Author Topic: How do I figure out my Role?  (Read 34805 times)


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How do I figure out my Role?
« on: April 15, 2011, 07:42:49 PM »
Hi!  I've been reading "7 Personality Types," by Elizabeth Puttick, and the Michael Teachings were mentioned so I googled and found this website.  After reading through part of this site (which is extensive and great! btw) and jumping ahead in the book, I've decided either I'm a goofy Scholar or an expressive but shy and not always wanting to be center of attention Sage.  I live for insights, ideas, knowledge and hanging out in nature (for excitement over plants, animals and backcountry sports, not as much for peace), and I pretty much don't ever like being alone, though I'm somewhat in the middle of introvert and extrovert when it comes to talking to people, partly because I'm so alternative it's hard to find people with my interests and values and partly because of the shyness.  To cover both eventualities, I found an AV that expresses both Roles.   :D

So do most people get a channeling in order to sort out their Role?  I'm a little hesitant to just pick one, in case it's wrong.

John Roth

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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2011, 08:03:38 PM »
It's usually best to get a channeling because the interactions between the Role, casting order, the overleaves and imprinting can be quite complex. Some of us could probably make a guess from talking to you in the chat room, but the MT chat room is currently moribund. I'm the only one who hangs out there consistently at the specified times, and since I do other things I don't always notice if someone else shows up.


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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2011, 08:13:47 PM »
Thanks, I'll do that!  Any recommendations as to the best of the best, the channeler(s) who most often get it right?  If this has a chance of hurting anyone's feelings, either PM or just don't answer.


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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2011, 12:07:26 AM »
To get started you might try the role test at the MT site. At the very least it could give you a ballpark figure, so to speak.

We don't promote the services of individual channels here since it violates the forum guidelines  -- this is a non-commercial forum -- but there's a resource page for channels at the MT site.



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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2011, 01:31:40 AM »
Thanks, Dave.  I did go through the groupings and from that and from reading other info, narrowed my Role to likely Sage or Scholar.  I know a typical Sage and Scholar in real life and both are full-blown examples.  The Scholar would likely laugh at the thought that I'm a Scholar as would the Sage at my being a Sage.  Whatever I am, it's a more low-key version than what the websites and the book I'm reading say about the Roles, though the thought that I'm any other role just doesn't make sense.

I was going to ask you if I could ask any channelers if they could PM me if they'd be available to give me a reading within a week, since I'd like to get going on this.  Would that be against the forum rules?  If so, I did see the page that lists channelers and I'll start contacting them.   Maybe I have Impatience as a Chief Feature.   ;)


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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2011, 02:11:31 AM »
Hi Drury,

If you know anything about astrology, it's kind of similar in that your role is like your sun sign, and the other overleaves, like the other planet placements develop a theme or a signature unique to you.

In figuring it out I think it's best to think about it for a while.
Read and re-read the material and see what really fits and feels normal.

I believe I'm a Scholar for the same reasons you stated.
I do like to communicate when I can be helpful, which I think is a Server influence...likewise I think you can best identify the ingredients of your make-up if you take the time to really take inventory and notice your tendencies, habits, likes/dislikes, pacing, etc. I believe it's an ongoing process, self-awareness, so just develop some patience, and it will eventually pay off.

Let me know what you think. I'm interested.


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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2011, 02:22:17 AM »

Regarding channels, try reading some of the articles and channeled transcripts at the MT site, and also peruse the channels listed on the resource page. If one has a style that resonates with you, give him/her a try. I'd be leery of personal plugs because you're getting bias that may or may not serve you. And channel shopping, where you have multiple channels doing your chart, or you jump from one to the next, can lead to mixed results.

Once you get your chart done you need to live with it for a while and see if you can personally validate the results. This requires some soul searching, patience, and probably further research.  ;D

If you're still uncertain after all of that, contact me privately with further questions and I'll try to help.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 02:27:02 AM by Dave Gregg »


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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2011, 03:17:13 AM »
Helenread, it took me 3 years and 9-10 books to find out my Myers-Briggs type, and it’s still a little shaky. aargh!  I know this will go at least a little faster, if for no other reason than I can have a channeler help me.

I think deep inside I feel more like a Sage, but I don't really fit a lot of what the info says about Sages.  I am very expressive in real life and I *live* for insights, but I don't like to be the center of attention and don't tell stories very often.  Even though I'm older, I still bounce around and get excited a lot - I also live for fun and excitement - and I don't know if that equates to Sage or is entirely separate from Michael Teachings.  Are Scholars ever like that, I wonder?  I'm female, but don't usually know how to talk to females, and I'm an absolutely whiz at one-on-ones with males - they think I'm fascinating.  This isn't bragging but trying to figure out the Sage thingy, since I'm a Sage one-on-one but not much in groups - I wonder if that counts?  Edit to add:  I love large groups, I'm just better at one-on-one.  I'm definitely not a Server, though.  To confuse things, I also like to help people and do so mainly with logic.  I'd be a great philosopher if they hung out shingles the way psychologists do.

