Author Topic: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.  (Read 19152 times)


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New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« on: May 25, 2011, 03:30:38 AM »

I'm new to the micheal teachings. I do have experience with what new age calls channelling, I was a prophet (christian) But recently reclaimed my life.

my primary mode of prophecy/channeling is visionary (which amazed me since i have the creativity of a rock) i'm able to see things clearer than I can in real life while chanelling and it is often in colors and themes that I have not seen in the Physical Plane.

I can also sense and see what plagues a person or what demon they are battling by looking at their picture. I am hoping the same may be relativley true in reference to my picture / Role type.

 I'm considering weather or not I should attempt to see what these "Micheal" characters have to say First hand, i would be lying if I said i was not intrigued by the information and inteligence that is offered, however, i wanted to speak with and learn from people who have had experience first.

What interests me at the present time is the in-depth analysis of the human psyche and operating procedure. I need a solid understanding of it because not knowing bothers me and also because I need it to be effective in defending myself as a nation [which i believe every man is]

After REading and studying the graphs and soul charts, My curiosity is aroused.

What confuses me is that i seem to be all of the roles (excluding the creative/expression based roles)

I have the neutrality of a scholar, the agression and desire for mastery of a king, my lifes pretty much been warfare so naturally, i've taken up the cross of a warrior. I have a way of motivating and driving through love in the way of a priest.

right now, i'm inclined to see myself as a king, simply because i feel like that is what i am. I have a desire of mastering everything i touch and the world belongs to me. I feel like everything is within my power and stronghold and that everything that isn't should be. I feel like people constantly rebel against me, but my kingdom is not one of unprovoked force and persuasion - but one of justified agression and a safe haven.

also, Although i may be agressive and at times intimidating, the love in my heart is a burning flame that drives me to serve, but when i serve, I feel like a king serving through example to bring others up to my kingdom. perhaps that may be a chief flaw of arrogance, but i do not feel arrogant at all and I may even belittle myself intentionally so that I can show others the goodness of my power. To show them how a nation is Run. To show any man that he is a god unto himself and that the world is a conquerable piece of matter.



Drag racing,
I love shooting and military combat tactics.

I don't particularly enjoy fist fights, but I practice a lot of hand to hand combat (more so because I feel that EVERY man is a nation and that every nation should have a defensive capability - i don't particularly practice hand to hand combat for the physical enjoyment of it - although i do enjoy it)

i'm a bit of a tech geek

my dream job would be to become a police officer (which i am activley pursuing)

i'm 21 years old.


 * Organized to point of obsession. I cannot stand to see things out of place. my work space & posessions are without fault.

* i have a great ability to notice: creativity, quality and originality. so many creative people cannot see how wonderful there work is or notice quality of an object or build that someone else has created.

* constantly told i'm very smart. I'm really not. I just act from an intellectual sector.I performed average in school and I can't complete a simple algebraic equation without furstration. I am, however: well spoken and clear.

* i can't stand disrespect.

* my general attitude is very humble (dispite what this post may look like) I have a lot of warrior friends and I cannot stand that A-type personality they carry. I had that same personality at one point but i outgrew it. I cannot stand the constant bickering and fighting that warriors have within themselves. It's like all they know how to do is fight for something or some idea / ideal. They have no inner peace. And it disgusts me to the point that I have had to cut off relationships because of a lack of humility in who they are. It's like they are stuck in a cycle of themselves.

* I am an old soul at heart (if that makes sense) meaning - when i am myself, i am very boring, slow, methodical, i wake up in the mornings and simply sit on the porch and can spend hours there. I long for the days i can do that again, and one day when i purchase my home far - far away from society I will do that. unfortunatley, circumstances at the moment are not allowing that, and the circumstances are forcing me into a time of warfare and change instead of stability, structure and the boredom which i love.

Anyway friends, I figured that the men and women on this forum have a lot of experience with discerning soul types.

Any information on: Soul type/personality/body type - whatever; is appreciated.

I am ashamed to say that I do not have a lot of training in matters of personality and soul types, etc. But I would like to learn and grow in it.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 03:33:05 PM by mAmbessa »


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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2011, 04:55:42 AM »
Welcome to the forum!

There are many experienced Michael students here that would be happy to answer any questions for you, so don't be afraid to ask. Many of us here are quite passionate about the teachings.

Btw, I moved your post to Introductions, where it was more topically appropriate.


Terri Green

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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2011, 06:17:47 AM »

You certainly sound like you are a King in the Michael system.  I am a Scholar and I can say that I have never felt many of the things about myself that you describe as feeling about yourself. 

