Author Topic: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?  (Read 51832 times)


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I don't know about everyone here, but for me, its awkward when trying to describe where it comes from. It's almost instantaneous that questions start to arise, and suspicion of a cult following creeps in. You then have to go on and describe in detail beliefs of reincarnation, life after death, the tao, other worlds ect... A lot of my friends suspect I'm delusional. I keep telling them that its not a spiritual teachings to enlightenment, but a mere template to understand the energetic vibrational flows and structure of the cosmic universe we reside in. Although most people I have trouble telling it too, are early mature. I don't even attempt with anything below that.


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2011, 12:01:39 PM »
I know what you mean.  I got the same reaction from the few people to whom I tried to explain the MT.  One of the first questions asked, after my explanation attempt, is "do you have to pay for channeling".  Of course, the answer is yes, and I can immediately see in their faces that I've confirmed their thoughts about it being a scam.  After that, they don't believe a single word I say, and are merely humoring me if I continue talking about it.  So I usually don't try to explain it anymore.

John Roth

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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2011, 10:28:10 PM »
I don't know about everyone here, but for me, its awkward when trying to describe where it comes from. It's almost instantaneous that questions start to arise, and suspicion of a cult following creeps in. You then have to go on and describe in detail beliefs of reincarnation, life after death, the tao, other worlds ect... A lot of my friends suspect I'm delusional. I keep telling them that its not a spiritual teachings to enlightenment, but a mere template to understand the energetic vibrational flows and structure of the cosmic universe we reside in. Although most people I have trouble telling it too, are early mature. I don't even attempt with anything below that.

I usually don't bother.

However, if the question does come up, I usually lead with the three most important things in the teaching: validate, validate and validate. It's important to keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.

John Roth


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2011, 02:24:00 AM »
I don't generally tell people about it, unless I am specifically asked or it needs to be mentioned for explanation of something (like where the heck am I going next April, for a week, all alone, for the first time across the ocean:)
I did tell a close friend some time ago, when I was excited about something (like getting my chart, or booking a flight to the gathering). She did not quite get it at first  and moreover, initially she got even worried about me (as I found out later), so after that I tried to avoid telling her about it. It all depends on how much interest is shown. Actually at one point she said she would like to know what her overleaves are and those of her family. We even went over overleaves descriptions, both to attempt to validate mine, in the eyes of someone who knows me well, as well as having a go at figuring out hers.

I also told one of my relatives who is into this kind of stuff. She was mildly interested but I would not say it was for her.

I also told my teen children (one is Mature and one is Old soul). The Old one was definitely interested and I will eventually introduce her to it more. The Mature one said "I hope you are not paying for this"

But other than these very close people, and situations where someone literally wants to know, I don't tell people. I do not hide it either, it's pretty visible on my Facebook and I have no issue using my full name and photo on MT sites.


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2011, 09:37:33 PM »
For years, I have introduced people to the MT through the concept of soul ages. This is particularly effective for people in recovery from addictions as it helps them understand how and why they have been made wrong, which is often where the need to self-medicate through alcohol or drugs comes from. If they then ask where to find out more about it that material, I give them references to books on the subject - Joya Pope's The World According to Michael being the most easily accessible to most, I have found. Some of my LGBT friends also have found the soul ages information helpful.


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2011, 10:51:46 PM »
Could you explain a little more how your LGBT friends have found soul ages helpful? As a gay man, I found the teachings helpful because of the generally "you'll experience all of the variations of sexuality" attitude in them.


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2011, 04:47:10 PM »
I'm an 3rd old soul priest-scholor casted-, so I love teaching people everything I know. I have this motto I picked up from somewhere "Learn something about everything, and everything about something" My 'something' is MT. The thing is, all my friends I grown up with are lacking in the abstact thought department. I told one friend of mine who doesn't believe in a soul nor reincarnation about it. Such a headache, but I enjoy a challenge. >:)

Some of my LGBT friends also have found the soul ages information helpful.

I always thought that if you have been incarnating in a female or male body for an extending amount of time, then decide to pursue lessons of the other sex, you'll still feel more connected to the previous sex you've been for so long.  It's not like once you go from sex to sex you get a complete 180 flip on perception each time.


