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Messages - jk

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General Discussion / Re: Cooperation vs. Competition
« on: January 28, 2012, 12:09:04 AM »
Lori, if I went by what I see being told to my children by their teachers (secondary school in UK, year 11), I would guess that it's about limited number of top places to go to after school - such as prestigious universities. Therefore, I can say that here in supposedly Mature Soul UK, I am seeing the same thing. I keep trying to temper the amount of stress I see the school to place on my children. My 16 year old daughter is already achieving really well, in pretty much all her GSCE subjects. She got 7 As or A* and 3 Bs in her mock GCSE. Now she is being pressured to get pretty much straight A*s or "at least" As.

Essence / Re: Essence or Soul or Higher Self
« on: January 26, 2012, 08:10:06 PM »
Fragment indeed seems to have several meanings, as an MT term. I found the concept of even smaller fragment interesting and helpful - the concept that Essence has left many Fragments of itself throughout the Universe and its on its journey of collecting them and slowly becoming whole. Even closer to home, on even smaller scale, we, as individuals are becoming a greater whole during our lives, by integrating our own fragments during our lifetimes. People who we used to know long time ago and have not had a long contact with or who did not accept this process in us, might be living with a fragmented idea of us (and we of course might be living with a fragmented idea of them). Perhaps everyone is actually living with only a more or less fragmented idea of another, as one cannot really truly fully know another. Heck do we even fully know ourselves?

Spirituality / Re: Decording?
« on: January 15, 2012, 05:16:01 PM »
I'm wondering if decording will really work in this situation?
I think it would be helpful as a part of more complex approach. Energetic work like this has worked for me in both healing as well as terminating toxic relationships, but at the end of the day, it has only been part of such transformation. Another, very crucial part was first starting to even realise that the situation is toxic to me, then to start caring and putting myself high enough on the the list of my priorities to do something about it, liking, loving myself, protecting myself and self-observing. And this is a long-term work.

You cannot control anybody else, but you can control your reactions to them. But its easier said than done. Possible though. In baby steps primarily. Best of luck with that.
After all, even if you sever the physical relationship with mother, she undoubtedly is embedded in your phyche one way or another. And that requires inner healing.

Spirituality / Re: Decording?
« on: January 14, 2012, 10:30:28 PM »
A great book is also Heal Your Emotional Self by Beverly Engels.

HOW would you describe the michael teachings to a logical left brained scientist?(that's what I'm asking YOU) Why? Well because perhaps if Michael teachings could attract more skeptics, then it there would be a pressure to receive more channeling and further evolve the teachings. Sharing the teachings to a wider audience can only produce more involvement with the Midcasual entity and earth, and giving us more information to make the grand connections between science and spirituality. So absolute truth could be broadly known and clumsy limiting belief structures can be burnt down.

Telling people who are already in agreeable compliance with the teachings doesn't usually ignite constructive skepticism that can improve what already exists. It pressures us to validate it more if there is people demanding more proof.

I simply don't see a point in doing that (telling people who are not clearly open to it/seeking it). If I received information of scientific/techological nature, that I could share in some productive way, I would share it but keep the source to myself, unless I would be sharing with someone who is at least remotely okay with it. I see more value in putting the teaching into practice than preaching it. It's not another Christianity. In my view it is a kind of teaching that people find for themselves, and if they don't, then it's not for them, at least not in an active form.
I HAVE tried to share it with some people, and the above is what I have realised from that experience. Even people who are fully open to the idea of channeling were not attracted to it, at least not the way I am (for example one such person preferred teaching of Veronica Entity and yet another one did her own channeling of some sort of guides). They listened, they asked questions, but that was it. One even looked around, and it just was not for her. Whereas when I did that as a newbie, I got hooked.
Michael Teaching IS very much evolving, there is new material still channeled and freely available for study. And it is driven by existing as well as new students (all of whom pretty much find it for themselves, rather than being actively recruited). They ask questions, and that is what drives the evolution of the Teaching.
I do not see what Michael tells us as "absolute truth". And they would not call it that either. If they did, I would immediately view it with suspicion and probably steer clear of it.
I have neither desire nor even a smidgeon of ability to burn somebody else's belief system down, unless they themselves were ready and willing to have it burnt down in the first place (then I can ONLY help). When there is a way, there is a way. When there isn't a way, there isn't a way. My own belief systems are the only ones that are my own business. I can share how I see things, and what others do or believe is up to them.