Welcome and I wish you much happiness in exploring these teachings.

Terri G.

Chiara DB

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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2011, 06:49:58 AM »
Welcome, MAmbessa!

What confuses me is that i seem to be all of the roles (excluding the creative/expression based roles)

I have the neutrality of a scholar, the agression and desire for mastery of a king, my lifes pretty much been warfare so naturally, i've taken up the cross of a warrior. I have a way of motivating and driving through love in the way of a priest.

Well, like most personality typing systems, we can all feel a bit of all the roles in our personalities, but there will be one or two that really seem to define how are at our core.  Once you get started in studying the Michael Teachings, you'll find out how the different overleaves combine to influence who we are.

right now, i'm inclined to see myself as a king, simply because i feel like that is what i am. I have a desire of mastering everything i touch and the world belongs to me. I feel like everything is within my power and stronghold and that everything that isn't should be. I feel like people constantly rebel against me, but my kingdom is not one of unprovoked force and persuasion - but one of justified agression and a safe haven.

I like your style, fellow King :)

my dream job would be to become a police officer (which i am activley pursuing)

I wish you the best with that -- I have a kind of secret dream of being a police officer, but I know I'm too sensitive/wimpy to really be able to do that.  :)

Any information on: Soul type/personality/body type - whatever; is appreciated.

Once you really dig into the site and start learning about the system, these kinds of things will start to become more apparent to you. You also might start looking into getting some Michael books -you can generally find them used on Amazon for dirt cheap.  Also, the more you post here and we get to know you, we can help give you feedback on what your overleaves might be.

I am ashamed to say that I do not have a lot of training in matters of personality and soul types, etc. But I would like to learn and grow in it.

Hey, you're 21 and you're interested in this stuff -- that is much earlier than most, and you have to start somewhere. Kudos to you for being open to new information, coming here and laying yourself out like you have. You will learn, definitely.

It's very nice to meet you, and I look forward to reading your contributions here!


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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2011, 01:46:46 PM »
Hi MAmbessa!

Welcome to the Michael teachings forum. I identify with the role of King, as well. I can identify with just about everything that you mentioned. I was what some would call a prophet as well (in christianity). Looking back, I can now see that I was actually channeling.

I too am sometimes taken aback by Warriors upon first meeting, but this is far from the case all of the time. I've learned to simply be and that I don't have to fight or feel challenged. I just find myself being that gentle authority and that's all that's necessary. I have found that when there is an imbalance with the solar plexus chakra, that it can bring up challenges from others, but that when it is balanced I do not encounter that. It's just recognized. I also don't have a warrior casting. I'm Artisan cast with an Artisan essence twin and that softens the king energy quite a bit. As well, my goal is devotion (submission) which confused me for some time into thinking that I was a priest, but I can definitely attest that I only have one input. I can also relate with the servitude that you mentioned. I was able to distinguish scholar from king because kings only study very specific things that they have interest in, whereas scholars tend to study many things just for the sake of learning and so the information will not be lost. The most recognizable traits for me in relation to the king role are the mastery and unfortunately, the tyranny. If there are others around you who are familiar with the Michael teachings then they may be able to offer insights. Others can often see things about us that we can't.


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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2011, 04:06:28 PM »
Dave: Thank you for moving this somewhere  I could get more replies. I was debating where to post this.

Terri Thank you for the welcome

Tim: I Understand preciseley what you are saying. Gentle Authority - When I breath, i feel like I exhale control and authority. Unless I am threatened, I see no need to show off or get all jumpy around-ish. IMO, A king/warrior should be: calm, distinguished, agressive , and have a vibe. a confidence in power.  A powerful gentleness.

Many warriors (especially younger ones) are constantly running around , draining themselves of energy - constantly attempting to gain control over situations and others. It can be draining just to be around them. I love my warriors though. Deep inside all that Fear and insecurity is a quality individual. I've noticed warrior souls are among some of the most interesting and special people that i've ever met.

Chiara DB

Wow... yer cute.
I can sense your calmer [for a female anyway] Female energy & creative humor. You Seem a bit defensive yet Agressive/bubbly.
you understand a lesson learned and your understanding goes far beyond your years too.
For some reason, I get the feeling you may not enjoy hanging around women too much though.

I think you'd make a great law enforcement officer. Wimpiness is a simple matter of Training over Fear. then discriminating against and terminating fear with agression and understanding. Few things beat the adrenaline rush, power and flexability this job provides. It's fit for a king.  

