Author Topic: My Michael Chart  (Read 43408 times)

John Roth

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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #30 on: May 01, 2011, 12:35:48 AM »
Although you haven't produced any evidence, either--a "lot" of channeling experience is hardly definitive either way any more than my "cherry-picked" example.

All I was saying is that, over the approximately 30 years I've been a student of the MT, I've looked at a lot of charts. You, too can look at a lot of charts; there's no reason to take my word for it, or anyone's word for it. There are, for example, several data bases of channeled charts. There is, for example, the celebrity overleaves table at the MT site. Not all of them have the ET recorded, but of the first ten I scanned that did have an ET recorded, NONE of them had the same role.

I think that probably says something or other.


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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #31 on: May 01, 2011, 12:39:34 AM »
What does HTH stand for?


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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2011, 04:29:33 AM »
Drury, yes, the Entity numbers are meaningful and would be the same channel to channel. And I know exactly what you mean about checking your email 5-6 times a day :)

I'm glad to hear that, since the 5th and 7th Entities are the only ones I resonate with.

I have a good excuse for frequent checking of e-mail - impatience is my Chief Obstacle.  :D  Impatience started coming up very strongly for me a few years ago and I've wondered, "What the heck?"  It's not like my life is so crammed full of things to do that impatience is understandable.  Maybe when it's time to be dealt with it's going to manifest, no matter what the life is like.  Now I'm waiting for my husband's chart, and yep, I'm checking e-mail a lot.   ;)  I'm not quite as impatient as with my chart, which I'd hoped would answer some years-long questions (which it did!).  I'm more on the curious side with his - what he's like with regard to MT and how it relates to our interactions.


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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2011, 07:48:57 AM »
Thank you for actually discussing my question, instead of flat-out telling me I'm wrong and accusing me of dogma.

One thing I would like to point out if that I never said MFM was right and everybody else was wrong.  I simply asked where they got their information.   Validating was all I was trying to do--of both MFM and "other channels".  Instead I got accused of dogma.  Although I fail to understand how questioning leads to dogma. 

Boy, just asking questions here can get one attacked! 


I am sensing an adversarial tone in your posts, which isn't the focus of this forum. People are not attacking you here, but their opinions do differ from yours, and a difference of opinion is normal behavior on any forum. In the interest of civility, please monitor the overall tone of your comments and watch for language that's reactionary and likely to create conflict. I would prefer to keep a hands-off style of moderation, but if forced, I will remove all posts that seem adversarial.



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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2011, 12:04:21 AM »
On the Yahoo list, Shepherd Hoodwin said someone's casting was channeled as 7-7-3.  Using that method, what do the three numbers stand for and what would mine be?

John Roth

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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2011, 02:08:28 AM »
What does HTH stand for?

Hope This Helps

John Roth


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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2011, 03:01:13 AM »
Oh, okay :D

I like that



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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2011, 10:40:13 AM »
On the Yahoo list, Shepherd Hoodwin said someone's casting was channeled as 7-7-3.  Using that method, what do the three numbers stand for and what would mine be?

Hi Drury,

and this:
would help. Since your chart was channeled by Shepherd, particularly look at the second link, which also explains how these castings would manifest and all sorts of things about his format of charts.

I understand that these numbers mean respectively,
1) the Essence's position in its Cadence (this is what people mean when they say "Casting" - this is primary casting - your chart info says "Cadence Position"
2) The Cadence's position within its Greater Cadence (secondary casting)
3) Greater Cadence number in its group of 7 Greater Cadences (teritiary casting)

Further it's important to understand that numbers 1 to 7 correspond to the seven Roles:
1 = Server
2 = Artisan
3 = Warrior
4 = Scholar
5 = Sage
6 = Priest
7 = King

So the casting 7-7-3 (which I believe was said to be Prince William's), is King-King-Warrior
Your own is 6-1-4 (Priest-Server-Scholar)



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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #38 on: May 02, 2011, 05:35:51 PM »

I just went back to page 1 of this thread and realized you'd already given me the same numbers, but I didn't realize those were the numbers people were putting together in the x-x-x format.  Those links are also helping quite a bit.  Thank you for all the info!  :)


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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #39 on: May 04, 2011, 10:21:17 PM »
This joke is from Dave’s blog:

What do you call it when a sage has nothing to say?


Though I'm not a non-stop talker, I showed the joke to my husband and he could totally identify.  ;)  I realized a while back that unless I've talked over with someone an idea I've had or what I've physically experienced or emotionally felt, the experience or thought isn't as real as it could be, and definitely isn't complete.  My husband jokingly complained that I can't just tell him while he's sleeping, he has to be awake so it can be put into his brain and he's acknowledged it.  I’ve found that most of my important insights come when I’m talking things over with someone.  My thoughts can be a tangled mess, but when I discuss them with someone else it’s as if once they get communicated, either spoken or written, they straighten themselves out and it becomes easier to see the heart of the matter.

The following is from an article written by Shepherd:

“Ed Hamerstrom suggested that...the three inputs of sages relate to 1) current reality (the setting or basic situation), 2) what is being expressed, and 3) the audience.  Michael said that that is a valid way of looking at their inputs.”

