Author Topic: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?  (Read 51351 times)


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2012, 02:12:28 AM »
Its not so much evangelizing the teachings as a whole, but producing the information to the masses, so they can benefit the value of learning more about the universe they live in. Its all about finding the common demoninator amongst all "spiritual" teachings, and finding more core truths out. You know we have scientists furthering the evolvement of knowledge and truth by examining the concrete reality around us, michael teachings is merely information categorized into a template that furthers evolvement of our reality of more abstract concepts.

What I'm all about is trying to getting valuable slightly more esoteric knowledge for the masses to indulge in. I don't mean sermonizing the teachings as a religious opportunity towards enlightenment, but merely having the basic core of the teachings presented into simple methods of understanding. If that makes sense. As what Jordan Dutchynz (sp?) did with his spirit science video's, its all about presenting ideas that formulate new age metaphysical truths for the general populace, to get them to have a clearer view and understanding of everything spiritual and mystical as a whole.

Honestly my biggest peeve about the teachings is it's name. I hate using the name Michael, because it almost acts as a repellent as getting those whom don't have agreements with the Michael engaged with the information provided, so they themselves can have stepping stones to jump forward on so to speak when is comes down to thinking about the larger picture and whom they actually are, and why we're here all here. It's like it glamorizes the messenger more then the message with the name Michael before the teaching.


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2012, 03:33:29 AM »
Its not so much evangelizing the teachings as a whole, but producing the information to the masses, so they can benefit the value of learning more about the universe they live in. Its all about finding the common demoninator amongst all "spiritual" teachings, and finding more core truths out. You know we have scientists furthering the evolvement of knowledge and truth by examining the concrete reality around us, michael teachings is merely information categorized into a template that furthers evolvement of our reality of more abstract concepts.

What I'm all about is trying to getting valuable slightly more esoteric knowledge for the masses to indulge in. I don't mean sermonizing the teachings as a religious opportunity towards enlightenment, but merely having the basic core of the teachings presented into simple methods of understanding.

This is already being done, of course, with the books, websites, and channels.

Honestly my biggest peeve about the teachings is it's name. I hate using the name Michael, because it almost acts as a repellent as getting those whom don't have agreements with the Michael engaged with the information provided, so they themselves can have stepping stones to jump forward on so to speak when is comes down to thinking about the larger picture and whom they actually are, and why we're here all here. It's like it glamorizes the messenger more then the message with the name Michael before the teaching.

I don't think Michael students are that superficial. The name Michael was arbitrary to begin with, and its primary use is to denote the source of the material and attract those students previously familiar with the teachings. There have been attempts to water-down the teachings and refit the terminology, but those efforts generally failed. I've even seen attempts to commercialize the teachings, but what most marketers forget is that the MT doesn't appeal to the ego, which is a major selling point in the self-help arena. If you recall, "The Secret," like many law of attraction vehicles, promised the way to abundance, success, and personal power; the MT doesn't have that what's in it for me type of motivator. And to reach the masses, you typically need to stroke the ego somehow.

Either way, much of the masses would never embrace the teachings due to different perspectives in soul age. We had one channel change the name of the source and try to blend the material with other new age concepts, and the results were idiotic and embarrassing. Enough of that, please.



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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #32 on: January 22, 2012, 06:26:28 PM »
I've seen a lot of the ways michael teachings as been packaged, I know and we all know the name is arbitrary, but people without agreements do not unless it's stated right away. The whole metaphysical law of 7 i feel could use a little more clarification to the public. Take a look at the flower of life, and see that its literally the very dynamic of the teaching. One of the most circulated ancient symbols is conveying the "truth" that the michael entity perceives all the same. So it's not just about the michael teachings, its about the information that supports what we already know and how it all comes to together.

Personally I'm still going to continue with trying to disperse the information when appropriate, and I'm still going to share it when everyone i think would be interested. I've already met several people that loved it, and several that thought it didn't exist. What ever. What as already been done, as been done, what hasn't will be whats next in the next wave of publications. More of the teachings is evolving and more information is being provided to give better clarity of how it all "goes down". I'm a communicator to the nth degree, and I will further try to better communicate all that as been provided.


