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Introductions / Re: Introductions
« Last post by Chiara DB on April 05, 2016, 04:52:22 PM »
Welcome, Sojourner! This forum has been quiet for a while, but hopefully we can get it hopping again! I am curious about your goal of Flow, so maybe I'll start a new thread to ask you about it :)
Essence Twins / Re: Twin flame
« Last post by Chiara DB on April 05, 2016, 04:50:20 PM »
How would you describe the twin flame? I've heard the term, but I'm not too familiar with what it refers to.
Essence Twins / Twin flame
« Last post by jflozevis on April 04, 2016, 06:32:21 PM »
I wonder if what some people call 'Twin flame' ('flamme jumelle' in French) is Essence Twin. I think yes but I'm not sure.
Introductions / Re: Introductions
« Last post by Sojourner on April 03, 2016, 12:43:15 AM »
Hi. My summarized, channeled Michael info, from 2010. I was in my late 30's then...

Old 2, manifesting Old 1-2
Sage, with Priest casting; King cadence; Artisan Greater Cadence.

ET: discarnate Scholar
Task Companion: Artisan female currently living in Eastern Europe.

Side: Love;
Goal: Flow;
Mode: Power;
Attitude: Spiritualist;
Moving part of Intellectual.
CF's:  Stubbornness, Greed, Impatience, Martyrdom

Mercurial/Venusian/Lunar:  45/40/15
Frequency: 41
M/F: 57/43

Grand Cycles: 12
Lifetimes: 177
Cadre/Entity: 5/7

...May comment from time to time here (such as about how lousy it is being this soul age), or I may not.  Thanks for mentioning this forum recently in the yahoo group. I was unaware of it.  Can't say I have utilized the teachings fully, but the soul age concept has been helpful for acceptance of self and others, and toward understanding perhaps my challenges this lifetime. 

I have rather used astrology as my main tool for self-understanding  (as well as many of the other personality systems that have been mentioned in this thread, in my younger years).  Also spent many years arduously healing past lives. 

I think I am feeling isolated and lonely at the moment and hoping to find a bit of camaraderie.  Eh... we'll see.

Unrelated:  A suggestion would be to make this Introductions thread visible on front board page.
Seven Planes of Existence / Re: Back to the Tao
« Last post by Transducer on March 20, 2016, 08:19:56 PM »
Me too.

Psychiatry may refer, with a touch of negativity, to an"oceanic experience" around any perception of one's return to the Tao. But a Michael channeling, years ago seemed to refer to a return to the Tao as a kind of ultimate blending of Essence experience into All That Is, but without loss of that Individuality / that Spark which had gone forth to explore previously.

And so for me at return to Tao, represents a kind of rest period between Grand Cycles of existence.
The Roles (or Soul Types) / Re: Neale Donald Walsch's role
« Last post by Transducer on March 20, 2016, 08:05:20 PM »
Does someone know the role (and maybe overleaves) of Neale Donald Walsch?
I have no idea.  Awhile back I saw his video. He seemed very much an Old Soul who talks a lot to the non-physical being the Bible calls God.

The past couple of weeks I've been going to the local Unity Church. Las Wednesday, at their metaphysical discussion group I brought up the topic of channeling and non physical sources of information. Neale Walsh was a part of the conversation. There was no derision of channeling / mediumship - a happy surprise. Discussion moved on to reincarnation, and I brought up the Soul Age concept. Someone had seen Someone else referred me to Spiral Dynamics. I Googled it, and have found it has lots of Michael ideas, but in academic / theory of theories language. ....a VERY happy discovery.
The Seven Centers / Re: Male Moving Centred World
« Last post by Transducer on March 20, 2016, 07:39:08 PM »
Looks like they've picked Trump and Hillary. And Trump will pull no punches. Should be a wild ride all the way to November, unless the GOP pulls a rabbit out of their hat and manages to unravel Der Donald at the convention.

After Trump's big win moderate Republicans must be lost in a desert of despair.

An initial media reaction has been to go harshly negative on Trump, bring out his strongman, South American military dictator attributes - especially in his followers. Cruz is the new anti-Trump among big donor money recipients in the Senate. But Cruz points our country towards theocracy, and that won't wear well. Cruz took on Frank Gafney (an architect of W's disaster in the Middle East), which may please big money globalists, but the people may not be in a mood to return to international bully boy of the 2000's. The GOP could pull a rabbit out of the hat and flock to John Kasich, the last chance to save the small govt., small family business on Main St. Republican Party.

Bernie says he is stronger against Trump than Hilary, he has ideological strength in the West, and he can win Calif. and New York.

Around half of the people have yet to vote.

So it's not over yet!
The Roles (or Soul Types) / Neale Donald Walsch's role
« Last post by jflozevis on March 19, 2016, 06:42:07 PM »
Does someone know the role (and maybe overleaves) of Neale Donald Walsch?

I really appreciate his "conversations with God" books. I just re-read some of its books.
The Seven Centers / Re: Male Moving Centred World
« Last post by Dave on March 17, 2016, 02:44:10 AM »
Looks like they've picked Trump and Hillary. And Trump will pull no punches. Should be a wild ride all the way to November, unless the GOP pulls a rabbit out of their hat and manages to unravel Der Donald at the convention.

The Seven Centers / Re: Male Moving Centred World
« Last post by Transducer on March 15, 2016, 12:15:58 AM »
The results of the primary on 3/15 should give a clear indication of what direction Mature moderate Republicans would like the country to go. Trump offers Republicans an opportunity to return to the days of the W. Bush administration, but clearly without the compassion of Bush's "compassionate conservative" campaign promise of 2000. Moderate Republicans ( age 74+) I talk to remain pretty negative about W.

This election is an important choice point for the country. If Mature Democrats can show where the money can be made, and the exercise of influence and control can be had, with-in a national context of rebuilding infra-structure and the electricity grid, we could get maybe half the Young. Such a policy is sellable as a plan for economic / national stability. Thus a policy that would be attractive to the rule orientated.

An opportunity in all this for the country to go forward.
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