Since I’m new to the teachings, I’m not sure, but I’m wondering if it’s this way for Sages in general, that the input of needing an audience is partly for the purposes of detangling their thoughts, gaining insights, and making things more real, almost like a grounding.  My husband (not sure of his role yet, but he’s not a Sage) needs time to think things through and come to conclusions by himself, and I need outward communication to get to the same place.

« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 10:26:27 PM by Drury »


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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #40 on: May 05, 2011, 08:27:04 AM »
I am not a Sage, but I am an Artisan, Sage cast. When someone talks about a need for audience, I can relate. Examples I get satisfaction from:
- Singing a song in a way it makes someone cry or strongly relate to their own experience (puts them and you in Higher Emotional Centre)
- Expressing something you know in a way that makes it click for someone else - relaying knowledge
- Being a teacher and seeing your pupil blossoming

The thing with important insights coming when discussing something with someone, is not Sage only quality. It is what you are describing - the act of expressing them - you try to make it clear to someone else, and in the process you make it clear to yourself. I see it all the time between me and my colleagues. We are software developers so there is lot of problem solving going on. But in such case I don't perceive the other person as an audience, even though - why not. I would not say I solely solve things this way. There are definitely steps in the process where I want to take it away and mull over it alone. And then perhaps come back together again and reshape it again.


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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #41 on: May 05, 2011, 07:35:29 PM »
Thanks, Jana!  You also covered the other side, what it can be like for others with regard to expressiveness, and you’re right, it’s not only a Sage quality.  Finding my best gift in order to help others is the main reason I requested a chart.  After receiving the chart, in hindsight it’s now clear that I live to sort out ideas for myself and share them with people when I think it might help them with their lives, plus I love to help people have fun and make them laugh.  New ideas and insights give me a high, as does helping others gain insights about themselves and their lives.

My husband and I are so different when it comes to communication needs and I was curious as to what other people, and Sages in particular, experience inwardly when it comes to understanding and expression.  My husband has said talking doesn’t usually help him much, that he needs to mull things over.  My guess is that it does help him more than he realizes, but I’m not positive.  I seem to be at the opposite end, where I need to talk over the majority of what I’ve experienced in order to sort it out.

Until about 3 years ago I hadn’t spent much time looking at my own or others’ personalities and more or less divided the inward state of people into spiritual and earthly.  When I came across personality typing, it was like a miracle, finally understanding others’ needs and how they view and thus interact with the world.  I still have a fascination with people’s inward differences.  When I first came across Myers-Briggs on the Internet and read that extroverts sometimes need to talk out loud in order to understand what they’re thinking, I thought I was an introvert and that it was kind of strange to have to talk to understand.  A couple months down the road and with more study, I realized I'm an extrovert, which I hadn’t seen at first because of lifelong habits of viewing myself in certain ways, and I was shocked to realize I also needed to talk in order to understand.  My husband still teases me about it.  :D  Since, according to Myers-Briggs, not all extroverts need to talk in order to know what they’re thinking, I was curious as to whether it was mainly a Sage phenomenon, if other roles experience the same need on a regular basis, or if it’s not divided by role.

This is one of the definitions I came across for “audience”:  “opportunity to be heard; chance to speak to or before a person or group.”  So when you're speaking and other developers are listening, they could be considered your audience.  My husband is a system architect/developer and I’ve heard so much about it over the years that I consider myself an honorary IT person.  :D

« Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 07:45:12 PM by Drury »


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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #42 on: May 11, 2011, 05:35:21 PM »
What would be considered someone's secondary influence, ET or Cadence Position?  Mine are the same, but sometimes I'll see a person's type referred to as King/Artisan, for example, and I'm not sure what the second is referring to.  On this site, it seems to mean the ET, and I was wondering if that's universal:


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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #43 on: May 13, 2011, 07:02:41 AM »
Hehe, that's me at the very bottom. ;)

I can't say what is secondary influence, but usually I would think it'd be casting as that's how one is more likely to appear on an everyday basis (or, it's how you 'do' your role...). But my artisan ET influence is pretty strong as it's discarnate. You can definitely see it at play, and I was in a creative field in university and enjoy lots of creative activities. Daily, I'm more likely to be doing scholarly whatevers, searching out information, it's very habitual and just something I do easily. But I really enjoy myself when I'm creating, it often feels like an intense and visceral 'gift'/energy that I'm channeling from somewhere, yet is also a part of me. My artisan ET also definitely shows up in my appearance more than scholar does (clothes, hairstyles, general creative flamboyance, colors... )... though I can look 'nerdy'. But am more likely to look like a bookish artist. ;)   
« Last Edit: May 13, 2011, 07:14:14 AM by Elisabeth »


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Re: My Michael Chart
« Reply #44 on: May 13, 2011, 07:16:17 AM »

I think why the role is put with the ET on the role photos page is that ET bleedthrough (when discarnate) is likely to be more apparent in one's appearance than one's casting is... but I'll let Dave answer that one more fully...