Author Topic: Native Americans  (Read 6317 times)


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Native Americans
« on: April 18, 2011, 08:53:26 PM »
Does anyone know if Michael has channeled any general information on Native Americans as far as Soul Levels and Roles at the time America was discovered and settled and through the Manifest Destiny period? ...and this would be in contrast to the settlers?  Are there specific individuals that stand out from the generalization--special chiefs for example?  Any channelled information as to whether this has changed in today's environment?  As Newbie, I've acquired lots of books and am so grateful for the MT site, but I have not, so far, come across any reference to the above...and I'm interested in the big picture of Michael teaching.  Thanks anybody!

John Roth

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Re: Native Americans
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2011, 11:41:08 PM »
Does anyone know if Michael has channeled any general information on Native Americans as far as Soul Levels and Roles at the time America was discovered and settled and through the Manifest Destiny period? ...and this would be in contrast to the settlers?  Are there specific individuals that stand out from the generalization--special chiefs for example?  Any channelled information as to whether this has changed in today's environment?  As Newbie, I've acquired lots of books and am so grateful for the MT site, but I have not, so far, come across any reference to the above...and I'm interested in the big picture of Michael teaching.  Thanks anybody!

There was some material in J.P.s Advanced Class back in the 80s, but I don't remember enough to make a coherent summary. The big thing I'd say is to take a look at the general social mileau as far as it's known, because societies tend to support the needs of the people who live in them. For example, hunter-gatherer societies are very heavy with Infant souls because they're ideal for the kind of raw survival lessons that the early Infant soul needs. A lot of the Eastern seaboard cultures in North America look like Baby soul cultures.

The Aztec and Inca were most likely Baby and Young, but I find it hard to believe that Pizzaro would have been able to conquer the Incas with a couple hundred men and some not very functional guns if they were young souls. His armor wouldn't have mattered: a Young soul culture would have buried him alive under a human wave.

There are always Mature and Old souls that incarnate in those cultures, both for the experience and as teachers; those are the ones you tend to hear about.


John Roth


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Re: Native Americans
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2011, 02:43:39 AM »
Thanks John!!  Helpful comments :)


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Re: Native Americans
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2011, 12:09:29 PM »
I have one caveat about the Aztec and the Inca, and the relative ease with which The Conquistadors conquered them, and this has nagged me for years.  Does anyone remember in the book "Dune", by Frank Herbert, the 'Bene Gesserit' Sisterhood of Priestesses had, for thousands of years, introduced myths and legends whenever they first encountered a new, primitive society as they systematically seeded the Galaxy with their religious dicta.  These myths were specifically engineered and tailored to provide a pre-existing mythological niche for any Bene Gesserit cognoscenta that found themselves, perhaps millenia later, on any planet so acculturated,  Thus the inculcated social imprinting provided in cultural "leverage" with which the missionaries might manipulate the natives toward whatever end was deemed necessary for the benefit of the church.


Absolutely too bizarre an occurence (given that both the Incas and the Aztecs had similar culturally imbedded resonant mythologies that truly allowed the Spaniards to be treated with an absence of suspicion about there motives, and an abundance of gratuitous deference and a lowering of defensive attitudes towards alien races) too be a simple random instance of benificent fortune I say.  There are a few researchers [Sitchin and Hambly (?) to name two] who, from Sumerian texts onward can point to evidence for the theory that the developement and then maintenance of Homo Sapiens (and later, Homo Sapiens Sapiens) was a bio-engineeering process, repeated on various habitable ecospheres also engineered (terraformed) across this Galaxy, the process providing the "Custodial" beings, possessed of advanced technology which seemed to make them "Divine" beings as perceived by the slave races, with plentiful and subjugated labor forces suitable for the mining and garthering of materials the "Custodians" needed for the support of their advanced spaceworthy vehicles and devices.  At this point I can almost just hear Dave grinding his teeth as he realizes I've once again managed to introduce my pet "Von Daniken" hypothesis to yet another unsuspecting forum.  There are confirmational references to this subject matter (The Michael is assuring me as I type) in the body of recorded, but never formally published channeled material from the first 4 years of the Orinda Group (including my obsession: the texts from the sessions channeled through the "upgraded/reengineered" Ouija Boards - necessitated because the 'store bought' products apparently wore out under the inundation of data coming through at that time).  J.P. Van Hulle has been kind enough to have given me the phone number of the gentleman/Orinda Group Member/one time Archivist who is supposed to still have this stuff somewhere.  I will endeavor to track it down.  John Roth may know of whom I speak or maybe one of the other kind souls/scions of the members of the original group will recall something.

So, have I strayed too far through Expression to Oration?  You all will have to not worry about offending me and tell me when I have plunged of the edge of the world of brevity into the misty netherworld of insufferable digression, OK.  I supposedly (statistically) have between only one and three years of harvested saphous vein arterial bypass longevity remaining after my open-heart surgery two years ago and I feel compelled to 'get it all down'.  John Dalmas, you better not outlive me by too many decades, or I'll be offended.  - Thrasher


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Re: Native Americans
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2011, 12:40:30 PM »
in 1995 I studied with a Apache/Hopi Shamaness, Maria Yraceburo - one of Jamie Sams' Moon Circle Priestesses, whose Tribal Medicine Tradition included learning to step across thin parts of what I call The Veil Between Worlds,  instructed by the Astral Essence of her Clan Totem: a 300 year old mummified snake she would hold above our crown chakra while having us speak aloud one desire for assistance with an aspect of our lives.  Everyone else (all women, this was a Moon Circle - usually for women only) asked for help getting rid of stuff, like bad habits, I asked for help in becoming better at Conscious Channeling, specifically I asked for help 'tuning in' one particular disembodied entity: The Michael.  She was teaching downstairs, when I lived above a New Age Shop in Fremont, California, and invited me to join the group since I was already there anyway - she said she felt my auric field from downstairs.

I learned A LOT. The Hopi have a bunch of historical stories ("  .  .  .  and then one day after a few years of bad drought, the Anasazi just all packed up their tools and weavings and hiked down into the mountains of central Mexico and found the hole that was the tunnel to the next world.  They climbed on down and no-one has seen or heard from them since.") and lots of sophisticated explanations of multiple dimensions that sound like descriptions of Calabai-Yau Space and stuff that fits right into the "Many Worlds Theory" as well as awareness of the non-chronology of disembodied existence.

One thing I have always remembered with fondness was a saying of hers, about one way to know if you might have done a timeline shift without being aware of the process.  She insisted that 9 times out of 10, if you couldn't find you car keys, you had made a quantum leap, 'cause it was difficult to cross over with metallic objects.  I've never forgotten that.