The first hour or so is snoozeworthy IMO, but once the apes get together, it gets really good. It ends with a scenario that Michael has talked about in the past -- infant souls wanting to start their cycle here on Planet Earth. I found the whole idea extremely stimulating and cool, and the idea of having apes come to sentience in my native San Francisco Bay Area was just too awesome! I can't wait for the sequel when we get to see how San Francisco deals with having some hairy ape infant souls wanting to do their ape thing in their backyard!! Has anyone else seen this film?
Yes I saw it. Seems like a long time ago. Am glad to be reminded of it.
It's fun to think about the story from a Soul Age perspective, apes as Infant and etc. The struggles among the human's made it a good movie. Particularly the post apocalyptic challenges to Mature perspectives, dealing with survival issues, the many events that bring the Young into positions of authority and control, with its increasing risk of stupid, dumb, or fatal outcomes for the community as a whole.
I'd like a sequel to throw in some longer term, successful community survival, perspectives that can illustrate some Old Soul influences upon Mature Soul drama, Young Soul growth process, and an ape or two discovering the value of a rule or two.