Author Topic: Dave's Life Between Lives Session -- Part Two  (Read 15264 times)


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Dave's Life Between Lives Session -- Part Two
« on: April 25, 2011, 01:46:49 AM »
I'm posting this for those who expressed an interested in seeing the second
installment of this session. In the first session I was shown a past life of a
man named Edmund, who was quite wealthy but very unhappy with his life. In the
session I had yesterday, before moving into the LBL segment, I explored a past
life as a woman in what appeared to be the American midwest. It wasn't a
pleasant life. -- Dave


Notes from Dave's BLSR Session on 4.23.2011 with Gloria Constantin as

Dave opens his past life door into the option of two lives - one as Edmund, seen
in the last regression, and one as Luann, a woman who lived in Kansas in the
early 1900's. Dave sees Edmund walking the Victorian era streets on the way to
a performance of the philharmonic orchestra, and Luann is driving a buggy that
is pulled by a single horse. He chooses to enter the life as Luann. A summary
of that life follows.

Luann, about 31 and petite, is driving the buggy along a dirt road in the
country. She is wearing a plain black dress and a white scarf. The horse is a
dark chestnut with red tones. She passes an old fence, which trails parallel to
the road. The landscape is flat, but there are fields about with growing crops.
She is in a hurry as a storm is coming. The sky is dark with rain clouds. She
is carrying a small bottle of medicine that she obtained from a doctor. It is
for her elderly father who is ill. She drives past a round barn to the house,
and is greeted by a young teenager, her son, Eli. Apparently he takes care of
the horse and buggy, and she enters her home. Her father, Elijah, is ill and in
bed. She gives him several spoonfuls of the medicine.

Luann now finds herself at her father's burial, out on the farm. Several
farmhands are assisting with lowering the casket into the ground. It is raining
out, and the grave and ground are extremely muddy. The farmhands' clothes are
soiled and worn.

In the next scene, Luann finds herself outside the home talking with a tall,
gaunt man who appears to be a caricature of someone in the legal profession. He
is formally dressed, and Luann is arguing with him about being forced out of her
home. Apparently, it has been arranged for her to be displaced, and even though
this seems inevitable, Luann is arguing with confidence and holding her own, and
not showing much emotion.

In the next scene, Luann is living in a boarding house where she works to earn
her keep, and her son's. She works long hours, washing, cooking, and cleaning.
It is hard work, and though she is only 33, she is physically wearing down. Her
son attends a one-room school where she wishes she could teach. Luann has an
inventive mind, and enjoys reading and keeping a journal. Some of her journal
entries comment on the lack of opportunities for women. Luann was also
experimental with chicken farming -- creating more humane runs and pens for them --
and her methods caused her unsophisticated neighbors to look upon her with suspicion.
Luann had an interest in astronomy and owned a telescope. She and her father were not
well-liked and seemed quite self-sufficient in a number of ways. They did not entertain
the company of their neighbors, as they did not resonate with the community. She and
her father were kindred spirits, and threatening to the others because they were different.

When Luann went into town on errands for the boarding house she moved quickly.
The town was essentially lawless, and filled with danger. Men ogled her as she
walked by, but they were base and ill-intentioned - an appropriate husband was
not to be found among them, but then, she never sought to find another. She
kept to herself and her interests, and her primary concern was caring for her

In the next scene she watched her son being hung in public for a crime he did
not commit. It was a terrible and brutal act, deeply difficult to witness. The
hostility of that community was not surprising, given that she and her son were
never accepted, being seen as too eccentric. Shortly after, Dave sees Luann's
body, fully dressed in a bath tub filled with water - and blood. It appears
that Luann has killed herself.

As Luann leaves her body, no guides are seen. She is about 100 feet up, and is
seeing her son's dead body receive additional insults by being dragged on the
ground by a horse his corpse has been tied to. The townspeople are jeering at
him. She sees them as insects she could squash. The spirit of her son is not

Dave comments: Another bad lifetime; more things to be angry about.

Facilitator: Perhaps Luann's guides will be able to shed some insights on why
that particular life was chosen, and if the life turned out according to the
original plan. They can also assist her with releasing the negative residual
energy from that life.

Luann is not yet ready to leave. She is angry, and wants to set the town on
fire. She is "stomping" on the townspeople. She is still above the town, but
she is getting a great deal of satisfaction from it. Her form is much larger
than it was in life. For the first time in her life, she is expressing intense

Luann has progressed to a gateway area. There are three elderly guides waiting
- Thor, Lazarus and Joshua. She has taken on the form of a large male, and he
is, as Edmund was, pacing back and forth angrily. He is very angry with the
life just lived. It was harsh and brutal. He is having a heated exchange with
the guides, and the soul comments that these guides are useless.

