Author Topic: Goading  (Read 23359 times)


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Re: Goading
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2011, 09:38:26 AM »
Elisabeth, I was just thinking and reading about leadership and responsibility in some Michael material last night. Basically it was something along the lines that when one looks to others to make their decisions for them, they are giving up their responsibility. To many this is a very tempting thing, as to be responsible is certainly more challenging than blaming others for making wrong decisions for you.
It said that in general, Ordinal Roles have more of a tendency to do this than Cardinal ones, but other overleaves come into play too - for example - it is easier to accept responsibility when in Power mode or when being a King etc.
My own overleaves are decidedly Ordinal, and I can validate this concept in myself sometime until a few years back when I feel I have started 4th IM. Then it finally dawned on me that I am totally responsible for what happens to me and for what I chose, as I will have to live with that. I can then blame them for making a wrong choice, or I can stop this and make my own and learn.
Hopefully this is not too off-topic, but I think it is relevant, since Priest is a Cardinal role and the discussion sort of turned to exploring this.
Interestingly enough, I am finding that those people (myself included), who find it tempting to ask others to make decisions for them, also tend to tell others what to do, which is the other side of the same coin.


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Re: Goading
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2011, 06:22:53 PM »
I am an old scholar/artisan and I have noticed that priests who are stuck in the "zealot maya" can be very abusive with goading/guilt tripping. They can dish it out but rarely stick around if someone can dish back ! I find all the shoulds and should nots and the " I know what's best for you" to be annoying. I have also noticed that priest can't get away from me fast enough! No doubt a past life thing.  ::)

Chiara DB

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Re: Goading
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2011, 06:28:35 PM »
Mare, I don't even speak to my Mature Priest sister anymore -- she is obsessed with trying to root out what's "wrong" with me and intimidating/forcing me to conform to her will. She is sure that anything I do that's off her idea of "the straight and narrow" will send me straight to her version of hell and condemnation. After 30+ years of it, I just got tired of having that negativity in my life in any way.


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Re: Goading
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2011, 06:55:20 AM »
i'm not even sure if this is specifically "priest specific" it can also be being in tune with the emotional center and understanding human thought and actions. along with the understanding of human Fear and the state of the human condition.

I've noticed that the first thing many religious people learn in their trade is how to find weakness and attempt to heal it with what they feel is Gods love. It is the ultimate power trip. Akin to emotional orgasm for these people.

It can many times begin as a acceptance/love issue or need. Often it will manifest into a power/control issue, exploiting weakness, trouble shooting it, and sharing emotions. This cycle is fullfilling and falseley enlightening for these people. They feed off of it like an IV

warriors can make good immitation of priests in a brainwashed/un balanced center state. their innate ability to persuade, especially coupled with a goal of growth motivated by their heavy yoke of emotional burden can make them tier 1 in the field of seeming like a priest.

the only true way i've found to notice a true priest soul is to be next to that person. If they are in their positive pole, I can feel the change in atmosphere, especially being a king soul.
When i enter a room or setting, i feel the atmosphere change. There is order, and almost weight with fatherly love. When a priest walks in, i get a bit light headed and the weight on my chest lifts up a bit. my toungue also feels lighter.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2011, 07:02:51 AM by mAmbessa »


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Re: Goading
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2011, 10:02:57 PM »
I am an old scholar/artisan and I have noticed that priests who are stuck in the "zealot maya" can be very abusive with goading/guilt tripping. They can dish it out but rarely stick around if someone can dish back ! I find all the shoulds and should nots and the " I know what's best for you" to be annoying. I have also noticed that priest can't get away from me fast enough! No doubt a past life thing.  ::)

Oh My Stars!  This is my MIL and Stepmother.  Why I never realised it before I have no idea.  Everything just clicked when I read this.  These are only two females on the planet who have ever done to me what you described.  Both born within a week of each other. 

hmmmm......thanx for that :-)



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Re: Goading
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2011, 08:22:37 AM »
so what if someone who is known to be something other than priest acts like a controlling, goading zealot? does that just mean they are simply obnoxious bores?

Chiara DB

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Re: Goading
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2011, 05:16:14 PM »
ped, they could be a Server in Dominance, like good old Mary See :)