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2011, 10:49:44 PM »
I suppose the question is why does one want to tell others. Is it to simply share what you are interested in and what your "path" is? is it to share the teaching itself? And if so, then how? And is it right for the person you are trying to share it with? And if so, is it for them as is, or does it need some sort of - translation?

In the transcripts of the various Michael groups from 70s and 80s, Michael repeatedly says to some of the participants that they can teach people not only without mentioning the source (Michael), but even without talking at all, by their mere presence.

I can definitely see some of Michael students I have encountered so far, that they are themselves teachers and a lot of what they have to say does not necessarily make any reference to the teaching itself, yet it is totally congruent with it and often perfectly chosen for the right moment and the right people.


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2011, 11:31:32 PM »

Some of my LGBT friends also have found the soul ages information helpful.

I always thought that if you have been incarnating in a female or male body for an extending amount of time, then decide to pursue lessons of the other sex, you'll still feel more connected to the previous sex you've been for so long.  It's not like once you go from sex to sex you get a complete 180 flip on perception each time.

Maybe they've also found it helpful, because of the content in a Text of (I believe Joya Pope) on the website (under soul ages), wherein it's said, that old souls typically incarnate in the sex, they less prefer, to balance energy. Also it's written, that all old souls (and later mature) have subconscious contact to both female and male characteristics (or something like that, but you know what I mean). (-->doesn't mean it has to be true, just telling)
But what you said, could be true, as well.

Greeting, jo 


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2011, 12:46:34 AM »
Maybe they've also found it helpful, because of the content in a Text of (I believe Joya Pope) on the website (under soul ages), wherein it's said, that old souls typically incarnate in the sex, they less prefer , to balance energy. Also it's written, that all old souls (and later mature) have subconscious contact to both female and male characteristics (or something like that, but you know what I mean).
But what you said, could be true, as well.

Greeting, jo

Yeah but not all homosexuality exists on the old soul paradigm. That was just meant in regards to having several lives of each sex so much that a balance is then obtained.

Like think about this, say your essence has been incarnating in a female body for 18(probably not uncommon) life times in a row, and now to further experiences and growth, it decides to incarnate in a male for once. Chances are that it's still going to identify with the feminine pysche a lot. Then perhaps after 2-4 life times in a male body, the essence finally grounds itself into the masculine psyche and adopts its native behavior.  Makes sense doesn't it? 

John Roth

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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2011, 02:35:12 PM »
Maybe they've also found it helpful, because of the content in a Text of (I believe Joya Pope) on the website (under soul ages), wherein it's said, that old souls typically incarnate in the sex, they less prefer , to balance energy. Also it's written, that all old souls (and later mature) have subconscious contact to both female and male characteristics (or something like that, but you know what I mean).
But what you said, could be true, as well.

Greeting, jo

Yeah but not all homosexuality exists on the old soul paradigm. That was just meant in regards to having several lives of each sex so much that a balance is then obtained.

Like think about this, say your essence has been incarnating in a female body for 18(probably not uncommon) life times in a row, and now to further experiences and growth, it decides to incarnate in a male for once. Chances are that it's still going to identify with the feminine pysche a lot. Then perhaps after 2-4 life times in a male body, the essence finally grounds itself into the masculine psyche and adopts its native behavior.  Makes sense doesn't it?

IIRC, from what JP had channeled, the usual limit is about three lifetimes in the same body type before it's really a good idea to switch sexes. Sometimes mixed gender (LGBT) is chosen, sometimes it just happens and Essence accepts it because it won't impact what Essence wants out of the lifetime.


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2011, 11:49:32 PM »
I suppose the question is why does one want to tell others. Is it to simply share what you are interested in and what your "path" is? is it to share the teaching itself? And if so, then how? And is it right for the person you are trying to share it with? And if so, is it for them as is, or does it need some sort of - translation?

In the transcripts of the various Michael groups from 70s and 80s, Michael repeatedly says to some of the participants that they can teach people not only without mentioning the source (Michael), but even without talking at all, by their mere presence.

I can definitely see some of Michael students I have encountered so far, that they are themselves teachers and a lot of what they have to say does not necessarily make any reference to the teaching itself, yet it is totally congruent with it and often perfectly chosen for the right moment and the right people.

