Author Topic: Understanding casting  (Read 22158 times)

Chiara DB

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Understanding casting
« on: May 29, 2011, 08:30:51 AM »
How can you validate your casting? Many years ago, I got in a meditation guided by Michael that I had Server casting, and I can see how that could be true. On the other hand, I was just reading somewhere that your casting is how you act in your day to day life, and that a good way to figure out your casting is to observe what you do for work.

Well, nothing I do for work has anything to do with being a Server. The closest I can come to that is that I generally have an attitude of service when I do my work. But all my various jobs have to do with creativity, but it's actually more like re-creation: singing classical music, translating texts, and non-fiction writing. Those are all to do with communication, so could my casting be something more like Sage?

I have also read that if you have an ordinal casting, you express that in an exalted way, and vice-versa which is something I haven't yet wrapped my head around.


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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2011, 09:43:12 AM »
How can you validate your casting? Many years ago, I got in a meditation guided by Michael that I had Server casting, and I can see how that could be true. On the other hand, I was just reading somewhere that your casting is how you act in your day to day life, and that a good way to figure out your casting is to observe what you do for work.

Well, nothing I do for work has anything to do with being a Server. The closest I can come to that is that I generally have an attitude of service when I do my work. But all my various jobs have to do with creativity, but it's actually more like re-creation: singing classical music, translating texts, and non-fiction writing. Those are all to do with communication, so could my casting be something more like Sage?

I have also read that if you have an ordinal casting, you express that in an exalted way, and vice-versa which is something I haven't yet wrapped my head around.

It's an ingenious invention by the Tao that allows you to experience a particular role energy in both ordinal and cardinal fashion. I have a Sage friend who juggles a Priest ET with Priest casting. She gets to experience both the cardinal and ordinal aspects of Priest energy.

Concerning your casting, it could, of course, be mischanneled. But based on what you've written, I could see your life pursuits as a mix of mastery, inspiration, and service. In some ways you're already doing those things.

From Michael math, the positive pole of number one is purpose, and the numeral one, of course, corresponds with the role of server. Do you feel a sense of purpose in the things you strive to accomplish. And does it feed your soul in some way to be of service in your many endeavors?



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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2011, 12:23:14 PM »
Chiara, the way I understand it and experience it, the casting is not always expressed in what you do for work. I have a Sage casting and I am a software developer. I can't quite see a connection. But in my spare time I am a singer and a musician and I spend a lot of time expressing myself verbally on internet forums and such, which seems kind of Sagey to me. Nonetheless, I am not a Sage, but an Artisan, and this I was 100% sure of before having it channeled, as I am kind of a stereotypical Artisan. So that is how I perceive how the casting is showing itself in me.

Michael told me:
Your casting as Sage adds further to your ability to express what you inculcate in regard to understanding the structure. At times you can be quiet while at others you revel in center stage but lack the arrogance that can sometimes cause you to seek center stage purely for the place that it is, rather than what it affords you.


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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2011, 06:20:03 AM »
I'm a Warrior cast and I would say it brings a certain earthyness to my artisan role, I love food and physical contact and I need to exercise in order to feel normal. I can be competitive, for example while playing board games...I wish I didn't care about winning but I do! lol...I remember being a little girl and this bigger guy in daycare said: I bet youre too scared to get down that slide standing...and I was all fired up and did it and almost broke my back  ;D There's a certain competitiveness and especially when I hear some things like guys are better at this or that I wanna prove people wrong...I can be aggressive too.


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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2011, 07:02:41 PM »
I don't really understand the casting yet.  I need to study it more.  I have a feeling that it impacts my life more than I realize, whether for good or for bad.

All I know is that Michael said my King casting diluted my creative energy.  And that there was a projection of authority, often seen as a firmness that is broadcast even when I remain in the wings and don't say a words.

I'm sure there's more to it than that.   :)


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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2011, 04:35:43 AM »

I have scholar casting. And can see it pretty clearly, as most of the time it comes across first to others, before my kingliness... it was always that I was the one who 'knows/knew' something. Not always in a know-it-all way, but it's been a pattern that people assume that I'm quick on the uptake, know what's going on and that I'm always paying attention and will know the answer to their question, or will be able to help them. Random people often look to me for information/help.

Greg told me once that he felt kings were scholars on steroids. And that for a king with scholar casting it's much about "knowledge is power", with an archetype of "master librarian". Which I can see for myself. I'm also resourceful and have my own sort of library of sorts and I enjoy being called upon to be of service in that way. Recommending books, helping people find what they need (in a masterful way). I'd love some day also to teach a printmaking class or to actually be in charge of a small library.

Sometimes I get really bad about 'misinformation'. I don't like fuzziness, but, I also hate close-mindedness where the person won't consider other informational opinions or sources (that could be an effect of Flow too). But if something is being mis-interpreted or someone is being mis-informed, it takes a lot for me to not say anything. There's a home video of me at age 5 where my sister is being asked how old she is and she's holding up the wrong age (in fingers), and I am in the background looking directly at the cameraman going "she's THREE. NO, she's THREE. (how old are you M? 2?)...  She's THREE... " until I got my point across.

I cringe at people getting the "wrong idea", or if I'm not told the truth or am informed badly.

But yes, People see me as quite scholarly and as always having a book in my hands or in my bag.

It seems to quell the king energy, but works well with it most of the time.


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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2012, 03:28:39 AM »
And what book do you have in your hand right now?  ;)

You should post that home video at age 5. That's a fun story.



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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2012, 12:13:19 PM »
Haven't quite understood it, too, by now. I wonder if the Cardinal Casting (Server, Artisan, Warrior) is then positive/initiating etc. and the Ordinal Casting (sage, priest, king) is then negative/passive. That would be strange. Or if it's just a matter of strength.


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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2012, 12:16:02 PM »
And that there was a projection of authority, often seen as a firmness that is broadcast even when I remain in the wings and don't say a words.

I think that's because of the Power Mode, not? Sage + Sage entity.


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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2012, 12:21:28 PM »
I have a Sage casting and I am a software developer. I can't quite see a connection.
Sages are often in the field of it-jobs. Idealist + Intellectual center, i would guess, is the motivator.


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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2012, 12:27:37 PM »
...and just having to sit in front of a computer that provides anything a sage needs, without much need to move?


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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2012, 12:28:18 PM »
or to further the communication and connection of humanity :)


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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2014, 01:45:53 PM »
I am understanding casting a little more now.  And I can see the influence of my King casting more clearly.  It does come across as authority to some, but to others it comes across as...controlling is probably the closest I can come to describing it. 

Perhaps, too, my King casting blunts my ability to have the gift of gab--which I don't have at all.  And my (inadvertent) bluntness abrades a lot of people and causes misinterpretation of my meaning.  This is something I have been working on. 

Unfortunately, there are those who go by their first impression and do not change their opinion no matter what.  But that is their choice.  I can only continue to try to understand as much as possible about my casting and how it affects me. 


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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2014, 01:47:14 PM »
Dave, I notice that all my posts are automatically flagged by you, the moderator.  I'm sorry to see that.


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Re: Understanding casting
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2016, 10:25:23 AM »
Dave, I notice that all my posts are automatically flagged by you, the moderator.  I'm sorry to see that.

I wasn't even on this forum in 2014. That would have been impossible.

I'm also not sure what you mean by flagging? Were you getting a message from the forum?