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2012, 01:07:06 AM »
I've seen a lot of the ways michael teachings as been packaged, I know and we all know the name is arbitrary, but people without agreements do not unless it's stated right away. The whole metaphysical law of 7 i feel could use a little more clarification to the public. Take a look at the flower of life, and see that its literally the very dynamic of the teaching. One of the most circulated ancient symbols is conveying the "truth" that the michael entity perceives all the same. So it's not just about the michael teachings, its about the information that supports what we already know and how it all comes to together.

The mathematical side of the MT is certainly interesting from a structural point of view, but there's been a longtime tendency to over emphasize the theoretical aspects of the teachings while ignoring the more important issue of application. The true dynamic of the teachings is always about people, a truth frequently forgotten when theoretical concerns become the primary focus. So even if the flower of life has relevance to the teachings -- which I tend to doubt -- it's importance is peripheral to the core of the teachings, which is about learning tolerance for others and practicing unconditional love.

Personally I'm still going to continue with trying to disperse the information when appropriate, and I'm still going to share it when everyone i think would be interested. I've already met several people that loved it, and several that thought it didn't exist. What ever. What as already been done, as been done, what hasn't will be whats next in the next wave of publications. More of the teachings is evolving and more information is being provided to give better clarity of how it all "goes down". I'm a communicator to the nth degree, and I will further try to better communicate all that as been provided.

New information is always subject to validation. Sometimes what I've seen labeled as an evolution of the material is really just a distortion. The core material, however, is widely available now and ready to be implemented if students are willing to do the necessary work.



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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #34 on: January 23, 2012, 02:33:34 AM »
I've pasted the channeling I did on here about the flower of life. Once I knew it took seven circles to complete the entire flower and the pedals all looked their on 3 axises, I figured there is an overall dynamic to the universe that we as a human specie haven't fully understood. I channeled the entity when i primped and primed for it, and got good paragraph or so, disclosing that i wasn't incorrect to assume the pedals makes the axises and the flower is the very dynamic of their teaching. The teachings themselves were meant for not just agape but used to help with all exigencies of life, the flower just being a symbol of the hidden matrix of our cosmos; Inspiration, expression, action and assimilation. Which then they built a template for us to use as a way towards understanding ourselves and the larger picture, since that's what humanity needs most. 

 It only remains theoretical because well, we have yet to prove it perfect certainty and use it to its fullest potential. That's why we all made agreements with the Michael teachings. To use them, share them, validate them, so as a collective we can slowly fade away the maya on our planet and see what is and whats not. Perhaps right now I'm only on the sharing stage, and starting towards the validation stage. Just recently I got into a conversation about the seven different roles with a couple of folks, and all them right away were curious to  know what they were. After briefly going over all of the roles and the principle behind each one, they all right away knew which one they were. I remember going over what an artisan with king casting would act like, and with out a doubt the guy burst out laughing and says "YOU'VE NAILED IT! THATS SO ME!" Thats exactly what i pegged him as from the get go. He was happy, I was happy. Much love to go around.

John Roth

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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2012, 04:56:45 PM »
Its not so much evangelizing the teachings as a whole, but producing the information to the masses, so they can benefit the value of learning more about the universe they live in. Its all about finding the common demoninator amongst all "spiritual" teachings, and finding more core truths out. You know we have scientists furthering the evolvement of knowledge and truth by examining the concrete reality around us, michael teachings is merely information categorized into a template that furthers evolvement of our reality of more abstract concepts.

What I'm all about is trying to getting valuable slightly more esoteric knowledge for the masses to indulge in. I don't mean sermonizing the teachings as a religious opportunity towards enlightenment, but merely having the basic core of the teachings presented into simple methods of understanding. If that makes sense. As what Jordan Dutchynz (sp?) did with his spirit science video's, its all about presenting ideas that formulate new age metaphysical truths for the general populace, to get them to have a clearer view and understanding of everything spiritual and mystical as a whole.

Honestly my biggest peeve about the teachings is it's name. I hate using the name Michael, because it almost acts as a repellent as getting those whom don't have agreements with the Michael engaged with the information provided, so they themselves can have stepping stones to jump forward on so to speak when is comes down to thinking about the larger picture and whom they actually are, and why we're here all here. It's like it glamorizes the messenger more then the message with the name Michael before the teaching.

