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Messages - jo

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General Discussion / Re: Robert Burton
« on: September 03, 2011, 11:10:49 PM »
Are you talking about the actor Robert Burton?

The Seven Chief Fears (or Features) / Re: Self-Destruction
« on: September 03, 2011, 03:37:23 PM »
Thanks. Maybe I'm gonna take a look at it, from time to time.

Greeting, jo

Internal Monads / 3rd internal Monad
« on: September 01, 2011, 10:17:29 PM »
The 3rd internal monad refers to the the young soul age. Right?
So, does the "do it my way"- thing in the young soul age, contain, that you don't wanna do things, others tell you to do, even if you would want to do them, when the others would want you to do different things?

Greeting, jo

Soul Age / Is the Depression of the Old Soul something normal?
« on: September 01, 2011, 09:33:49 PM »
I read somewhere, that psychologigal Depression is a necessary part, of the Old Soul's life. 

Maybe it could be also short times of Depression, during the day. For example 2 times 20 Minutes every day, in average.

Does the MT includes this Thesis, too? (The first sentence)

Greeting, jo

Soul Age / Re: POLL: What is Your Soul Age?
« on: September 01, 2011, 09:21:49 PM »
@Stefan I read that too. But here ary many old 6 and old 7 people, presenting themselves in public. Although in a Book of Varda Hasselmann was written, that people with this soul age aren't interested in such teachings and in showing themselves in public. *shrug*

Greeting, jo

Artisan / Re: something tangible?
« on: August 29, 2011, 06:47:40 PM »
Okay. Maybe these things are more in the purview of the sage. But in the text it's also written, that there were inventor artisans, artist artisans and physicist artisan. And except the inventors, all are not producing something physical, what is "tangible".

Greeting, jo

Of cadre group two, which has an agreement to study with micheal, right? :)
What use do I/someone have of the information, that I'm/he/she is in the 2nd (or four *shrug*:) )/whatever Cadre? Of any cadre group, noone knows?
Does that gives you any information ???

Greeting, jo

okay, then I'm in an artisan entity, that's matching. Just found and read this:
I was just confused, because on this site ( the entities are described so detailed.
But it's probably just an example for the different energies, each number/position of an entity has. Like you've said.

Greeting, jo

Maybe I start a bit earlier. I read the describtions of the 7 Entitys. And at first I looked, if the describtion of my entity fits to me, which did very good. (3rd entity)
But I wondered, if there are always these 7 entitys, in every cadre, with the same "way of being and doing" and the same allocation of roles? In another teaching, there where a whole much more different entitys, with more different occupations and allocations of roles.

a bit confused  ??? :(

Greeting, jo

Could you add a role-influence to each number/position of a Cadre/Entity and Casting Order in Entity (first part, second part and so on)? What shapes a personality/Essence?
For Example: 2nd Cadre = Artsan Influence, 3rd Entity = Warrior Influence and First part of the entity = Server Influence. Just as an example.
I didn't find such information on the MT-Website. I just found Information on the entitys and the people in it, which fitted very well.
But is there a role Influence, according to the Position/Number, as well? Thanks.

Greeting, jo

Artisan / something tangible?
« on: August 24, 2011, 04:36:10 PM »
Just read this:
"Artisans are impelled to make things. They get restless if they do not create something tangible. It is their nature to produce physical objects. They generate an idea, and from within themselves they spew it out into material reality. They take the raw material in their hands and fashion it into things of beauty or function. Gadgets and gizmos are their stock in trade."
I wonder, how this fits with a lot of things artisans create and then express: music, drawing, any verbal expressions, thoughts, theories, writing.
Is sound (music), drawing, or verbal/written expression of a creation/idea/combination of ideas, something physical? ???

Greeting, jo

Artisan / Picky
« on: August 24, 2011, 03:59:55 PM »
Could the trait Picky be a form of Self-Destruction, too? Or what's the reason, that an artisan can be too picky.
And if I made a decision, always after a short time, I'm searching for something "better". Do you maybe have some techniques or advices against this? Thanks.

Greeting, jo

King / Re: Magnetic Kings
« on: August 23, 2011, 07:12:29 PM »
Build your own blocks? System of a Down? ???
What does that mean? (BYOB)

Artisan / Self-Delusional?
« on: August 20, 2011, 01:18:59 AM »
What does that mean?

Greeting, jo

King / Re: Magnetic Kings
« on: August 20, 2011, 12:03:45 AM »
you could ask chiara, if she is... :)^^ would be funny to know

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