Author Topic: Do Priests tend to resemble Sages? With some ET stuff too.  (Read 22090 times)

Chiara DB

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I was reading the other post in this forum by SomeOldSoul to my Priest hubby, and he was like "Okay, Sage casting much??" And that got me thinking, because I have pegged him as having Sage casting too, BUT....

1) In the big hullabaloo about ETs that has been going on here and on the other forum (NEVER! ALWAYS! OMG!), I read that ETs are often different roles but usually have the same casting?  Can anyone speak to that?

2) If SomeOldSoul sounds like a Sage, and my Old Priest also sounds like a Sage, can it be that Priests just seem like Sages? And that my Priest might be actually Server cast like me?


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Re: Do Priests tend to resemble Sages? With some ET stuff too.
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2011, 07:13:11 PM »
1] My presumed ET is a King.  Not quite sure about my casting at present...

2] Thus far, I've attributed my writing and speaking style to MBTI more than anything.  As an INFJ, my Extroverted Feeling (responsiveness to others' values and needs) could seem to emulate the Sage quality of the "audience channel."  There's also a tendency towards perfectionism, so I edit/re-edit/re-re-edit my posts for the perfect wording, and can take a bit of time to answer in-person.   ;)

However, in thinking on how the MT could apply here, it could be one or more of several things.  Cardinal roles all share the desire to communicate to groups, so effective presentation is a boon.  Soul age generally implies overall refinement as one ages, which could lead to more-polished language.  Overleaves could come into play as well - I'm an Idealist myself, and that's more typical for Sages, it seems.

Chiara DB

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Re: Do Priests tend to resemble Sages? With some ET stuff too.
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2011, 08:31:12 PM »
SOS, I'm also an INFJ! And I am a King with Priest ET! Weird :) Do you by chance live in California?

Your reasoning about Cardinal roles and soul age with regard to communication style seems sound to me, and my ENFP Priest is also an Idealist. Very interesting!


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Re: Do Priests tend to resemble Sages? With some ET stuff too.
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2011, 09:42:09 PM »
An Idealist ENFP Priest...  And I thought I had problems grounding...    :o

It would be interesting to get Michael's take on MBTI sometime.  And no, haven't made it to California this time around.

Chiara DB

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Re: Do Priests tend to resemble Sages? With some ET stuff too.
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2011, 11:31:58 PM »
An Idealist ENFP Priest...  And I thought I had problems grounding...    :o

And with Passion Mode....Emotional Centering....yeah...  :o is right!

It would be interesting to get Michael's take on MBTI sometime. 

I agree -- I don't think I've ever read such a thing. I find it extremely helpful in understanding myself and others.

And no, haven't made it to California this time around.

Darn, it would have been nice to meet and share notes :)


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Re: Do Priests tend to resemble Sages? With some ET stuff too.
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2011, 09:46:55 AM »

1) In the big hullabaloo about ETs that has been going on here and on the other forum (NEVER! ALWAYS! OMG!), I read that ETs are often different roles but usually have the same casting?  Can anyone speak to that?

While it's all very interesting, none of this information can be personally validated at the moment. I don't think this casting information has been verified by other channels, either, so time will tell. And I know that students love to argue over stuff like this, but it's really a piece of information that's peripheral to the core of the teachings. In other words, knowing if your ET has the same casting as you won't make a measurable difference in your life. That won't stop the debates, however. ;)

2) If SomeOldSoul sounds like a Sage, and my Old Priest also sounds like a Sage, can it be that Priests just seem like Sages? And that my Priest might be actually Server cast like me?

Priests and Sages are both cardinal roles. In fact, Priests are more cardinal than Sages, so there are obvious similarities in both roles preferring to work with larger groups of people, as well as the charismatic nature of the cardinal roles in general.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 10:32:15 AM by Dave »

Chiara DB

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Re: Do Priests tend to resemble Sages? With some ET stuff too.
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2011, 05:48:58 PM »

While it's all very interesting, none of this information can be personally validated at the moment. I don't think this casting information has been verified by other channels, either, so time will tell. And I know that students love to argue over stuff like this, but it's really a piece of information that's peripheral to the core of the teachings. In other words, knowing if your ET has the same casting as you won't make a measurable difference in your life. That won't stop the debates, however. ;)

Dave, we were saying the same thing the other night -- most people don't even know their ET or if they know them they aren't that involved with them, so the role/casting/entity of your ET really doesn't need to be at the top of the list of things to understand about the MT, to say the least. 

Priests and Sages are both cardinal roles. In fact, Priests are more cardinal than Sages, so there are obvious similarities in both roles preferring to work with larger groups of people, as well as the charismatic nature of the cardinal roles in general.

Good point!


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Re: Do Priests tend to resemble Sages? With some ET stuff too.
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2012, 01:19:45 PM »
maybe they resemble sages in order to be more accepted and not hurt, because of their priestyness? :/

John Roth

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Re: Do Priests tend to resemble Sages? With some ET stuff too.
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2012, 01:48:05 PM »
maybe they resemble sages in order to be more accepted and not hurt, because of their priestyness? :/

The big difference between Sages, Priests and Kings is the axis. Sages inform, Priests inspire and Kings direct. They all work with groups. The other overleaves have their effect, of course. A Sage with inspirational overleaves, in particular Passion mode, can look awfully priesty. A Priest in Power mode isn't as sagelike, but he is more likely to get his facts right.


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Re: Do Priests tend to resemble Sages? With some ET stuff too.
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2012, 03:31:10 PM »
Okay, it may be just a brain-dead day for me, but.....what do INFJ, ENFP, and MBTI mean?

By the way, I'm a Sage, Idealist in emotional part of intellectual, with an Artisan ET (discarnate), for what it's worth.


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Re: Do Priests tend to resemble Sages? With some ET stuff too.
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2012, 04:17:07 AM »
MBTI stands for Myers Briggs Type Indicator, but also is generally used to refer to the personality typology the 'indicator' covers (which involves 16 types of various functions).

For me my artisan ET comes through quite a bit, mostly because it's discarnate. And I think neutral scholar casting allows it to come through more clearly than it might otherwise. And it makes a LOT of sense for me, as I get some crazy dreams and very artisan-like things often coming through my sub-conscious. It's like my other half that exists in my head and helps me along in giving my king activities a creative twist.

Though that said, I also have sagey-priesty things going on because of my body type (mercurial) and being 6th level mature with some other inspirational overleaves. I thought I might have been a priest before I had my chart channeled as people always said I was very inspiring to be around (but I know now, that it's not in the same way that a priest goes about it, it's just that 6th mature thing).

But I also have a hard time sometimes teasing apart the differences in people who seem to possess both sage/priest elements. I think also perhaps they're similar because they can both be apt to spreading their word more verbally. My "word" as a king seems to be spread more through my energy and presence than by inspiring or writing (though I do write and inspire and art around). Though I know that priests and sages aren't necessarily outspoken or constantly talking (though some are, definitely). But yes, very similar because of the cardinality, definitely. And the weird undulating need to reach out to the "masses". Even though I'm very introverted, I still want my art someday to be influential to and seen by a mass of people, even if that's just in nz somewhere.