Wow...good question. I've got a goal of Growth, and I think my basic focus is all learning is good. This can be good, in that I am a quick learner and I like to learn. The bad side is that it's easy for me to get distracted by all the lovely things I could learn and do and end up just being busy instead of going forward to a particular goal.
As for growing with no discretion...well, I don't think there's such a thing, really. If you try to grow without any kind of direction, you learn from the consequences of doing this, and that's growth. If you grow with a definite goal in mind, then you learn from the consequences of doing that. So you end up growing regardless of what you do.
That said, if you know what your life task is, then it's easier to have a focus and grow toward whatever it is that you have set yourself out to do.