Compassion is a virtue in its right time and place and will get you far in this career field. It works better followed after agression. I've noticed criminals are much more likeley to accept advice after you have broken them down to a submissive level. Once the mindset of submission has been achieved, if your heart desires - you can then tell them about God or whatever the heck you want. In it's wrong place and time, compassion and advice giving will get you harmed physically. It's best in this job to be a (for lack of better term) a$$ hole. criminals are constantly seeing how much power and control they can exert over law enforcement. you'll quickly learn what works and what doesn't.  

I think you should sign up and do a ride along at a local police department.

Well, looks like i've got some reading and learning to do. If anyone knows where I should start or someone I should speak to - please, let me know
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 04:23:07 PM by mAmbessa »


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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2011, 11:53:16 PM »
Hi There. :)

I'm a king as well and can also relate to quite a few things you mentioned, especially these:

i have a great ability to notice: creativity, quality and originality
i can't stand disrespect
I can also sense and see what plagues a person or what demon they are battling
I have a desire of mastering everything i touch
I feel like people constantly rebel against me, but my kingdom is not one of unprovoked force and persuasion
when i serve, I feel like a king serving through example to bring others up to my kingdom
Gentle Authority/A powerful gentleness

You might find 'lessons of the roles' interesting for king (it's at the very bottom):

That description is what really got me (as a king).
Had been disconnected from essence for quite a few years, but now am starting to come around again. And your 'sensing what plagues a person' reminded me of it, as that started happening to me in my teens (more consciously) after I had gone through some of my own dark stuff. Suddenly started really seeing peoples' "stuff", as if through osmosis, or something kinesthetic. Mostly strong feelings, and then just 'knowing' somehow.

I've noticed criminals are much more likeley to accept advice after you have broken them down to a submissive level.

I used to do this often with our dogs and kids I babysat (not exactly criminals, but you'd be surprised sometimes!), and not in an overly harsh way, but some people under one's care just need a little stubborn nudging and "No"-ness, otherwise it's utter chaos. And afterward I've noticed a big difference in respect, or that they actually like me and want me to come back soon and I can get them to do things (like being creative, drawing) that their parents can't get them to do or never see them doing.

Wonder if Mary Poppins was a king. ;) 

I am ashamed to say that I do not have a lot of training in matters of personality and soul types, etc. But I would like to learn and grow in it.

This is great! Not many people at all have training let alone interest in personality and soul types, or so I've seen of a general populace in my life. It's always a bit strange to bring up in conversation. I think you've come to the right place though, and it's good to have you here.  :)


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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2011, 12:34:34 AM »
I can't really tell from your picture what role you might be; there isn't a close, direct view of your eyes in any of them.

You might try the personality tests at the MT site. There's a role test there. Be brutally honest with yourself as you take it and see how you come out.


Chiara DB

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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2011, 03:42:35 AM »
Wow... yer cute.

Well, that's a nice way to start off a response, thank you! :D

I can sense your calmer [for a female anyway] Female energy & creative humor. You Seem a bit defensive yet Agressive/bubbly.
you understand a lesson learned and your understanding goes far beyond your years too.
For some reason, I get the feeling you may not enjoy hanging around women too much though.

People do tell me I have a calm or "serene" manner and that I make them feel calm as well. And I do tend to be more in defensive mode when posting online -- too many bad experiences with meanies for me not to.  :'(  I like hanging around women well enough, but I do feel more myself around men. I think it's a King thing.


I think you'd make a great law enforcement officer. Wimpiness is a simple matter of Training over Fear. then discriminating against and terminating fear with agression and understanding. Few things beat the adrenaline rush, power and flexability this job provides. It's fit for a king.  

Compassion is a virtue in its right time and place and will get you far in this career field. It works better followed after agression. I've noticed criminals are much more likeley to accept advice after you have broken them down to a submissive level. Once the mindset of submission has been achieved, if your heart desires - you can then tell them about God or whatever the heck you want. In it's wrong place and time, compassion and advice giving will get you harmed physically. It's best in this job to be a (for lack of better term) a$$ hole. criminals are constantly seeing how much power and control they can exert over law enforcement. you'll quickly learn what works and what doesn't.  

Reading that made me realize even more that I wouldn't be good as a police officer, LOL! My heart is racing and my adrenaline is pumping just reading it! One thing I am going to do though, is our local police department has this Citizen's Academy where they do a nine-week class all about law enforcement, what they do and how they do it, and after that you can apply to be a community officer and help them out sometimes in low-danger environments -- I think that's more my level :)


I think you should sign up and do a ride along at a local police department.

