Chiara, I am a full time employed single mum of teens and I think that accounts for it 
I can only imagine how busy you must be!
This is quite a helpful thread, because it turns my attention to realising what it actually is that I let happen in my head. I would not say I spend 100% of time the way I have described, its more that those kind of things pop into my head automatically. In general, my mind is very busy. I am Intellectually centered. Constant thinking. The racing ahead must be my CF of Impatience.
I can really relate to this. I'm not intellectually centered, but I think I have the intellectual trap, so if I am not dealing with my emotions, the intellectual center goes into overdrive. I also have impatience. I was raised with parents who spent their entire lives essentially dithering and/or dropping the ball about everything important, so I am programmed to constantly be scanning the situation, trying detect what's not being taken care of or might not be taken care of. It's really a lousy way to be. I've gotten a lot (A LOT) better with this, but I'm kind of disappointed to realize that I still have a less intense version of this going on in my head.
I am trying to force myself to switch off, slow down, be in the moment, or at the very least to know that I am not. Sometimes it's such a hard work.
I can relate to this as well. I was meditating every day for a couple months, and that worked very well. I don't know why I stopped -- I guess my inner wounded child will do anything to avoid doing things that involve self-care. She sits there with her arms crossed and says "No, YOU take care of me, Mom and Dad!" Gotta have a talk with that one...