"Just develop some patience..."  Give me a few lifetimes and I likely will.   :D  Thanks for your comments!

Dave, this site is so extensive that I haven't seen the channeled transcripts yet, but will head over there.  I did find an article that discussed using multiple channels and why the first one has the best chance of being correct, and I hear what you're saying about the biases.  Once I have a report, or maybe a couple, from channelers, if it doesn't make sense I’ll contact you.  Thanks for the offer.  :)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 03:35:35 AM by Drury »


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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2011, 03:43:21 AM »
Agree with John about the influence of overleaves... I felt pretty 'priesty' at times before (and after) I got my chart channeled, but it's because I'm at a soul level that corresponds with priest and am in passion mode, arrogance, and am emotionally centered. Also felt a bit sage-y because I have a mercurial body type. ;) Once you get a chart it's fun figuring out where all your intuitions are coming from, "that explains that... ah haaa!".

I personally was going between king and artisan before I got a chart done, and turns out I am a king role with a discarnate artisan essence twin. So you could be pretty on track with yourself too. But you never know. :)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 03:49:33 AM by Elisabeth »


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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2011, 03:46:17 AM »
I don't know why I keep saying in posts, AT the MT site, since this IS the MT site. But I guess this forum feels like a different place.  ;)



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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2011, 03:48:28 AM »
This was also helpful for me in narrowing down (during the time spent in suspense while waiting for my chart!):

I picked a couple 'possibles' from each category, and actually wasn't too far off in the end.


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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2011, 03:50:09 AM »
I remember that, Elisabeth. It was cool that the personality test was so accurate for you. Mileage may very for others, but it's a good tool to get a general idea of where your energetic leanings are.



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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2011, 04:08:13 AM »
Elizabeth, that's a great chart - thanks!  I'm going through it now, and so far I seem to be a little toward Scholar.  But then again, with other parts of the site I seem more Sage.  I see what you mean, about thinking you're a certain Role because other aspects of your chart give that feeling.  Still, when I look throughout my life as a whole, I don't see much of Artisan, Server, Warrior, King or Priest.  Priest was in the running for a little while, since spirituality has been such an important part of the way I look at situations, but I don't have the charisma or drive to change things that a Priest has.  I might get upset about what people are doing to each other, to pets, to the environment, but I just lay down until the feeling passes, like some people do when they consider exercising.   ;D  I tend to like to help people as I come across them by helping them straighten out their thinking so they can see their problems more clearly.  Okay, I think I got sidetracked.   ::)  I'm going back to look at the chart.

Dave, it's not the "AT" that confuses me but the "MT," as in, no, he's talking about this site, not a mountain.   ;)

« Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 05:35:38 AM by Drury »


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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2011, 03:19:03 AM »
I contacted a channeler and he said it would be days to weeks before I get my chart.  In the meantime, my SO and I tried to figure out my strongest gifts and came up with the following:

Ability to enjoy life in that even the smallest things can frequently make me happy.  It almost seems to be a little part of my mission to help people see that life isn't all drudgery and that we all need to take time to have fun and play.

I'm strong in common-sense logic and can usually see the point where logic has failed.

Two psychologists told me I'm gifted at spotting people's games.

I enjoy going deeply into who people are, their deepest fears to their this life or beyond dreams.  I can at times help them via logic to sort out their issues, and I love getting people to talk about their dreams.  I’m not always good at putting people at ease, and having a choice between visionary and healer archetypes, I’m more a visionary, though that’s not a major strength.

Putting all that together...  It’s kind of a mish-mash.  :D  I realized today that I know the *way* I do things, such as random/spontaneous according to Energy Profiling, but it’s harder to sort out *what* I’m good it, which is what Roles are about.  I also realized that I prefer being a Sage but am better at being a Scholar, maybe because Scholar has been my main gift all along and maybe because I’ve been pushed into a Scholar-type role for much of my life so I’ve been strengthening my secondary and haven’t had as much practice at my primary role.  This has been a years-long issue of mine, trying to sort out which of those two parts of me are more at the heart of who I am, so maybe I’ll learn the answer through MT.

Reading through some of the posts at this forum, I can see I have a lot of studying to do before I can understand and join conversations intelligently.  I thought Enneagrams were complex, but MT is much more so!  I’m an Enneagram 7w6, possibly sx/so, if that means anything to anyone.  So I might do some posts anyway or might wait until I’ve read some more about the MT and have received my chart.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 03:54:58 AM by Drury »

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Re: How do I figure out my Role?
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2011, 03:33:40 AM »
For a real wild guess: Priest.

The word "mission" is a clue. Priests (and Servers) have a mission. Scholars get involved with things. Warriors are productive and efficient. There are a couple of other characteristic words that apply to other roles, but I've forgotten them. (Sigh.)


John Roth