This is definitely something I want to do!

Well, looks like i've got some reading and learning to do. If anyone knows where I should start or someone I should speak to - please, let me know

This site is a great place to start -- it is packed full of information. You can also check out the Books section and look into getting the books by Chelsea Quinn Yarbo. They are a good place to start as well.


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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2011, 01:58:46 AM »
elisabeth: Thank you for that link, I must of missed that page when i was reading through that website. Very informative.

Chiara: Enjoy that citizens academy. I did an advanced academy years back. It was great, we got to: Shoot, drive and learned investigative tactics and how to read gang signs, etc.

Theres something so deep about this job to me. I've done enough ride alongs to the point where some officers trust me enough to assist them/ deal with the perpetrators. I am so fortunate - because i've gotten to learn so much not only about the job but as a human being.

When i'm on patrol with these officers, i feel a deep part of me find joy on a level that brings me to tears. This job - I cant explain how much i love it.

I can't describe how it feels, especially at night. At night it's as if you and your best buddies own the streets. Feels like being in what i call "God Mode"

The glow of the interior, the structure and order from the Radio dispatch/laptop, the sound of the V8, i can literally smell something in the air.

The fear - i have not found a job that puts you into terms with your fear like this job. It's such a Surreal moment when your scared. It's so beautiful. I love it. So much pride. so much fear. and the fear smells like salt and sweat you can feel and even smell it.
a surprising percentage of officers, especially city officers die immediatley AFTER retirement because they've used up or tired out all the adrenaline their kidneys can produce and their nerves are just shot. When their bodies no longer get that adrenaline and a abrubt change in lifestyle  occurs - they croak.

a large part of me also dislikes this job because it's a baby warriors job in a sense. As hard as you train for command presence and dominance, it's difficult to have the kings overview when your doing so much dirty work.  but there is so much to master in this job, so much to learn and grow in, so much to just - evolve in.

It is not a carreer (atleast the patrol aspect) for a grown man, its more for a baby warrior or an adrenaline junky.

One of the reasons being, You cant always be yourself in law enforcement. not in todays age, the days where a cop was a father figure is gone in most cities and communities. (although that is what i strive to be)

ask any officer and they will tell you, the BIGGEST thing you have to learn on this job is how to talk to people.  especially any female officer will tell you that.

you have to talk diffrently to diffrent people and it feels like your almost "contracting" yourself out.  Persuasion is the simple biggest factor of law enforcement. it's persuasion and speech that gets confessions and disarms dangerous situations with minimal confrontation.

At the end of the day, if your not spiritually aware, you will lose yourself. you will have been all contracted out. You won't know who you are because this job requires you to almost sell yourself out, constantly - on a daily basis, while your dealing with these kids on the streets. a warrior might like that aspect, but it's a crap life after a while. One day , especially as a king soul - you might wake up and realize that dealing with these kids is not worth it, and that the excitement etc. is a foolish endeavor.

In a sense, i feel that this job may stop me from growing in certain aspects of my self. but in moderation - i think it will have a great positive effect on my life. Ultimatley, I am pursuing this career because I would like to make captain/chief.

The service - and on a management level - the product - that a police agency sells, is safety & honorable service. and i feel that is a very noble and quality product to offer , one that i think i can facilitate with honor.

After you serve your time as a glorified grunt (all a cop is these days unfortunatley)you can make captain, possibly lieutenant, heck  maybe even chief..have your own warriors under you.

sit down and enjoy the labor of your younger years in an office..sipping on coffee while you read a newspaper..perhaps smoke a nice cigar while you preach the importance of: justice, honor , love - you know, all those fine things in life.

*drooling* one day.. 1 day. Now theres a peaceful thought for ya'
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 02:15:01 AM by mAmbessa »

Chiara DB

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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2011, 03:40:10 AM »
mAmbessa, what I'd really want to do is be a detective. I wouldn't want to be a street cop, but I know I'd have to be a street cop before I could be a detective, so that kind of killed that career path for me.

It sounds like you are really putting a lot of heart and thought into this, that will keep you on the right path for sure.


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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2011, 06:22:23 AM »
I'm an old king. So my dream job is ordering around a server named Diego to feed me strawberries and wipe the sweat from under my man boobs while lounging on the beach.

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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2011, 07:13:27 AM »


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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2011, 06:54:16 AM »

what, you have a problem with hispanics or something?   ;)


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Re: New To Micheal Teachings. Questions. Pictures.
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2011, 09:18:24 PM »

I think this is that Cynic Sense of humor I heard about