a point that I later learned was the end of my fourth internal monad, which is not surprising in retrospect. I'd been raised Protestant Christian and slowly moved away from dogma during the last decade until I'd come to a tipping point where I would rather adopt atheism than continue to go along with dogma. I'd accepted evolution, but could not accept oblivion.

It was while in this philosophical no-man's-land that I was spending the day with my wife and kids, and she remarked that our daughter is an old soul in a baby body (not philosophical, a turn of phrase). That was a light bulb moment, my eyes grew wide, and I went online. My first search result was, so I read everything the site had to offer. A couple days later, I purchased MFM. I was stunned by the information that so corresponded with my own worldview at that point in time.