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Can one change their overleaves in one physical lifetime?

John Roth:

--- Quote from: MOO on April 26, 2011, 12:18:02 AM ---Can one change their overleaves in one physical lifetime?

--- End quote ---

It's technically possible for Essence to change the lifetime's overleaves, but it's so rare as to be almost unknown.

If you want to know what it feels like, it's a lot easier to find a walk-in and ask. The answer is that it's quite disorienting. The body adapts to the overleaves, and shifting them can take a lot of adjustment while you wonder whether "up" shouldn't really be down, sideways or possibly even hot fudge sundae.


John Roth

What about people who are in comas or severe head trauma who go into it one way and come out totally different in their personality? Would this be an example of "switching"?

And how does one find a walk-in?

John Roth:

--- Quote from: MOO on April 27, 2011, 01:42:03 AM ---What about people who are in comas or severe head trauma who go into it one way and come out totally different in their personality? Would this be an example of "switching"?

And how does one find a walk-in?

--- End quote ---

There are three possibilities. One is brain damage, a second is a "spiritual experience" while on the astral waiting for the body to be revived, the third is a walk-in.

The classical walkin is someone who was in an accident, died and then was revived on the operating table. I'm quite atypical in that regard - I knew something had happened, but I'm sufficiently hard-headed that I didn't make the connection even when the books were almost jumping off the shelf at me. I had to be told in a channeling session - fifteen years later when I asked about what had happened. Apparently Michael didn't regard it as sufficiently important to give me a heads up.

As I've said elsewhere, I don't generally talk about the experience except when it would illuminate another answer. The Essence that walked in isn't here to provide spiritual enlightenment or anything like that. It's got an observing brief, and right now it's wondering if The Donald is going to take down the Republican Party and the neo-cons.

It's got an observing brief, and right now it's wondering if The Donald is going to take down the Republican Party and the neo-cons.


and back to post....ok now I understand why I was thinking along those lines!!! TY very much!!


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