Author Topic: What drives the id?  (Read 9504 times)


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What drives the id?
« on: March 10, 2012, 07:11:30 AM »
I was in a discussion with a friend about some study on the news saying loneliness causes immunosuppresion due to high cortisol from the psychic stress. She insisted that the depression of loneliness comes from "not being happy with oneself." Living to others standards and not living your own life. So she exclaims be yourself and be okay with others rejection and social isolation.

So I asked what if being me means rape women and eat puppies?

She says "you're acting out of ego, and not your true self."

Now this is a notion commonly found in pop new age spirituality. That behaviour that is deemed negative or unacceptable in human society must be false personality. This despite being a common notion even within the Michael Teachings is contradictory to it's core thesis and to classic psychoanalytic models as well. It's a sort of unexamined and sophmoric ideal of human nature. Good action is true self, bad action is false self. Nevermind who decides what is good and bad.....which of course is always the new ager.

The infant soul is not acting out of false personality when it rips the liver out of an elk and eats it raw. The young soul is no acting out of ego when it steps on its coworkers back on the climb up the corporate ladder. It's acting out of its true self. Acting out of ego would be them NOT doing that. If they followed ego it would have restricted their drives and thus stunted their growth. They didn't get learn the lesson because false personality made them act in such a way as to conform to social ethics.

Because of this I think the new age notions of spirituality are damaging to spiritual evolution by insisting that all percieved negativity or negative action is false. No one will ever learn if we all conformed to new age idealism.

Soul age is what answers the question of what drives the unconscious in Freudian terminology. When the superego is in a state of diminished capacity we get a glimpse of other people's true unfiltered soul age. The question is asked why do some people act animalistic and quasi-retarded while others seem to desire a sophisticated type of societal power. And still others seek social insularity and a sense of belonging? Why do we not only see these common themes within relatively monolithic cultures themselves, but across all cultures in all times. What motivates the unconscious drives in human primates?

The seeking of knowledge, of spiritual enlightenment, of financial power, of influence within a closed society. These are the games of the ego. No one can help to play them unless they're in a coma. Action requires illusion and the only enlightenment is to realize that it literally is just a game. Not to not play the game at all.

New age spirituality is basically the game of the baby soul. It's the ego's attempt to redefine the dynamics between the id and the superego. Same thing that classic religion does, same game as political correctness and the social revolutionary mature soul. It's not a bad thing and it's not irrelevant, but it is just a game. Or masturbation if you will. This dynamic is what I think makes old souls annoyed with mature souls. Or it is for me anyway.

Chiara DB

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Re: What drives the id?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2012, 08:19:15 PM »
This is the problem with many of these systems of understanding humans -- they don't take into account that we are animals as well as spirits. As primates whose organisms developed in a very different situation than technology has brought us to now, we have a biological need not to be alone. It's not just spiritual -- it's like, you're not going to physically survive if you are shut out of the tribe. "Being happy with myself" isn't going to protect me when the winter is cold and food is hard to find, or I am attacked by a wolf or a member of an enemy tribe or just name your life-threatening situation that you can't handle alone. And being alone doesn't make babies and assure the survival of the species. Therefore, we have a primal drive to be with others that won't go away just because I started thinking about it a different way.

And as to "negative" things being "false," well, guess what? This planet is based on death. Everything on it kills so that it may live - even sweet, innocent things like trees and plants, some of which are known to send out poisons into the ground to prevent competitor plants from springing up around it. Even vegetarians are killing and consuming living plants, not to mention all the small rodents and rabbits that are murdered every time a field is harvested. Heck, we murder thousands of small organisms every day every time we take a shower. So, let's get over the idea that we can be spirits of light floating above and untouched by all this struggle and death. All we can do is reduce the harm we cause, try to love each other, and understand that we're all in this together.

And yes, if you are a rapist and puppy eater - DO NOT BE YOURSELF, PLEASE!!! Please be very very fake, for all our sakes ;D


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Re: What drives the id?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2012, 09:56:02 PM »
good topic maybe I also write an answer to it later


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Re: What drives the id?
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2012, 06:38:47 AM »
This is the problem with many of these systems of understanding humans -- they don't take into account that we are animals as well as spirits. As primates whose organisms developed in a very different situation than technology has brought us to now, we have a biological need not to be alone. It's not just spiritual -- it's like, you're not going to physically survive if you are shut out of the tribe. "Being happy with myself" isn't going to protect me when the winter is cold and food is hard to find, or I am attacked by a wolf or a member of an enemy tribe or just name your life-threatening situation that you can't handle alone. And being alone doesn't make babies and assure the survival of the species. Therefore, we have a primal drive to be with others that won't go away just because I started thinking about it a different way.

And as to "negative" things being "false," well, guess what? This planet is based on death. Everything on it kills so that it may live - even sweet, innocent things like trees and plants, some of which are known to send out poisons into the ground to prevent competitor plants from springing up around it. Even vegetarians are killing and consuming living plants, not to mention all the small rodents and rabbits that are murdered every time a field is harvested. Heck, we murder thousands of small organisms every day every time we take a shower. So, let's get over the idea that we can be spirits of light floating above and untouched by all this struggle and death. All we can do is reduce the harm we cause, try to love each other, and understand that we're all in this together.

And yes, if you are a rapist and puppy eater - DO NOT BE YOURSELF, PLEASE!!! Please be very very fake, for all our sakes ;D

I love that. It's all relative! It really is and I find that to be a cathartic thought. And if everyone followed "be yourself" a tribe or society could not function. It's the human dilemma essentially. Freud wrote about it in "society and its discontents." It's a matter of survival that we must to some degree supress ourselves for the collective good and this creates what Thoreau called the "quiet desperation."