Author Topic: Essence Twin  (Read 10670 times)


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Essence Twin
« on: August 07, 2011, 12:46:03 PM »
Hello. :) How can i find out my Essence Twin role, or even if i have one (an Essence Twin)? Lots of People here know, but how? I'm just a bit curious about it ::)

Greeting jo
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 07:47:13 PM by jo »


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Re: Essence Twin
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2011, 11:15:07 PM »
Welcome to the site.   :)

For me, I had a friendship with my (presumed) ET for almost 10 years.  When I found the Michael Teachings and read the description of Essence Twins, our relationship seemed to fit it to a tee, and her role was straightforward to determine based on her behavior and a couple of questions asked of her.  I haven't had this confirmed by a channel, though.

Most people here would probably say that having your chart done or having the information channeled is the most direct way to find the answer to your question.

John Roth

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Re: Essence Twin
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 02:51:46 AM »
Hello. :) How can i find out my Essence Twin role, or even if i have one (an Essence Twin)? Lots of People here know, but how? I'm just a bit curious about it ::)
Greets Raoul

Hi Raoul.

"SomeOldSoul"'s comment is about right: you need your chart channeled. Essence twin information is a standard part of a chart. There are pointers to a number of channels on the MichaelTeachings site who will do it for a reasonable fee (it costs more to ask questions.)

Before you do, though, it might be a good idea to ask what you want to do with that information. An Essence Twin is not the "Twin Soul" or whatever that a lot of new age writers talk about. If you were planning on meeting her (or him) in this lifetime you probably will without needing to consciously know about it. These plans tend to work out automatically.

The entire chart contains a great deal more information, most of which is usually more relevant than the ET's role.


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Re: Essence Twin
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2011, 12:59:48 AM »
ok, then i probably would have to get a chart channeled. Ehm, but you (John Roth) said, in another post, that most of the people dont meet their ET in physis, and those who do, wish they hadn't because the relationship is simply too intense. That sounds like the description of "Twin Souls" in other teachings. Like in books from Varda Hasselmann (Germany) from an entity calling "itself"(?) "Die Quelle", where i read it. And in this Excerpt from the MT-Site, it's been said the term Twin Souls (or "Dualseele" in German) is synonymous with the term "Essence Twin":

Essence Twins Articles

An essence twin is a soul we team up with for an entire grand cycle to reflect ourselves back to us; it is the most intense relationship we can have. It is synonymous with the terms twin flame and twin soul, but not necessarily with soul mate.

But however, i just wanted to know it, because i read, you would live the life (or role) of the ET, too. At Least, if he is discarnate. And that you have abilities, he has, too, and other stuff. Therefore, i was interested. But it isnt that important. Okay, I have to get a chart channeled, where i can find this information. But the most overleaves, i already find out with reading and thinking. So i dont know, if I am gonna do this. Thanks for the welcoming :)

Greeting jo
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 07:48:22 PM by jo »

John Roth

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Re: Essence Twin
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2011, 11:38:51 AM »
ok, then i probably would have to get a chart channeled. Ehm, but you (John Roth) said, in another post, that most of the people dont meet their ET in physis, and those who do, wish they hadn't because the relationship is simply too intense. That sounds like the description of "Twin Souls" in other teachings. Like in books from Varda Hasselmann (Germany) from an entity calling "itself"(?) "Die Quelle", where i read it. And in this Excerpt from the MT-Site, it's been said the term Twin Souls (or "Dualseele" in German) is synonymous with the term "Essence Twin":

Essence Twins Articles

An essence twin is a soul we team up with for an entire grand cycle to reflect ourselves back to us; it is the most intense relationship we can have. It is synonymous with the terms twin flame and twin soul, but not necessarily with soul mate.

But however, i just wanted to know it, because i read you would live the life (or role) of the ET, too. At Least, if he is discarnate. And that you got abilities, he gots, too, and other stuff, i dont know at the moment. Therefore, i was interested. But it isnt that important. Okay, I have to get a chart channeled, where i can find this information, too. But the most overleaves, i already find out with reading and thinking. So i dont know, if I am gonna do this. Thanks for the welcoming :)
Greets Raoul

The Michael Teachings have been around for a while, so there's a great deal of cross-fertilization going on. My dislike of the term "twin soul" is because it's used in different ways by different writers. The one you quote seems to have a pretty good grasp of what it is. It's still not a really good term because there are Essences without Essence Twins, and a few have shown up who have Essence Triplets.

There's a good deal of bleed-through from the Essence Twin's role, but that doesn't go to the extend of actually being able to do the role. For example, I'm a Scholar with an Artisan essence twin. I'm fairly creative in a somewhat stogy way, but no way am I an Artisan. I don't multi-task worth a darn, while Artisans multi-task as if they invented it (they probably did [grin].)