Author Topic: Connection with your partner  (Read 9034 times)


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Connection with your partner
« on: October 17, 2011, 05:39:09 AM »
I'd be interested to know how you are connected with your partner or a previous partner on the soul level.

I'm a warrior cast Artisan with a sage ET, old soul level 3 manifesting mature 5-6, while my husband is a scholar cast Artisan with a priest ET, mature level 6 manifesting same...we are from the same cadre and entityt (4/6). I'm feeling a certain sadness at the fact that we aren't each others task companions or essence twins, its like he is so great and I love him so much that I really wish we will get to be in some relationship again in the future. He is on the truth side and I am on the love side, raw numbers 298 (him) and 388 (me). His frequency is higher than mine and he has more feminine energy while I'm more on the male side.

Overleaves: We share two chief features (self-dep and martyrdom, while he has stubborness and i have arrogance on top of thosE), we have very different body types. Both have the goal of acceptance, while he goes about it in caution mode and I in passion mode. My attitude is cynic and his is spiritual...I guess those differences create the potential for growth between us.

Oh, and I've been thinking about one thing and that is the entity/cadre, for example my husband comes from another country and has lots of relatives ill probably never even I still most likely connected with them either through same entity or same cadre since they were atleast a part of his life while he was still living there. Or are some of these connections outside our cadre or cadre group, just a random connection during this life?


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Re: Connection with your partner
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2011, 07:11:14 PM »
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we are from the same cadre and entityt (4/6)....I'm feeling a certain sadness at the fact that we aren't each others task companions or essence twins, its like he is so great and I love him so much that I really wish we will get to be in some relationship again in the future.
Since you're both in c4e6, there's a very good chance that you will share other lifetimes, although perhaps not as spouses.


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Re: Connection with your partner
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2011, 09:46:56 PM »
Shouldn't your husband be spiritually older than you, with a higher frequency, in the same entity? Was already thinking about that question, before. (in a general sense)


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Re: Connection with your partner
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2011, 10:42:34 PM »
oceanemotion, did you have a channeling done on how many lives have you met your husband in?

I am not in a relationship now, but I had a quite strong connection with my previous partner and still do (we have children together). Our charts were done by different channels and I have not yet fully validated mine, let alone his, so I don't take any of it as the ultimate truth, but it has been channeled as:
me: Artisan, Sage Casting, 2/6, 45m/55f, 50 freq., 3rd Old, sliding to 5th Mature
him: Warrior, Sage Casting, 2/7, 65m/35f, 60 freq., 6th Mature, manifesting Mature
We have not been channeled as either ETs or TCs and I felt disappointed about that too. Once upon a time he used to channel some sort of guide, who told him that he and I were "soulmates". That term is not used in MT, and one day I might ask Michael what was it that he channeled, and what did they mean by this.
When I had his chart done, I have also asked for 4 other most significant family members' charts. With the exception of one (my sister), who was channeled to be from Cadre 3, all others were channeled to be in Cadre 2, like me (my kids, mother and my ex (above)). My mother was channeled to be from the same Entity as me, which was a strange thing to be told. But like I said different channels have done mine and their charts, so the Cadre info is not necessarily matching.

jo, I assume that by spiritually older you mean older in Soul Age. It has nothing to do with frequency or spirituality. Old Soul Level 3 and Mature Level 6 are not million miles away from each other and from what I have seen, it is not unlikely that there is that much difference in Soul Age in the same Entity. Soul Age is based on amount of experience, and has to do with completing monads.