The Seven Roles > King

Magnetic Kings

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Can someone tell me:  do all Kings become magnetic Kings at some point, or is it only some of them?

John Roth:

--- Quote from: Betty on May 17, 2011, 04:11:51 PM ---Can someone tell me:  do all Kings become magnetic Kings at some point, or is it only some of them?

--- End quote ---

Only some of them, and only 6th level old. It's a chance to get together with the people who've been part of their "kingdom" for many lifetimes. Think of it as a life-long King style party. Whether a King does this is a matter of choice.

John Roth

you could ask chiara, if she is... :)^^ would be funny to know

Chiara DB:
If I am, then my magnet must be really weak ;D

So is there a negative pole of magnetic King that repels everyone?   ;)


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