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While I'm here, can anything in the Michael Teachings be compared to traditional astrology?


John Roth:

--- Quote from: Wayne on April 22, 2011, 05:32:26 AM ---While I'm here, can anything in the Michael Teachings be compared to traditional astrology?


--- End quote ---

In a word: no.

That doesn't mean that either is more or less valid than the other; just that trying to compare them doesn't work well. The conceptual frameworks are too different.

Within the MT, astrology is usually considered to be an expression of the life path. That is, the older, event-oriented astrology, not the newer personality oriented astrology.


John Roth (who's been studying astrology since 1976 or thereabouts.)

Chiara DB:
I think the role and the casting can be accurately compared to sun sign and rising sign, but further than that I have not attempted to make any correlations.

John Roth:

--- Quote from: Chiara DB on April 25, 2011, 02:41:33 AM ---I think the role and the casting can be accurately compared to sun sign and rising sign, but further than that I have not attempted to make any correlations.

--- End quote ---

Since Essence chooses the birth time, within the limits set by the choice of parents and other circumstances, it's not at all surprising that many Essences would choose a chart that reinforces the role or some of the overleaves. The numbers simply don't work out.


John Roth

My sign is Capricorn and I'm very fun loving, have always been into frequent change in almost every aspect of my life, my follow-through isn't always the best unless someone is counting on me, freedom/stimulation/experience are very important to me for learning/growth, and I don't seem to fit Capricorn well at all.  Some people have said to use sidereal, which would make me Sagittarius and my husband Capricorn, which would fit him much better than Aquarius.  But other people resonate well with their signs and sidereal would throw them off.  What would be a reason I fit so poorly?  I was born 3 weeks early, which would have made me an Aquarius, but I’m not sure that matters.  I have Capricorn in sun, moon and mercury, and my rising sign is Virgo, though I don’t know what any of that means.


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