Author Topic: Dave's Intro  (Read 7239 times)


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    • Michael Teachings
Dave's Intro
« on: April 20, 2011, 04:01:51 AM »
I guess I'll add my particulars for those that don't know.

I'm a 4th level old artisan with a scholar ET and sage casting (5/7/1). My overleaves are flow, passion, realist, intellectual/moving, stubbornness, venusian/solar/neptunian. I'm in cadre 1, entity 5. I have 13 previous cycles, 922 past lives, a m/f ratio of 41/59, a frequency of 67, and needs of acceptance, power, and adventure. Oh, and I'm the truth side of my entity.

I'm also the webmaster of (Hi!) and I fiddle with other Michael related sites that never seem to get finished because I tend to take on too many projects at once. Though, I did a parody of the MT that's mostly finished,

I was born in Burlington, Iowa, a place where it's against the law if kisses last longer than 5 minutes.  Hey, I'm not making that up. It's an Iowa law!  But I shouldn't pick on Iowans too much. After all, they do some amazing things with corn, and statistics show that the largest segment of the population abducted by UFOs are from the Hawkeye state. I think the record speaks for itself.  ;-p

After my tour of duty in Iowa, I migrated to Southern California, where I still reside. No, I don't own a pair of Birkenstocks, nor have I experienced the pleasures of a west coast colonic, but my cat has his own psychiatrist, and as they say, it can only happen in...

Currently, I'm a nonspecifically destinationed individual, or in other words, a musician (sax, clarinet, flute). I freelance in the LA and Palm Springs area of Southern California, and have performed in everything from big bands to orchestras, in nice venues like the Kodak Theater or Roy Thomson Hall, to small, dingy dives that I wouldn't even tell my worst enemy about.

When I'm not playing the sax or engaging in mental masturbation on the Michael list, I enjoy writing short stories -- and like most people who read, want to write a couple novels. I have two in the works right now.

I'll read anything I can get my hands on if given the opportunity, from the poetry of Emily Dickinson, to the side of a deodorant can. I'll even read the dictionary, but have been waiting till they turn it into a movie. 

I'm not entirely sure what my future plans will be, but I hope they include traveling to exotic locations where I can pursue my favorite activity in life: breathing.

Oh, and I channel as a hobby. You can read some of my stuff on the channeling page at the MT site.

Life Task

My life task is to discard parts of self that no longer serve a useful purpose, or that don't fit into my overall whole. I guess like Humpty Dumpty I'm slowly putting my soul back together again. On the surface that doesn't sound as exciting as writing the great American novel, but for an Old soul in Flow it's the perfect time to do a little house cleaning. 

A minor life task is networking. With my many past lives, Michael said I know a lot of souls. They said it's like I carry a notebook around with the names of people who are supposed to meet, and I help bring them together. Perhaps I'm fulfilling this task with the Michael site, the discussion list, and now the forum.

Recently someone channeled additional info about my life task, so I'll include it here: 

"To bring diverse perspectives, ideas, concepts, contexts, and people together into a balanced and integrated whole, and to decipher/reveal the "gems" and/or the "pearls" of wisdom discovered therein."

My Four Pillars

True work:
- Teaching -- both individuals and through media.

True play:
- Musical performance, especially in an intimate setting; creative writing, both musical and verbal; leisurely travel and exploring.

True rest:
- Sleep coupled with massage or other body work; t'ai chi and similar slow-movement moving meditations.

True study:
- The use of technology for spiritual purposes; vocal techniques through the ages; principles that cross disciplines.

How I found the Michael Teachings

I was a long-time Seth devotee, and when my sister dropped a copy of Messages From Michael into my lap it was love at first...okay, so I hated the book the first time I read it. I thought the concept tried to compartmentalize people and place them in boxes. But years later (around 1995) I rediscovered the teachings and the second time around was the proverbial charm. 

I've had readings by Ted Fontaine, Joya Pope, and Shepherd Hoodwin, and found them all to be excellent channels. In fact, I still remember my first session with Shepherd when he arrived at my house riding butt naked on a gangly, cud-chewing camel. Only Lawrence of Arabia could make an entrance like that, or perhaps...a Sage. Yes, if it wasn't for Shepherd I'd still be taking accordion lessons and wearing lime green polyester suits. The wisdom in his channeling changed my life for the better, e.g., I no longer suffer from problem drool, and I'm beginning to understand the convoluted plotline structure of "Three Stooges" episodes.  "Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!" 

Just kidding! ;-p 

« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 04:05:50 AM by Dave Gregg »


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Re: Dave's Intro
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 02:26:41 AM »
Just a note to say thanks for opening this forum.  I have studied your discussions for several years on your web site.  I have always preferred your take on the ages, roles, and overleaves over the others in books and on the web.