How do you feel that people react to these people you've listed? What were your observations? That they're treated like royalty or looked up to (or are just in the spotlight)? Quite a few celebrities are.
It could all be in the casting or ET bleedthrough as well (as in the case of Jennifer Aniston), as that might be more apt to be seen or picked up on more easily by others... I'm sure people would guess me to be a scholar or artisan straight off, but then if they looked behind it they would see the kingliness there.
Kings have Mastery of themselves, their things and other People and their things, too?"
Yep, most of the time.

(No, not really. But to some degree yes).
Kings that I haven't seen mentioned
much are
Georgia O'Keeffe (isn't she one? I swear I saw it mentioned somewhere)
George Sand
Dakota Blue Richards (good example of a teenage king).
It's sometimes kind of hard to tell what "cold focus" is, as for me it mostly comes along when I'm... well... focused. Or angry/ticked off.
It's a steely focus that isn't as blunt as 'warrior' and not as hot as priest (hence "cold"). Sort of between those two.
It took me a while to distinguish artisan eyes from king eyes, as they both can kind of have a soft intensity to them.
My artisan bf has quite a steady stare that can be more intense than my own.
This is mostly how I see a "king" look. Kind of have to see them when they're angry or involved to get it.
Otherwise, in my opinion, it's pretty hard to tell.

Focused. Cold.
I don't know. It takes a LONG time and practice to get good at reading eyes. I'm not nearly there myself, but I'm getting the hang of it as time goes on. It's also reading their whole gestalt and seeing what sort of 'mixture' the person might be.