I contacted a channeler and he said it would be days to weeks before I get my chart. In the meantime, my SO and I tried to figure out my strongest gifts and came up with the following:
Ability to enjoy life in that even the smallest things can frequently make me happy. It almost seems to be a little part of my mission to help people see that life isn't all drudgery and that we all need to take time to have fun and play.
I'm strong in common-sense logic and can usually see the point where logic has failed.
Two psychologists told me I'm gifted at spotting people's games.
I enjoy going deeply into who people are, their deepest fears to their this life or beyond dreams. I can at times help them via logic to sort out their issues, and I love getting people to talk about their dreams. I’m not always good at putting people at ease, and having a choice between visionary and healer archetypes, I’m more a visionary, though that’s not a major strength.
Putting all that together... It’s kind of a mish-mash.

I realized today that I know the *way* I do things, such as random/spontaneous according to Energy Profiling, but it’s harder to sort out *what* I’m good it, which is what Roles are about. I also realized that I prefer being a Sage but am better at being a Scholar, maybe because Scholar has been my main gift all along and maybe because I’ve been pushed into a Scholar-type role for much of my life so I’ve been strengthening my secondary and haven’t had as much practice at my primary role. This has been a years-long issue of mine, trying to sort out which of those two parts of me are more at the heart of who I am, so maybe I’ll learn the answer through MT.
Reading through some of the posts at this forum, I can see I have a lot of studying to do before I can understand and join conversations intelligently. I thought Enneagrams were complex, but MT is much more so! I’m an Enneagram 7w6, possibly sx/so, if that means anything to anyone. So I might do some posts anyway or might wait until I’ve read some more about the MT and have received my chart.