Author Topic: Old souls living a normal family life??  (Read 17984 times)


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Old souls living a normal family life??
« on: September 13, 2011, 05:03:43 AM »
Are there old souls (actually manifesting old soul age) who are living a so called normal family life, married with kids etc, with a job to provide for the family and actually feeling happy that way.  I was wondering if I can be an old soul since I'm living that type of life and for now enjoying it or am I just not manifesting the old soul in me right now?



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Re: Old souls living a normal family life??
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2011, 04:03:05 PM »
Are there old souls (actually manifesting old soul age) who are living a so called normal family life, married with kids etc, with a job to provide for the family and actually feeling happy that way.

Good question.  I'm sure there are plenty of old souls living this way.  In fact, from the MT members that I know of/read about, I was a little surprised that so many were married (and often long-term marriages), had children, went to church, etc.  The church/religion thing really surprises me.  I know, even MFM "founding members" reconciled the MT with churchgoing, but it still surprises me.

My understanding was that the late-level old soul really didn't have much interest in all that anymore.  That the old soul didn't really participate in "society" any more and was often nomadic.  I guess I need to read it again, because that doesn't seem to be the case with the MT members, many of are late-level old.   :-\

John Roth

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Re: Old souls living a normal family life??
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2011, 07:16:14 PM »
Are there old souls (actually manifesting old soul age) who are living a so called normal family life, married with kids etc, with a job to provide for the family and actually feeling happy that way.

Good question.  I'm sure there are plenty of old souls living this way.  In fact, from the MT members that I know of/read about, I was a little surprised that so many were married (and often long-term marriages), had children, went to church, etc.  The church/religion thing really surprises me.  I know, even MFM "founding members" reconciled the MT with churchgoing, but it still surprises me.

My understanding was that the late-level old soul really didn't have much interest in all that anymore.  That the old soul didn't really participate in "society" any more and was often nomadic.  I guess I need to read it again, because that doesn't seem to be the case with the MT members, many of are late-level old.   :-\

Living on the physical plane is about living on the physical plane. I know that sounds circular, but the point is that families and society are part of life as human beings on the physical plane. So is not having a family, or withdrawing from society, however you're not going to pass the "final exam" if you don't take the test, which is living a normal life, meeting the challenges head on and surmounting them with aplomb. That doesn't, of course, mean that the final life is going to look like the Young soul success fantasy, the Mature soul angst and drama or the Baby soul "upstanding member of the traditional community." It's going to be highly individual.

As far as church goes, there are churches and there are churches. The membership in my Unitarian congregation happens to be around a third "nature religions or similar," for which read neo-pagan or similar. This probably isn't what you were thinking about when you said "church." I know of several other denominations that are heavily magical in orientation or very spiritual.

Chiara DB

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Re: Old souls living a normal family life??
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2011, 07:19:10 PM »
Sofia, I think it has more to do with your perspective on life than your activities in life. Different people can perform the same activity but with completely different perceptions and intentions, and they can be getting completely different things out of it. For instance, someone who is heavily involved in new age activities might actually be interested in spirituality, or they might be trying to impress their boss or their friends, or it might give them a tribe to be part of, or it might make them feel like they have figured out "the answer" and that other people who do not believe as they do are wrong. But just the external fact that they are into new age stuff doesn't tell you any of that. An old soul family is going to be a very different experience than a baby, young or mature soul family! :D


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Re: Old souls living a normal family life??
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2011, 04:36:00 PM »
I have been channeled as Old. I never cared for marriage, but always wanted children. Marriage was important to my ex, so we did marry. We have kids too. He left 4 years ago, but we are cool.


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Re: Old souls living a normal family life??
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2011, 02:36:13 PM »
I suppose, if you aren't manifesting right, you're also not happy with it. At least the manifested doesn't make you happy, but perhaps some inside you gain from it.  ???
Well, my sister is also an old soul. And she has a family, too, and is happy with it. Just not with her work. Rather she would like to not work at all (at least she says that sometimes).
If I want children, i don't really know yet. My sister always wanted.

Greeting, jo


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Re: Old souls living a normal family life??
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2011, 11:40:03 AM »
I would say that Mature and Old Sould have a greater potential to be cooler parents, particularly as the child ages. That is not to say they cannot be absolutely dreadful parents. But they might have the potential (not necessarily manifested) ability to sail through the teen years of their kids easier. I would imagine that time must be pretty hard on for example Baby Souls (as its a time you have to deal with all sorts of fears, challenges, crisis, letting go). I think Young Soul parents might have a tendency to drive their kids too hard towards the conventional idea of "success".


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Re: Old souls living a normal family life??
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2013, 08:59:50 PM »
Are there old souls (actually manifesting old soul age) who are living a so called normal family life, married with kids etc, with a job to provide for the family and actually feeling happy that way.  I was wondering if I can be an old soul since I'm living that type of life and for now enjoying it or am I just not manifesting the old soul in me right now?



I am married to my TC, also 2nd Old, and we have 4 kids: 1 is 7th mature, the other 3 are much older than their parents, in fact--4th, 5th, and 7th.

Sorry for the necropost. :)