Facilitator: Perhaps this would be a good time to summon a Guide who would be
helpful. On Dave's soul's behalf, the facilitator requests that a more powerful
Guide appear. The "Robe" appears. This is the same Guide that was the Emissary
in the first Between Lives Regression.

Dave is observing that Dave's soul is more attuned to this Guide. The soul is
calming down. The Guide is showering the soul with light. It is likely a
healing shower to remove the negative debris of the life as Luann. The soul is
telling the Guide that he is extremely frustrated and wants to quit this
perpetual game of pain and suffering. The Guide continues to shower him with

The Guide tells him: You are almost there; you don't have much farther to go.

There is reflection between the Facilitator and Dave regarding the value of the
three guides. The comment is made that perhaps these guides are not from the
same spiritual realm that Dave is from, but rather from the spiritual realm
associated with earth plane incarnations. Since Dave's soul is not from this
realm, there may be some misalignment with the guides. However, these are the
guides who seem to be needed to supervise the life in Dave's earth incarnations.

Dave: There's a feeling of being encouraged to try experiences that don't turn
out the way they had been planned.

Facilitator: Did Luann's life go according to plan? Emissary Guide is asked for
insights on the life of Luann.

Emissary Guide: Luann was to have an unusually active mind. One that was
naturally geared towards the invention of things that could have positive impact
on society, but the three guides thought that a greater challenge could be had
if this task was undertaken in the body of a woman. There was frustration on the
part of Luann that she had been given bad advice, that she had incarnated into
an area where there was no chance of supporting the creative offspring of her
soul [Note: Edmund's life review had similar complaints], and no chance of
finding loving connections that would nurture her ambitions.

Facilitator: Were any agreements made prior to the life to provide support to
Luann for her interests?

Emissary Guide: The father and son were of similar wavelengths as Luann. There
was also a husband who was meant to have more impact in Luann's life, but he
died in a war. The father, son and husband were the primary agreements for
Luann's life. There were others, but they were not in the immediate area.

Facilitator: Had the husband lived and been able to provide Luann with his
protection, would Luann have had an opportunity to meet those others?

Emissary Guide: It was a poorly conceived, ill-advised undertaking.

Facilitator: Whose advice was responsible for this? Did the soul desire this
experience, or was he encouraged?

Emissary Guide: The guides played their role, but the soul made this choice.

Facilitator: Does this suggest that Dave's soul is particularly adventurous?

Emissary Guide: He was willing to cooperate against his better judgment.

Facilitator: Who encouraged him?

Emissary Guide: The three guides (Thor, Lazarus and Joshua).

Facilitator: Is it valid (a good idea) for Dave's soul to be advised by these
three guides?

Emissary Guide: There are a gamut of experiences that are considered as
essential on this plane, and part of the challenge of life is for the soul to
forge a path through these obstacles and find a way to navigate a course toward
the most positive outcome. We are encouraged to never fear the unpredictability
of the way a life can unfold. Much growth and wisdom may be gained when the
life is not as heavily bland. (Note from Facilitator: I wonder if this is a
reference to Edmund's life.) It is true that this soul has had more painful
experiences than others, but this [his experience] is more about the
unpredictable nature of this planet and the choices of the souls he has
encountered, than the overall intention of his life plans.

Facilitator, commenting: The observations from the Emissary seem to indicate
that, even though a better structure was planned for Luann so that she could
pursue the interests of her active mind, the overall value of the life as Luann
was essentially found in its challenges and unpredictability.

Facilitator: Is Dave's soul in agreement with the unpredictability and

Emissary Guide: Begrudgingly.

Facilitator, observing: It is almost as if this soul is taking on these
experiences not so much for its own development as for the development of the
collective. The Council stated in an earlier session that this soul was invited
to do this experience in order to acquire a deeply comprehensive experience of
physical plane life so that he could do his work of creating a bridge of
communication between non-physical and physical experiences of sentience. It
was not a requirement for him to incarnate here, so it seems that this
information-gathering by the soul is also being done on behalf of many others.

Dave commenting on his soul in the life as Luann: He just never realized it
would entail so much suffering.

Facilitator: Was Edmund's life a disappointment because it was so bland?

Emissary Guide: Edmund's was a life ruled by responsibilities to his family.
There was a lineage or dynasty that he was obligated to. Edmund had no interest
in supporting this, but did so out of loyalty to his family.

Facilitator: What was the primary goal for the life as Edmund?

Emissary Guide: The goal was to create magnificent musical compositions. Edmund
played piano and he had studied with some of the best piano teachers that money
could buy. The life was chosen to provide the freedom an ordinary survival life
could not have supported. Therefore, Edmund's creative pursuits would have been
enabled. The life became stifled by the demands and expectations of running the
family business.

Facilitator: In addition to the demands of running the family business, did
Edmund's soul bring into that life any beliefs that could have created
impediments to realizing his initial plan to create music?