Why does one want to tell others? Well for me it's just because I enjoy learning about it so much, that I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't also. Probably the same reason why Einstein spend 3 hours lecturing his 9 year old nephew on his sailing boat about physics. * It's informative and fascinating. But yeah, once you start understanding all the acute dynamics of MT, mentioning where it comes from is unnecessary I agree. Michael then becomes just like a master guru to turn too when your stuck or needing of more knowledge.

Maybe they've also found it helpful, because of the content in a Text of (I believe Joya Pope) on the website (under soul ages), wherein it's said, that old souls typically incarnate in the sex, they less prefer , to balance energy. Also it's written, that all old souls (and later mature) have subconscious contact to both female and male characteristics (or something like that, but you know what I mean).
But what you said, could be true, as well.

Greeting, jo

Yeah but not all homosexuality exists on the old soul paradigm. That was just meant in regards to having several lives of each sex so much that a balance is then obtained.

Like think about this, say your essence has been incarnating in a female body for 18(probably not uncommon) life times in a row, and now to further experiences and growth, it decides to incarnate in a male for once. Chances are that it's still going to identify with the feminine pysche a lot. Then perhaps after 2-4 life times in a male body, the essence finally grounds itself into the masculine psyche and adopts its native behavior.  Makes sense doesn't it?

IIRC, from what JP had channeled, the usual limit is about three lifetimes in the same body type before it's really a good idea to switch sexes. Sometimes mixed gender (LGBT) is chosen, sometimes it just happens and Essence accepts it because it won't impact what Essence wants out of the lifetime.

Okay, but still to me it seems it would be a natural "side effect" of sex switching. If it is chosen then how is the psyche programed to experience it? Unless we are all at the very core Bisexual, but greatly repressed from myriad of factors, then it is not until the old soul stage that distortions become un-twined and expression of the core is called to surface. Homosexuality is found in a number of different species around the world, yet its only us humans that experience homophobia. Animals are instinctive and emotional(core without abstractions), so is it us the people that are breaking away from our cores (cycle from the tao towards evolution) and segregating our bonds to the same sex in the process because of the innate provocativeness to procreate? 


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2011, 03:17:02 AM »
I don't think it's a natural side effect at all.  I really don't see what the issue is here.  You switch genders with lifetimes; sometimes you're male, sometimes you're female.  I don't think your gender, sexual orientation, or psyche carries over into the next lifetime, unless there's a karmic reason for it to do so.

As to whether we are innately bisexual:  I would say, rather, that essence is omnisexual, if it is sexual at all.  I believe that sex is a physical phenomenon and unnecessary once we have cycled off the physical plane--at least, sex as we know it   :)

How did this topic get changed from "how to tell people about Michael" to a discussion on sex switching?


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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2011, 07:49:16 AM »
I don't think it's a natural side effect at all.  I really don't see what the issue is here.  You switch genders with lifetimes; sometimes you're male, sometimes you're female.  I don't think your gender, sexual orientation, or psyche carries over into the next lifetime, unless there's a karmic reason for it to do so.

Okay, this is oversimplification of something that I think needs a more complex answer.  When you "switch" I'm still believing that there is a residual effect from the former life. From what I understand of the Michael teachings,[take note that at this point as I was writing an reply, words started to flow out, and I believe Michael then used my body as a tool to settle what is said so far about homosexuality.] Our conscious evolution dependent on reaching the internal monads propagating a flow of natural events that build up your progression forward towards new lifetimes. For now, it is certain that pressures on homosexuality are apparent in the natural progression of "life". What we can say for now is that homosexuality is an expression of an ideal focal point that the soul has chosen to accomplish within the specific lifetime. It is ideal then to say that no body is wrong in the matter of "why?" it happens and that it is just a natural phenomenon of life itself.

How did this topic get changed from "how to tell people about Michael" to a discussion on sex switching?

The ripple effect in action from MeliaNamaste's last comment.

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Re: How do you go about telling people about the Michael teachings?
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2011, 01:39:24 PM »

How did this topic get changed from "how to tell people about Michael" to a discussion on sex switching?

The ripple effect in action from MeliaNamaste's last comment.

I'm going to put on the moderator hat and say to make a new topic to discuss sexuality.

John Roth