Author Topic: Discrimination goal: Want to get to things you dispise?  (Read 7586 times)


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Discrimination goal: Want to get to things you dispise?
« on: September 15, 2011, 11:16:28 PM »
From the website: "One interesting point about a person in this Pole is, that he is attracted to the very things he despises. He involves himself in the very things he condemns. There is a game going on here — the payoff is that he finds the rejection he seeks and his Goal is fulfilled, albeit in this distorted and perverse form. In its most extreme manifestation, this Pole appears as pure hatred."

Noticed that sometimes in myself (and behaviour), although I'm not always quite sure, if it's maybe because of another push-pull :/.
Don't really understood, why I/someone should do this. I mean, why go to something/someone, subconsciously just to get pushed away in the same way, I/he/she feel(s)/think(s) about it, too.
Would like to understand this phenomenom. So I can see it, and distinguish it from other push-pulls, that aren't so unnecessary.

Greeting, jo


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Discrimination goal: Want to get to things you dispise?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 11:27:53 PM »
Predominantly I asked, beacause of a Person, I seem to have some kind of soul kinship (not soo near). And the problem is, that I often/sometimes (don't really know) dislike her personality, but nevertheless somehow want to visit her. 'Cause somehow I like her still.  Maybe you have experience with anything similar?

Greeting, jo

John Roth

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Re: Discrimination goal: Want to get to things you dispise?
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 04:53:59 PM »
From the website: "One interesting point about a person in this Pole is, that he is attracted to the very things he despises. He involves himself in the very things he condemns. There is a game going on here — the payoff is that he finds the rejection he seeks and his Goal is fulfilled, albeit in this distorted and perverse form. In its most extreme manifestation, this Pole appears as pure hatred."

Noticed that sometimes in myself (and behaviour), although I'm not always quite sure, if it's maybe because of another push-pull :/.
Don't really understood, why I/someone should do this. I mean, why go to something/someone, subconsciously just to get pushed away in the same way, I/he/she feel(s)/think(s) about it, too.
Would like to understand this phenomenom. So I can see it, and distinguish it from other push-pulls, that aren't so unnecessary.

Greeting, jo

This is self-karma. It means there's still something to learn.

This came up a couple of times yesterday, involving AA. A person who's involved with AA is still heavily invested in alcohol, they're just rejecting it and hanging out with other alkies who are also rejecting it rather than accepting it and hanging out with them while getting drunk. If they were no longer involved, they not only wouldn't be attracted to the booze, they wouldn't be attracted to people who have that kind of addiction issue. Nor would they care about how much anyone else drank, as long as they didn't fall over drunk on their doorstep.

As far as the person you mention, unless there's some kind of karmic tie or agreement she's from Central Casting. What I mean by that is that your two Essences chose each other because each of you brings up an issue that the other needs to resolve. That isn't necessarily the same issue, or even the same kind of issue. If that's the case, once you identify the issue and either resolve it or find some other way of working on it, she'll vanish.

John Roth

John Roth


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Re: Discrimination goal: Want to get to things you dispise?
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2011, 05:10:54 PM »
Yes, it's self-karma. And that we should resolve the problem of the other one, seems to fit, too. Thanks.

Greeting, jo