Author Topic: Body types and Centering  (Read 18118 times)


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Body types and Centering
« on: May 17, 2011, 11:11:02 AM »

So, my main two body types are active, Mercurial and Saturnine (with a bit of Venusian) but it's paired with emotional centering/intellectual part.

Which seems rather abrading. lol.

Sometimes I'm scared to be more active and moving because when I do I just move so fast due to the built up energy. Otherwise, I am more inclined to sitting in a chair for hours while my mind/emotions are going a mile a minute (very active).

It made me think I was a bit bipolar more than a few times because I just feel pretty manic and able to do a LOT when I really get going and really tend to go back and forth between positive action and negative action energy (sat. and merc. respectively), but also get a lot of racing thoughts and my brain often feels constantly abuzz with activity due to not being very moving centered. I do walk everywhere (and rather compactly, with determination), but am thinking, would it be more beneficial if I actually did some aerobic exercising? (yes probably). I used to do track in high school but really hated running for the sake of running. I think I'm much better off doing things like swing dancing or rollerblading... something more fun and engaging.

But I just noticed that combination the other day, of very active body types paired with a not very physically active centers, and realized that it possibly contributes a lot to my often overheated brain and nervous energy. A friend said once that I was like a bottle of shaken up soda always ready to pop but somehow staying contained.

Coupled with king energy and other influences and I just can get to feeling really pent up inside without others really realizing. Wound up and alert but on the outside merely like a rumbling volcano (gentle but serious, yet fun and "on"). I definitely am a total mixture of mercurial and saturnine though. It's a bit weird seeing it all.

Do your guys' body combos abrade with your centers? Or are they a bit more in tune?
I don't really mind my combination too much, just thought it was interesting to notice.


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Re: Body types and Centering
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2011, 03:50:42 PM »
From my own experience, other overleaves can abrade too in this or similar respect (physical activity). I have a goal of Rest and CFs of Impatience and Stubbornness. I have done my knee and elbow joints in, in a quite young age with excessive sports that were apparently not suitable for my genetic disposition. I should do something like swimming, but i find it boring. i want to dance, do martial arts, snowboarding etc.

I have not had my bodytype channeled, but I think the strongest is Mercurial. Intellectual centre, emo part, so not entirely dissimilar to yours.
Do you have other overleaves that could be manifesting in what you are describing and provide more insight?
Also the overheated brain - for my part, I have figured out it's upto me to calm it down with meditation of some sort.


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Re: Body types and Centering
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2011, 11:14:53 PM »

Flow, passion, realist, arrogance. 6th level mature, frequency of 47...
6th level + passion + emotional centering + mercurial can get me in a few storms I guess.

When I do decide to get off my butt and do things, people usually call me a dynamo.

I also did quite a bit of sports and was very active when younger (like you), though I think my body was built pretty well for it, especially for sprinting and jumping, except that I hated constant exercise and maintaining that sort of thing. Plodding, jogging. Got shin splints. And it got tiresome (yeah, because it was boring too heh). But man I love swing dancing, it seems perfect for a Mercurial body (with passion and emotional centering too). Love skiing too, probably because it's fast.

It is quite an insight to realize that Mercurial energy gets 'wound up' though... I don't feel quite so badly for getting a lot of nervous energy, but like you I've had to learn that it's important to take some time out to properly rest my mind. I don't do meditation per se, but I do tarot and play the piano. Took a while to see that I wouldn't die if I stopped thinking. Even when I thought I "wasn't being active" (i.e. moving around), I still was way more active than other people around me, even if only in my head. Getting my wisdom teeth taken out, it was quite painful to be in bed and unable to think well or read... I tried to get up right away and do things and it resulted in a bit of nausea. It's always surprising when I'm sick, because I never think that I move around as much as I do as I'm so used to my emo/intellectual centering doing all the work. But I do bustle around quite a bit even though I'm not moving centered.

Then there's famous mantra from others... "don't over do it now"... which of course, I still do occasionally (thinking I'm stronger and more enduring than I am and can lift more boxes up hills than I can). I don't like people telling me that I'm too small and can't take on things. ;) It's a hard truth that I'm not always adept at lifting heavy objects. Even though my saturnine side really enjoys weight lifting...

« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 11:17:05 PM by Elisabeth »


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Re: Body types and Centering
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2011, 08:53:47 AM »
Flow, passion, realist, arrogance. 6th level mature, frequency of 47...
6th level + passion + emotional centering + mercurial can get me in a few storms I guess.

When I do decide to get off my butt and do things, people usually call me a dynamo.

I also did quite a bit of sports and was very active when younger (like you), though I think my body was built pretty well for it, especially for sprinting and jumping, except that I hated constant exercise and maintaining that sort of thing. Plodding, jogging. Got shin splints. And it got tiresome (yeah, because it was boring too heh). But man I love swing dancing, it seems perfect for a Mercurial body (with passion and emotional centering too). Love skiing too, probably because it's fast.
Even though my saturnine side really enjoys weight lifting...

I'm getting exhausted just reading about this dynamism. :P Swing dancing is fun to watch, though. I played in a swing band in LA once a week, and during the last set young people would arrive and tear up the floor. They had learned even the most difficult steps and routines. It was like stepping back in time.

