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Messages - John Roth

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Scholar / Re: Theory
« on: April 13, 2011, 11:22:34 PM »
I am confused now....I am mature scholar/sage who seeks knowledge all the time through the good old method of try and try again if I do not find what satisfies my curiosity at the time. And this curiosity often changes if I am bored with searching for the answers....some "knowledge" seeking adventures I come back to and others I do not....

If a scholar does not "practice in theory"(negative), then the scholar never gains the "knowledge"(positive) of what they are scholars continually shift from negative pole to positive pole to gain lifes lessons? And if so, how do we advance to the next level?  ??? ;D

Another way of expressing it is that theory, as the negative pole of Scholar, is what was called "book learning" when I was growing up. The negative pole is governed by fear. If you're not afraid to investigate to find out the actual facts to the extent you can know them, then you're not in the negative pole. Sometimes fears aren't obvious. For example, a lot of people would leave the fundamentalist religions in a heartbeat except that they're afraid of losing their friends and family if they do.

Scholars learn by getting involved with things. You can start with what someone says and investigate, or you can just jump in. That's more a matter of other overleaves.

To take a very simple example? Does the sun go around the Earth, or does the Earth go around the Sun? Most people today would answer the latter, but only because they've been taught that in school. They do not have the mathematics and physics grounding to actually understand things they may have seen, such as a Focult's Pendulum.

Why don't they? For some people, it just doesn't matter, and recognizing what doesn't matter is one of the beginnings of wisdom. Many of the rest are afraid that the math might be too hard or dozens of other excuses. It's all fear.


John Roth

Internal Monads / Re: Internal Monads
« on: April 13, 2011, 03:32:53 PM »
what scared me after reading about the monads was the business of exiting the 4th in the negative pole. it sounds like your soul has abandoned you and the rest of the life is wasted. any ideas about this?

If Essence thought the rest of the life was going to be wasted, you wouldn't be here. To paraphrase Helmuth von Moltke the Elder "No plan survives contact with reality." Essence is well aware of this, and will usually manage to salvage something from even the worst screwup. If it doesn't think it'll get something valuable from the experience, it won't waste the energy continuing the lifetime.

As one of those general rules with lots of exceptions, finishing the fourth internal monad in the negative pole happens quite frequently in the first lifetime of a soul age level. It's called experience.


John Roth

Soul Age / Re: Manifesting
« on: April 13, 2011, 03:21:35 PM »
I'm confused about this manifesting bit. If you're manifesting younger than your actual soul age, does that mean you've regressed? Why would that happen?

To expand on Gordon's reply a bit: everyone starts out at Infant as a baby, and gradually goes through the soul ages as they grow up, either until they get stuck or they reach where they left off in their previous lifetimes.

In this culture, men have a tendency to get stuck at Young and women at Mature. That's just cultural imprinting. In many ways it's easier for an Old soul to manifest as Young in this culture. They're both individualistic although in different ways, and for many life plans it doesn't make a huge amount of difference.

Regression, in the sense of something that's gotten lost, doesn't happen. Everything gets stored in the repository for later lifetimes to use, but not all of it gets used in any particular lifetime.


John Roth

Seven Planes of Existence / Re: Back to the Tao
« on: April 13, 2011, 05:10:03 AM »
I love the idea behind the seven planes. What I want to understand is what happens when you're done? Is the Tao a form of spirit death?


I haven't a clue. Neither does Michael.


John Roth

Frequency / Re: Can frequency change?
« on: April 13, 2011, 05:08:32 AM »
This is a stupid question I guess, but can frequency ever change?


No. Frequency is an attribute of Essence, not of the chunk of Essence that is running a particular lifetime.

It won't change until the Spark returns to the Tao and is cast into another Grand Cycle.


John Roth

Karma / Re: Insects
« on: April 13, 2011, 05:06:28 AM »
Karma is owed to a human being, that is, an Essence that is incarnating as a member of Homo Sapiens.

That doesn't mean that the ant hive mind may not get pissed at you, but that's a different issue that they'll probably work out on your next picnic.