Emissary Guide: Edmund's loyalty to the expectations of his family was perhaps
over-exceeded. But he did what was expected of him and did not see another
course of action he could take without hurting those that he loved. He accepted his obligations
rather stoically on the outside but often was dying on the inside.

Facilitator: Because he could not do his music?

Emissary Guide: Because he felt obligated to do those things in life that did
not feed the soul.

Facilitator: Thank you for these insights. They are much appreciated. We would
now like to invite Dave's Council to be present to assist Dave with further
exploration and understanding of his soul purpose.

(Council appears. Dave observes that there seem to be more than 40 in number -
similar to last time.)

Facilitator: On behalf of Dave, I'd like to address the Council. We were just
looking at the life of Edmund and how his obligations to his family diminished
his ability to become the composer. It seems he very vigorously took on the
role of family business supervisor. We are wondering about his current life.

Council: We thank you for your concern and openness in asking for guidance on
this soul's behalf. In this lifetime, Dave specifically sought to shelter
himself from the pain and suffering that he had experienced in so many lifetimes
before. There has been some reluctance on his part to even engage in normal
experiences for fear that things would go bad again. This is primarily a
lifetime of rest, and also a way to regain his footing in a world that has so
frequently kept him off balance.

Facilitator: Thank you. I very much appreciate your assistance. It is helpful
for Dave's continued journey. Dave has some questions regarding his loyalty to
and involvement with the Michael Teachings. His first question is what is the
nature of his involvement with these Teachings?

Council: The Michael Teachings are much in alignment with the inner directives
of Dave's soul to better understand the often quirky and unpredictable nature of
the human condition. The Teachings have provided Dave with a shortcut to his
understanding of why people are the way that they are. For that reason, Dave
has actively sought to help others find the Teachings - so that they too can
enjoy the benefits that he has derived from their study.

Facilitator: So the study of the Michael Teachings for Dave is very much in
alignment with his pioneering of physical plane existence with regard to
achieving a more comprehensive understanding of it?

Council: It has provided him with an easier template to sort out the often
difficult incongruities in the human personality.

Facilitator: Are these conflicting incongruities of the human personality
experienced in the world where Dave is from?

Council: No.

Facilitator: How can Dave establish a greater rapport with the community of
Michael Teachings students?

Council: One obstacle that has presented a conflict in achieving a greater
rapport has been his own protective need to shelter himself from those that he
feels will hurt him. There is some justification here in that Dave has
experienced an unusually long series of lifetimes that have been more unpleasant
than most souls usually encounter.

Facilitator: Despite this, is there a way that Dave can increase his rapport
with the other students?

Council: Dave can come to an understanding that trusting another individual
does not automatically mean that he will be maimed or killed. Dave feels
strongly justified in protecting himself from further suffering.

Facilitator: I understand. Would you comment on the past lives or [between
life] soul connections that he has with the soul currently embodied as Gloria

Council: These two souls are from similar origins. They share many commonalities
and pursuits, although the work that they do is different.

Facilitator: I assume that by work you mean the work that Dave does with
[connecting] the physical and non-physical worlds and that soul that is now
Gloria does not do the same work.

Council: The work that Gloria does largely involves healing, whereas Dave is
more focused on creating new avenues of communication between different systems
of existence.

Facilitator: Is Gloria's healing work for the soul rather than the body, or

Council: Gloria often heals on a case-by-case basis, but primarily works with
the healing of larger groups.

Due to Dave's fatigue, we end the session here. There is much follow-up
discussion and reflection between Dave and Gloria. Edmund's and Luann's and
Dave's lives are compared and contrasted. The information received from the
Emissary Guide and the Council is also discussed at length.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 07:44:51 PM by Dave Gregg »


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Re: Dave's Life Between Lives Session -- Part Two
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 07:23:36 AM »
I've been trying to clarify the flash of imagery I was getting about Luann, and for a woman, she was quite the handyman. I think she made lightning rods on the farm that were unique in design and highly ornamental. Maybe she even sold them? I kept seeing images of the rods (and they were all over the place) but at the time couldn't figure out how to put them into words. She was very interested in metal work. The interest in the chickens, for instance, involved more humane ways of designing their pens and places to run. I kept seeing what looked like a playground for the chickens, with interesting loops for them to run through, and other things I couldn't quite make out. These were all created out of metal; I'm assuming iron, maybe.

She was also an accomplished, but probably unknown, amateur astronomer. I saw what I initially thought was a silo on the farm, but I now wonder if it was a make-shift observatory. Either way, there were many eccentric looking things on the farm, and I got the impression that her father, a statuesque and extremely commanding figure, fully supported and admired her odd inventions and interests. Even in his sickly state, he had a regal demeanor about him, and I wonder if he was a King?

