The benefits...
Well, I first discovered the Michaels in the Fall of 2007 and immediately began absorbing as much info as I could.
Before that, I had studied astrology, numerology, Reiki, psychic awareness, intuition, tarot, the eneagram, and various forms of meditation.
The Michael teachings stood out to me because it was a coherent map of the evolution of the soul and how the personality is designed by the soul.
I have been channeled as 1st old, 5-6 old, and 6 old...and as an Artisan, a King, and a Sage (channeled as Priest-cast all 3 times!). Through my own validation process, I've accepted that I am a 6th old priest-cast SAGE.
Without going into the profound experiences of validation for my overleaves, the michaels, and the teachings, I can say that the benefits have been more clarity within my own being, experiencing AGAPE for myself and my life, and a great deal of healing. Also, I have a much greater awareness of when I am coming from personality/false personality and when I am coming/acting from true personality and essence. This awareness is part of what I mean when I say a "greater clarity in my being."
I found these teachings in the middle of my 4th Internal Monad, and they were pivotal for me in working through the monad with a greater grace and ease. I'm still in the monad (5th stage, apparently...). Meeting my essence twin in the middle of this monad was also a great boost to my self-awareness, growth, and progression through this monad.
I continue to soak up, apply, and validate these teachings. I love telling people about my non-physical teacher and seeing how they react;-)