John Roth

Life Task / Re: Life Task/Life Plan
« on: April 13, 2011, 05:03:44 AM »
The "life plan" is more comprehensive. It includes all the agreements about parenting agreements, karma, mating agreements and similar. A good astrologer can get in touch with part of it through your horoscope, although lots of details get changed when the plan meets reality.

The Life Task is something more specific, and usually isn't well started until the late 40s or early 50s. A Michael channel can discuss it with you, although they usually won't tell you what it is until you're well enough into it to be pretty certain yourself.


John Roth

Essence Twins / Re: Twin Soul
« on: April 13, 2011, 04:59:15 AM »
No. In the MT, an 'essence twin' has a specific location in the cadre. Many people never meet their essence twin in the flesh; many of the ones who do wish they hadn't because the relationship is simply too intense.

The notion of "twin soul" comes from other teachings, and seems to refer to essences that have other kinds of relationship. There are a fair number of other relationships in the MT, including task companions, traveling companions, entity mates and cadence mates. Most of these will cause enough of a resonance that other teachings would call them "twin souls."

This probably needs more work to flesh it out.

John Roth

Scholar / Re: Theory
« on: April 13, 2011, 04:53:36 AM »
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.

The term "theory" in the sciences means an intellectual construct that tries to pull a whole bunch of observations together into a coherent whole that can then be reasoned about, preferably with precise, repeatable measurements and to a reasonable degree of mathematical precision.

As the negative pole of Scholar, it means that what he thinks about isn't grounded in real world experience. For example, literary theory. Since the negative poles are governed by fear, a Scholar in the negative pole is afraid of finding out if his theories actually work in practice.

A good example of an ungrounded theory is modern macro-economics. It's clear that it doesn't work, but economists don't seem to be in any hurry to fix it. A Scholar in the positive pole would know there were problems and have a lot of experience in what works and what doesn't. One in the negative pole would try to defend the indefensible, like the notion that "sustainable growth" is a meaningful phrase.


John Roth

Artisan / Re: How to tell if I'm an Artisan?
« on: April 13, 2011, 04:44:14 AM »
You need to get it channeled to be sure.

Artisans are ordinal expressive. What that means is that the "typical" artisan will frequently be involved in something creative, either by herself (crafts, writing, etc.) or with a small number of people. The energy flows from inside out, and the expression tends to be with things rather than people (the latter is the Sage.) Many artisans express their creativity with everything they touch.

One way we used to distinguish artisans from servers was that artisans tended to run out of closets for their clothes, while servers don't care. Of course, that's totally surfacy, but it's still surprising how often it's true.


John Roth

Soul Age / Re: Mature & Old Souls
« on: April 13, 2011, 04:36:55 AM »
It can be difficult if you don't know what's been channeled for a specific person.

There are a few rules of thumb I use. These aren't definitive, of course.

The first has to do with individualism vs social cohesion. Baby and Mature souls tend to be "plugged into" society, Infant, Young and Old souls tend to be individualists, although for very different reasons. A "typical" mid to late mature soul is much more likely to want to take collective action, possibly through government channels, than a typical Old soul. The Old soul is much more likely to let the situation develop in whatever way it wants.

A second has to do with "effective time frame." Mature souls tend to get concerned when they see problems in the 20 year time frame. Young souls tend to get concerned when the see problems in the 3 to 5 year time frame. Old souls can be concerned with problems they see in any time frame. To finish this off, Baby souls tend to go with the one year agricultural cycle, and Infant souls only react when a problem walks up with a club.

Mature souls usually are involved in lots of relationship angst. Old souls tend not to angst over relationships anywhere near as much, although they aren't immune to relationship problems. Nobody is immune to them! One big difference is that a Mature soul will expect people to behave according to the current social norms, or else work on changing the norms. Old souls are a lot more liberal.


John Roth

General Discussion / Re: The Economy
« on: April 13, 2011, 04:24:04 AM »
I don't believe Michael has channeled on that subject, at least through the channels I listen to regularly. They tend not to give specific predictions, so I wouldn't expect anything.

In MfM, they said that the current situation is somewhat similar to what it was in Rome under Augustus, when "luxury was easily available." This was in the late 1970s. The way I read it is that the luxury we've become used to in the west is likely to become less and less available over time.

Have fun
John Roth

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