When the past life images first began, I thought she may have been Amish. The clothing appeared that way, but the solitary farm with no other Amish community around, seemed to dismiss that notion. I wonder if she was an immigrant? Maybe that's one reason why she was seen as an outcast? I believe she had blonde hair with Scandinavian features.

Playing it back in my mind, the opening image of the lonely country road and the menacing storm, seemed quite beautiful to me. But perhaps I was picking up on her fascination with lightning rods and stormy weather.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 08:01:42 AM by Dave Gregg »


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Re: Dave's Life Between Lives Session -- Part Two
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2011, 11:18:36 PM »
I thought with the micheal theory of re-incarnation, a soul was either eternally male or eternally female?


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Re: Dave's Life Between Lives Session -- Part Two
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2011, 12:31:12 AM »
No. We incarnate as both male and female during our cycle of lifetimes. The soul itself is androgynous.



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Re: Dave's Life Between Lives Session -- Part Two
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2011, 02:56:36 AM »
Ah, Thanks for explaining that.

I guess this means i'm going to be really loving and accepting myself on a future lifetime.

John Roth

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Re: Dave's Life Between Lives Session -- Part Two
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2011, 03:30:14 AM »
Ah, Thanks for explaining that.

I guess this means i'm going to be really loving and accepting myself on a future lifetime.

To expand on that a bit - Essence tends not to go for very many lifetimes in a row as one or the other - it unbalances what gets stored in the "repository", and then it makes it harder to switch back cleanly. Essences do have preferences, though, and the cultural imprinting where men tend to be warriors and scholars and women tend to be servers and artisans is based on an affinity with the body type.

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Re: Dave's Life Between Lives Session -- Part Two
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2011, 04:16:13 PM »
So: What all stays consistant with Essence? If Gender does not stay consistant, is the essence simply just a collection of knowledge from lifetimes?

Also, where does hereditary imprinting come from? and how exactly is it influencing personality?

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Re: Dave's Life Between Lives Session -- Part Two
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2011, 05:49:07 PM »
So: What all stays consistant with Essence?

The essence level attributes: Role, m/f balance, frequency and casting order.

If Gender does not stay consistant, is the essence simply just a collection of knowledge from lifetimes?

Knowledge about the physical plane is collected lifetime by lifetime. The MT uses the term "soul" for this, but since that's rather inconsistent for how that term is used elsewhere, I tend to use the term "repository."

Also, where does hereditary imprinting come from? and how exactly is it influencing personality?

Imprinting is what you learned while you were growing up. I don't know the term "hereditary imprinting." As far as I know, it's not used in the MT.


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Re: Dave's Life Between Lives Session -- Part Two
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2011, 10:48:12 PM »
In refrence to Race/blood imprinting is what i'm currently investigating.

in MT ones race can change, so can gender, etc.

But a trend I have noticed is that some races are simply more prone to being more in tune with essence/role and spirituality. When you study native americans & africans for example, it seems that they are more spiritually connected and one might argue that they seem to be more in touch with essence/soul

it also seems that in native american circles for example, even europeans with native american blood are more attune to the spiritual planes. or atleast - it seems so from my experiences.

I can actually sense certain bloodlines in people and from what i've seen, it enfluences them  

Does the Micheal System explain this at all? I read somewhere (might of been from you) that essence tends to chose male/female gender alternatingly. more so for reasons of balance. IS there any trend to race and nationality?
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 10:50:23 PM by mAmbessa »

John Roth

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Re: Dave's Life Between Lives Session -- Part Two
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2011, 02:47:20 AM »
In refrence to Race/blood imprinting is what i'm currently investigating.

in MT ones race can change, so can gender, etc.

But a trend I have noticed is that some races are simply more prone to being more in tune with essence/role and spirituality. When you study native americans & africans for example, it seems that they are more spiritually connected and one might argue that they seem to be more in touch with essence/soul

it also seems that in native american circles for example, even europeans with native american blood are more attune to the spiritual planes. or atleast - it seems so from my experiences.

I can actually sense certain bloodlines in people and from what i've seen, it enfluences them  

Does the Micheal System explain this at all? I read somewhere (might of been from you) that essence tends to chose male/female gender alternatingly. more so for reasons of balance. IS there any trend to race and nationality?

Many essences stick with one or a few cultures over time because they've grown accustomed to them, and they like to see how the culture develops. That's reinforced because the people they interact with do the same thing.

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Re: Dave's Life Between Lives Session -- Part Two
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2011, 01:47:18 PM »
mAmbessa, the way I understand it, Essence chooses all of this based on what it is trying to focus on in a particular lifetime, more so as it gets more experienced at it (which all our Essences should be, since I think everyone here is either Mature or Old).
In early cycles it tends to make less informed choices.