Author Topic: Mature/old Warriors  (Read 18922 times)


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Mature/old Warriors
« on: May 23, 2011, 09:00:04 PM »
What might this look like?

I think one of my best friend from university might be a warrior, or at least could have some warrior aspect to her. I was first surprised when trying to guess her role/cast, as warrior was the one that was superbly fitting but I wouldn't have guessed it of her outright if I had just looked at the stereotypes, and because some warriors I think still rub me in the wrong ways. But I get along with her really well, and she was the first solid friend I made once out of high school. One of those "I know you" resonances, as if we had be friends many times before.

It's like, I'm obviously not the stereotype of a king (young king), so it makes sense that she could also be a bit of a softer warrior, but she still has that fighting spirit in her somewhere, and also likes 'attacking' people, like a small animal. Sometimes I think it can all look a little priesty, but ultimately she just wants to get things done, really likes challenges, and is very good at trouble shooting and being a little soldier on the move. Definitely has both elements of exploration and conquest. When I lived by her she was my small buffer to the world, in that she often drove us places and helped me with daily mundane activities. Got us out of the house and 'to' places.  

She's not incredibly forceful, but can be persuasive. She has a lot of the positive warrior traits in any case: Deliberate, Energetic, Determined, Focused, Grounded, Loves Challenges, Maternal, Nurturing, Organized, Principled, Productive, Protective, Proud, Resourceful, Skillful, Survivor.

That's her in a nutshell! She was also my friend who "didn't procrastinate". (very disciplined) heh.
She also relates a LOT to Lola from Run Lola Run, which is a very warrior-esque film...

But, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't find her too scary/intimidating, as is the stereotype for some warriors. She's like an old responsible spitfire grandma who's an absolute hoot and who probably would take you down in a 'rumble'. And it makes me wonder also how many other warriors I've known and liked... probably quite a few...

Generally I feel warriors and myself are on the same page, in terms of getting down to the pertinent information in a quicker fashion. An art tutor I had was very obviously a warrior and no one liked talking to him about their art because he was very blunt and said things straight out. But I loved it because I could 'brief' him about what was going on and then he would be satisfied and would leave me alone to do my things (he was always on the move). Our art talks never took more than 5 minutes, really. heh. Found it much easier to satisfy him because I could just tell him what he wanted to know. Other tutors I felt like I'd have to go on and on about the nuances of my project until they'd go away.

Anyway. What are your experiences of older warriors?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 09:02:30 PM by Elisabeth »

Chiara DB

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Re: Mature/old Warriors
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2011, 09:21:06 PM »
I don't find warriors intimidating, but maybe that's because I'm a King! Haha!

You'd think I'd get along with warriors really well, being a King and all, but for some reason things just don't click between us (in general). I find things with them a bit TOO down to earth for my taste, and, well, for some reason I've met a lot of really stubborn and pugnacious Mature/Old warriors in my life. Don't know why that is - clearly I must have had issues dealing with those things in myself.


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Re: Mature/old Warriors
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2011, 01:02:27 AM »
Hi there,

I must say that warriors, I think, are also victims of stereotype.  I have had close relationships with two mature female warriors, and, in my experience, they get as emotionally attached (henceforth hurt, etc...) as any other mature soul. 

It seems to me that warriors are specially susceptible to the actions of the people they like.  I confided something to a warrior friend (old warrior) that I should not have confided . Afterwards I told him I should not have done that because I was putting him in a liable position.  He did not speak to me in week because he could not believe I did not trust him enough.

I have another friend who is an old warrior.  He got into a lot of fights when he was younger, but lost most, if not all, of them.  Now he dislikes violence (maybe he had to go through that as way to manifest his true soul age) and has a difficult time watching a game of American Football.  He still enjoys getting pushed around in the mosh pit though.




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Re: Mature/old Warriors
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2011, 06:43:01 AM »
Could someone describe the warrior stereotype?