You might consider writing fiction. IMO the best attempt to date has been some of John Dalmas' stories. There's another story cycle that does an excellent job of treating reincarnation and the entanglements of several people in different lifetimes in a culture that evolves over several centuries.


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #36 on: January 26, 2012, 07:15:36 PM »
Yeah that sounds more my alley. I was just actually entertaining the thought of making a fictional story that covers the validating  process of the teachings. I want to do something innovative and original, and perhaps going Mark Twain on MT could be a successful endeavour. But I wouldn't do it unless I know it would be great and further people along the metaphysical path (Arrogance mixed with Priest and Spiritual attitude?). With the Age of Aquarius in full swing who knows how much metaphysics will blow up in 10 years.

I seem to have a lot of Carndial inspiration energy floating aboot.


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #37 on: January 27, 2012, 12:29:01 AM »
I've pasted the channeling I did on here about the flower of life. Once I knew it took seven circles to complete the entire flower and the pedals all looked their on 3 axises, I figured there is an overall dynamic to the universe that we as a human specie haven't fully understood. I channeled the entity when i primped and primed for it, and got good paragraph or so, disclosing that i wasn't incorrect to assume the pedals makes the axises and the flower is the very dynamic of their teaching. The teachings themselves were meant for not just agape but used to help with all exigencies of life, the flower just being a symbol of the hidden matrix of our cosmos; Inspiration, expression, action and assimilation. Which then they built a template for us to use as a way towards understanding ourselves and the larger picture, since that's what humanity needs most.

The ultimate goal of the teachings is agape. I don't think there's much argument there. And understanding ourselves and seeing the bigger picture is certainly a concept that's written throughout the books and scattered all across the MT site. This is nothing new, of course. 

It only remains theoretical because well, we have yet to prove it perfect certainty and use it to its fullest potential. That's why we all made agreements with the Michael teachings. To use them, share them, validate them, so as a collective we can slowly fade away the maya on our planet and see what is and whats not. Perhaps right now I'm only on the sharing stage, and starting towards the validation stage. Just recently I got into a conversation about the seven different roles with a couple of folks, and all them right away were curious to  know what they were. After briefly going over all of the roles and the principle behind each one, they all right away knew which one they were. I remember going over what an artisan with king casting would act like, and with out a doubt the guy burst out laughing and says "YOU'VE NAILED IT! THATS SO ME!" Thats exactly what i pegged him as from the get go. He was happy, I was happy. Much love to go around.

I'd guess that most of us have had experiences like that when we shared the MT. I think it's always easier to spark interest than retain it, however. One obvious hitch is that once students get beyond the theoretical side of the MT they inevitably face the task of doing the inner work necessary to live the teachings. That's daunting for some, and they will either fall back to the theoretical or quit studying the material altogether.



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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #38 on: January 27, 2012, 06:49:32 PM »
Personally what has helped me the most, which I'm guessing has influence from the casual plane but still non conclusive, is visualizing every minuscule aspect of the teaching. That i think is whats next. A visual to go with the framework to make the daunting experience of validation a breeze for those less linguistically inclined. Also if we had a physicist that was willing to channel the michael, couldn't we have a more scientific approach towards the theoretical side since they'd be able to use the subconscious of the scientist to maximum benefit?


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #39 on: September 29, 2012, 04:18:10 AM »


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2013, 02:45:27 PM »
I'd guess that most of us have had experiences like that when we shared the MT. I think it's always easier to spark interest than retain it, however. One obvious hitch is that once students get beyond the theoretical side of the MT they inevitably face the task of doing the inner work necessary to live the teachings. That's daunting for some, and they will either fall back to the theoretical or quit studying the material altogether.

I agree with all of these points.  I have not had any interest in sharing the teaching because I so loathe religious proselytizing. But, a loved one who lost a dear friend to cancer has been grieving for 2 years and could not overcome the grief. I slowly began introducing her to agape, of a 'God' who does not condemn sinners, that there was no original sin, and no eternal judgment. That we are here to learn, grow, find peace within, to be a better person. Ultimately, to learn unconditional love, the ability to love the unlovable. Over time, she has come to agree. I explained my belief that her dear friend is right here with us, any time you think of her, that is her saying hello. At one recent resurgence of grief, I gently suggested that I believe this is not a one-shot life, but that we eventually return to continue our path of learning to love the unlovable.