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Messages - Tina

Pages: 1 [2]
Cadres & Entities / Entity4&7
« on: June 24, 2011, 08:34:26 AM »
Is entity 4 supposed to connect the whole cadre and entity 7 connect the adjacent cadre?

In what way do members in these two entities finish this task respectively? Are they doing it on earth or after going to the astral?

Paranormal / Re: Is Michael a Ghost?
« on: June 10, 2011, 01:36:41 AM »

Questioner: Is Michael a ghost? ???

In order to make things clear, Michael put on the overleave of the goal of acceptance, the attitude of cynic, the center of emotion/moving part and the chief feature of self-protection and here comes the voice:

Michael: Nonsense! Who says we are A Ghost?! At least you should say we are Ghosts!

Questioner: I didn't make it up. I heard people say that you are invisible and talk through a channel.

Michael: That's true. But we've never played a horror movie or scared people at night!

Questioner: That sounds like a friendly ghost...Then what do you do at night?

Michael: How many times should we repeat?! We are not A ghost! We are made up of 1050 souls. Forget it...

Michael shake their heads and decide to zip their mouth...

Questioner: You haven't answer my question yet. Come on...come on...come on...Where are you?

Michael: OK, we are on causal plane.

Questioner: Causal plane? Then what is the cause for going there?


Michael finally decide to give up explaining. They take off the overleave. At a relief, they decide to fly to a Zen garden with seven kinds of flowers and 7 types of birds to have a retreat for 7days plus 7hours and 7minutes.

The topics for this session of Zazen are: Who am I? Who on earth am I? What on earth do people on earth are thinking? ::)

The tip from the Zen garden: non-attachment; the ghosts are neither better nor worse than sun-gods!

General Discussion / Re: Bodhisattvas according to Michael
« on: June 07, 2011, 03:05:22 PM »
A person will decide in one life that s/he wants to make the Bodhisattva vow, which is to delay one's own "enlightenment" until all others have reached their goal.

We can get the symbolic meaning of this, i guess. A bodhi heart is the same as Agape.

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