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Re: Mature/old Warriors
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2011, 08:47:28 AM »
'Pugnacious' is a good word, like Chiara mentioned. My art tutor whom I spoke of is quite a good stereotype (he might be young or mature), but he was always on the move, had a way of being very blustery, challenged things, liked arguing points for the sake of arguing ('debating', I guess), was very blunt, opinionated, but quite protective and soft with his small son. Some people were scared/frustrated to approach him because of his conversational style, he also came across as quite rough and just really assertive, sometimes narrow minded. Didn't take crap (even if it wasn't crap) and would tell you things very directly. 'Tough', basically. Fighting. Physical. Unafraid, embroiled in situations.

I think my bf's aunt has quite a bit of warrior-like influence to her as well, and she's quite blunt and opinionated, takes up a lot of energetic space and likes to intimidate others in an amusing way to see how they handle themselves (I 'passed the test', pretty easily), but at heart she's quite vulnerable, softer and emotional.

Stereotype seems to be pretty much all the negative warrior traits: Blunt, Brutal, Bullying, Coercive, Devious, Evasive, Explosive, Hot-tempered, Intimidating, Narrow-minded, Pushy, Seeks Conflict, Stressed, Suspicious, Unforgiving, Violent


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Re: Mature/old Warriors
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2011, 11:22:38 PM »
MY casting is warrior. It has it's benefits, but i have had to beat it to submission to find any peace.

During times of "mobilization" I switch to my warrior mindset, and it plays absolute hell with my King Role. The impatience of a king (which is not even my chief feature) rises up to the point where i feel energy pacing and my body gets anxious.

That warrior mentality makes you want to fight and face challenges, which is a great feeling, but these things require perseverence, caution and it takes time. You have to do the job right, and you have to do it professional. When this is happening, your King role is screaming at you to end this nonsense so that you can get back on your throne and attain professional grade - mastery. it's a real difficult feeling, especially as a young king, since you have to "get your hands dirty" to build a kingdom that will last.

I don't want to imagine what it feels like to be a warrior role. They get a lot of recognition and admiration , they are proud of who and what they are, but a warriors world can be a confusing one.

They have the attitude and agression to succeed, but it is succombed by there desire to submit or atleast find some authority to make sense of themselves. Warrior christians can be especially annoying. Remember jack bauer off of 24? perfect example of a capable man who can't seem to find structure in life because he attracts the challenge and fight. he also was constantly trying to find that father figure. He probably played that role a bit too well though Lol.

warriors, like elisabeth mentioned , have an innate ability on their darker side to dig deep inside the psyche of their "Victim" and find a way to tick them off. They exceed at it, and enjoy seeing how they respond and handle themselves when attacked.

I buy all my warrior friends pitchers - on me when i'm at a bar. Those guys earn their pay.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 11:42:46 PM by mAmbessa »


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Re: Mature/old Warriors
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2011, 01:41:24 PM »
Michael said somewhere, that Warriors approach life combatively. I cannot really validate this due to not being a Warrior myself and not seeing it this clear cut in my Warrior relatives.

It was particularly when I have received my family members overleaves, that I realised I had what someone in MT community recently described as "newspaper horoscope-like understanding" of overleaves, and particularly Roles. With one sort-of-ish exception, I did not guess a single Role of these 5 people right. That one exception was a Mature Warrior, in whom I could see what Shepherd (if I recall correctly) once described as "don't mess with me - gling in the eye - type of thing". I though, well he may be a Warrior. But I had him as more likely a Sage. Turns out he has Sage casting.

On the other hand, I have an Old Warrior daughter, who is still a kid and for the life of me I cannot see what is Warrior about her. I was sure she was an Artisan with some Sage in the mix. Turns out she has an Artisan casting, and a Sage ET.

Then my mum - I sometimes jokingly call her "our warrior" - if anyone approaches life combatively and does not procrastinate, it is HER. Low and behold she is an Artisan (of all Roles!) with a Warrior casting.


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Re: Mature/old Warriors
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2011, 09:21:38 PM »
I've read that there is a Chat with micheal this Sunday.

Maybe we'll get some role / casting info then.

Im excited since this will be my first


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Re: Mature/old Warriors
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2011, 11:12:58 AM »
The channels usually don't do chart information during these chats, such as role, casting, overleaves, etc..

But you can ask a personal question or something general interest.
