Author Topic: Grand Cycles  (Read 28300 times)


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Re: Grand Cycles
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2011, 05:43:10 AM »
I found this on the main site by shepherd hoodwin:

"As a tree grows, it generates concentric internal rings that can be seen when it is cut. Similarly, each lifetime puts a “ring” of experience “around” our essence, and each grand cycle puts one around our spark. When this cycle is complete, it will be fully integrated into our spark, just as when this lifetime is complete, it will be fully integrated into our essence. The core of our spark is unchanging. It is the ultimate “I” who experiences"
-> The core of our spark is unchanging but it seems like we still gain experience to our spark

"A grand cycle is the big “loop” beginning with the spark taking on an essence. It continues through having a series of lifetimes in a particular life form capable of sentience on the physical plane of a particular planet (or group of planets that have space travel between them), and completing the higher planes of that planet. It concludes when the spark integrates its experiences back into the Tao."
-> I guess this means we wouldnt be coming back on earth probably after this cycle but going on another planet for a different experience :D



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Re: Grand Cycles
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2011, 05:52:23 AM »
oh and here's the link...i found this channelling superb!