To whom and how? How is a tricky question needing of a tricky answers. Answers so deep and so mind blowing you mortal punitive mind cannot fathom its complexity. Now with that said, I think its best to just step back from this. Unless of course we just assume people will come around to examining belief structures that venture with reason and beyond mortality. Then we could to nudge them along to a fuller view to which the michael teaching can come walking into the conversations for once at the family dinner.
If the family around this hypothetical family dinner table was interested in MT and open to ideas like channeling (and the "why" is that they might find the Michael Teaching of value), then sharing the teaching (if you choose to do so), could be approached quite directly ("how") and one could make an assumption it would be well received and such people are seeking such information.
If this family was not interested in MT, and perhaps quite happy with being, I dont know, Christians, or Atheists, then the "why" has everything to do with the person who wants to share it and their need for support, and nothing to do with the rest of the people around the table. Then it comes to expectations the person places on their family, on asking something from them that they cannot give him/her etc.

Soul Age / Re: Is the Depression of the Old Soul something normal?
« on: November 13, 2011, 11:50:51 AM »
I read somewhere, that psychologigal Depression is a necessary part, of the Old Soul's life. 

Maybe it could be also short times of Depression, during the day. For example 2 times 20 Minutes every day, in average.

Does the MT includes this Thesis, too? (The first sentence)

I don't think Depression is a necessary part of an Old Soul's life and no, Michael never said this. They said it is the only neurotic manifestation left to the Old Soul, i.e. they do not suffer from other psychological problems. I don't even know if I agree with that, I know couple of Old Souls, and they definitely have issues. They are not issues that need psychiatric treatment, but issues they are.
And 2x20 minutes a day is not terribly bad, but its quite a lot. The last time i felt depressed was last year March, for just a few hours.

Depression could have all sorts of causes, including what you eat, how you relate to yourself and others, how you express yourself, and I don't know what else. If its anything eating related, then that is easiest to try to test, by cutting out some most suspicious foods, like sugar, E numbers, wheat and anything else that is known to be problematic. It would be easier to try to cut one at a time.

Soul Age / Re: Old souls living a normal family life??
« on: November 13, 2011, 11:40:03 AM »
I would say that Mature and Old Sould have a greater potential to be cooler parents, particularly as the child ages. That is not to say they cannot be absolutely dreadful parents. But they might have the potential (not necessarily manifested) ability to sail through the teen years of their kids easier. I would imagine that time must be pretty hard on for example Baby Souls (as its a time you have to deal with all sorts of fears, challenges, crisis, letting go). I think Young Soul parents might have a tendency to drive their kids too hard towards the conventional idea of "success".

I suppose the question is why does one want to tell others. Is it to simply share what you are interested in and what your "path" is? is it to share the teaching itself? And if so, then how? And is it right for the person you are trying to share it with? And if so, is it for them as is, or does it need some sort of - translation?

In the transcripts of the various Michael groups from 70s and 80s, Michael repeatedly says to some of the participants that they can teach people not only without mentioning the source (Michael), but even without talking at all, by their mere presence.

I can definitely see some of Michael students I have encountered so far, that they are themselves teachers and a lot of what they have to say does not necessarily make any reference to the teaching itself, yet it is totally congruent with it and often perfectly chosen for the right moment and the right people.

Why does one want to tell others? Well for me it's just because I enjoy learning about it so much, that I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't also. Probably the same reason why Einstein spend 3 hours lecturing his 9 year old nephew on his sailing boat about physics. * It's informative and fascinating. But yeah, once you start understanding all the acute dynamics of MT, mentioning where it comes from is unnecessary I agree. Michael then becomes just like a master guru to turn too when your stuck or needing of more knowledge.

I mean - the "why" leads to the "how". And part of that is also "to whom".

