Thanks for posting that, Betty. I still don't get how the concept of "Reunion" matches the purpose of a King. There are some other logical problems here IMO.
It's obvious that a Server gives Comfort, though I doubt that is the highest expression of the Server's purpose. I don't perceive comfort as a high spiritual value, and I would think that they would get people together for more than giving "profound comfort." Warriors fight for a cause, so the description of Advocacy fits, and "expanding freedom" is a worthy goal in my book. Priests want to transform people's consciousness from a lower state to a higher state, so Transformation fits, but making those within their circle "feel compelled to personally invest in the transformation of those fragments within their circle of contact" doesn't sound very spiritual to me.
Patronage is a bit odd as an activity for the Artisan, but I suppose in the context of getting a bunch of people to all contribute to a specific creative project, it kind of passes.
And that brings me to Scholar. I though invention was the realm of Artisans - what are Magnetic Scholars doing getting everyone together for the sake of an invention? Shouldn't they be getting people together to help gather more knowledge - maybe build a super-library?

As people within a Magnetic Sage's "kingdom" feeling "compelled to act as a Mentor within their own circle of contact as a means of implementing the specific theme of that Kingdom," that sounds as creepy and non-spiritual as the Priest one does to me. And the purpose of the Sage is to disseminate information, so you'd think they would be working with the Scholars somehow, on this exalted level of action.
Of course I could be totally misreading all of this or blocked by own my resistances, but this is how it appears to me at this moment in simultaneous time.
And so all these people are busy working on their themes and inventing stuff and "helping" others, while the Magnetic Kings are just there to throw a big theme party??? Wha??

I guess in that case I'm glad I'm a King. If I ever get a magnet, I'll invite you all to my party!!! It will be a pool party, and the theme will be "Chocolate, Sex and Star Trek."