I suppose the question is why does one want to tell others. Is it to simply share what you are interested in and what your "path" is? is it to share the teaching itself? And if so, then how? And is it right for the person you are trying to share it with? And if so, is it for them as is, or does it need some sort of - translation?

In the transcripts of the various Michael groups from 70s and 80s, Michael repeatedly says to some of the participants that they can teach people not only without mentioning the source (Michael), but even without talking at all, by their mere presence.

I can definitely see some of Michael students I have encountered so far, that they are themselves teachers and a lot of what they have to say does not necessarily make any reference to the teaching itself, yet it is totally congruent with it and often perfectly chosen for the right moment and the right people.

I don't generally tell people about it, unless I am specifically asked or it needs to be mentioned for explanation of something (like where the heck am I going next April, for a week, all alone, for the first time across the ocean:)
I did tell a close friend some time ago, when I was excited about something (like getting my chart, or booking a flight to the gathering). She did not quite get it at first  and moreover, initially she got even worried about me (as I found out later), so after that I tried to avoid telling her about it. It all depends on how much interest is shown. Actually at one point she said she would like to know what her overleaves are and those of her family. We even went over overleaves descriptions, both to attempt to validate mine, in the eyes of someone who knows me well, as well as having a go at figuring out hers.

I also told one of my relatives who is into this kind of stuff. She was mildly interested but I would not say it was for her.

I also told my teen children (one is Mature and one is Old soul). The Old one was definitely interested and I will eventually introduce her to it more. The Mature one said "I hope you are not paying for this"

But other than these very close people, and situations where someone literally wants to know, I don't tell people. I do not hide it either, it's pretty visible on my Facebook and I have no issue using my full name and photo on MT sites.

General Discussion / Re: Practical Everyday Ways to Live the MT
« on: October 29, 2011, 10:05:16 PM »
Here, jo.

General Discussion / Re: Practical Everyday Ways to Live the MT
« on: October 29, 2011, 06:33:20 PM »
There are some very helpful and relevant books written on some of the subjects you are asking about as well as existing Michael channeling.

Generally I would say the whole Michael teachings are about how to live them in day to day life, since that is what we are here to do and Michael is the first to say that.

There is nothing wrong with manifesting a younger soul age. There may be a good reason for it. It has been said somewhere (on this forum?) by someone that it is like being in a higher grade at school, but needing to revise something from a previous grade.

Photographing yourself is another word for self-awareness, which is a practise that definitely leads to more fulfilled life. In an intense form it's a bit like active meditation. Any form of meditation also helps with self-awareness. In the original transcripts, whenever people asked Michael how to grow, they used to be given an answer "meditate, concentrate and study". That is definitely a good general advice and not to be underestimated, but sometimes a more specific and explanatory answers are what one needs.

Dealing with someone you don't like - it really depends on what sort of situation it is and what it is you want to turn it into. There are many choices you potentially have. Often, when we strongly dislike someone, it mirrors something in ourselves, even if this is very hard to see. It is precisely why it may be hard to see, because we would like to very much believe that it is not part of ourselves.
Some people could be simply avoided. Others would be harder to avoid or one may not want to take that route. Some dislikes come under what Byron Katie calls "arguing with reality" in her book Loving What Is, which is a good book for someone who wants to honestly examine this.
Another thing that may be helpful is to remember that there are two dancers needed for every dance.

As for prosperity, Michael has been asked a similar question via Troy, and specifically from Old Soul perspective. Basically how to make money but still feel fulfilled by how you make it. And it touched upon accepting more modest lifestyle too, if that is one's choice. It can be found on Troy's site.

Nothing at all Betty, and I am not telling you what you are. Just mentioning the concept. You have mentioned conditioning in connection with the Server Role, so I am just saying that perhaps that could be a public Overleaf. Not saying it is.

Actually I have noticed that a lot of the time I am sort of singing in my head. Sometimes its more like an automatic rhythm, than singing. Sometimes I even mentally sing what i need to do :D

Betty, about the re-done profile - Troy has channeled that we have multiple sets of Overleaves - Private, Public and True. So this kinda complicates the matter and in this sense both Sage and Server may be true for you in different ways, or not, of course there is also a possibility of incorrect channeling.

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