With my venusian bodytype, however, I'm just a fat lapdog after dinner. And as I always like to say, the only way you'll track any movement from me is if you use time-lapse photography.  ;)

Ok, maybe I'm not that bad.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 10:17:04 AM by Dave »


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Re: Body types and Centering
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2011, 09:53:04 AM »
So you have the same goal as me too, Elisabeth, since Flow is another name for Rest. Have you had any past life information, as a matter of interest? I was told I had many difficult past lives and decides to give myself a break this time - hence Rest, Pragmatism and Caution.
I can now see I need to rest both my body and my mind. Often I have to consciously make myself to do this. As I get older I get better at identifying when I need this. I was pretty good at resting when I was a teenager, but once I had kids, there were constant demands on me, and then it gets challenging to rest and find ways to rest and balance it with these demands.
I do Tarot and play piano too. Piano can be a good way to relax your mind. Indeed, we don't die when we stop thinking, quite the opposite - its good for us.
I can partly identify with what you are describing. I am happy to rest a LOT. But when i do "do" something, I can get a lot done.

Lol, Dave at time-lapse photography.


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Re: Body types and Centering
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2011, 05:27:30 PM »
My body types are Saturnian and Mercurial, with intellectual centering/moving part and Sage role with honorary Priest.  I think to others it can appear to be a little abrading, but I've never experienced it as such.  Until I was in a car accident and then came down with chronic fatigue, I spent most of my time on the go - tracking down information by visiting stores or people, backcountry skiing, hiking, swimming, waterskiing, any type of dancing, always with people, rarely by myself.  I remember one day before the car accident I went for a 15-mile hike, moved my belongings from one apartment to another, then went to a party, and I was a little tired by the end of the day, which was unusual for me.

People who knew that part of me were surprised that I could turn it off by reading quietly or sitting and talking for extended periods on the same subject, and some have mentioned that it was odd to get me into a deeper discussion then ask me if I wanted to go out somewhere, have me leap up and say Yes!, then run around rapidly and get ready to go and spend the night dancing.  To me it was all seamless, though I could see what they were talking about.  The Sage role had me bouncing around spontaneously and the Priest part had me focused on a mission, the intellectual centering with moving part had me alternating between stillness and activity, all of which could go back and forth at the drop of a hat.

I was lucky that my active body type would sometimes allow me to sit still without being antsy to move, but now in my life I have too much sitting still, which I at first fought and then needed to adjust to.  I used to spend almost all my time around people - talking, engaging in activities with them or reading - without spending much alone time just thinking for myself or looking to see who I was, so more stillness in my life was necessary for my growth.  Because so much of my chart was pushing me to move, including body type and impatience as chief obstacle, I’m lucky I had observation mode and intellectual centering to fall back on.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 05:31:04 PM by Drury »


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Re: Body types and Centering
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2011, 04:53:27 AM »
Have you had any past life information, as a matter of interest?

Only generally (in relation to my life task)... apparently my last few lives were lived quite in a rush, so I decided to give myself a lifetime where I would learn to savor and digest things on the physical plane rather than only getting to them once in the astral. Which is always weird to me as my overleaves suit this mandate perfectly, even to where it slows me down if I start going too fast. This lifetime feels a LOT slower (and meandering) than what it seems I'm used to, despite my active mercurial/saturnine combo. But I think that with emotional/intellectual makes it easier to sit down and process information in my head/heart, hence... digesting... sitting around a lot and musing/wondering/processing but able to really enjoy myself as well when I get going. Like flipping a switch. Isn't is weird to see why essence chose particular overleaves? Pretty fascinating stuff.

I am happy to rest a LOT. But when i do "do" something, I can get a lot done.

Definitely. ;)

Drury, thanks for sharing! Your body types and role/casting seem to go well together (mercurial is excellent for sage, and saturnine is quite good for priest). Moving part seems to make you quite a bit more active in the literal sense. Physically active, on the go.

A full day for me would be one of those things! heh. Either hiking, moving, OR a party. ;) Or maybe two.
Often I think saturnine influence is responsible for being able to turn it off and sit back down, and also for endurance, so maybe you're drawing on that more these days. Sometimes I think people think I'm more active and moving than I actually am, because I definitely look mercurial/agile/whatever, but often feel quite more saturnine and a steady presence. Probably also in combination of 47 frequency... I'm not exactly manic. heh. Which is why forums and online interactions are interesting, because my mercurial mind is often speaking tons and tons, information-wise, but in real life saturnine stuff really reigns it in.

A while ago I guess I described it as having a cannonball wit. heh.

It's just amazing to me, seeing how everything works together for essence... enables real awareness.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 04:58:20 AM by Elisabeth »


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Re: Body types and Centering
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2011, 05:11:42 AM »
Drury, thanks for sharing! Your body types and role/casting seem to go well together (mercurial is excellent for sage, and saturnine is quite good for priest).

I've lived long enough to see how my chart has played out and how it's helped or at times seemed to hinder me.  I still don't know about my goal of dominance - either I've failed at the task or I'll have to live longer to have that part manifesting.   Since I'm 6th level Mature, sometimes it seems like I'm running full speed just to keep up with the craziness.  :)


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Re: Body types and Centering
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2011, 05:28:27 AM »

I've lived long enough to see how my chart has played out and how it's helped or at times seemed to hinder me.  I still don't know about my goal of dominance - either I've failed at the task or I'll have to live longer to have that part manifesting.   Since I'm 6th level Mature, sometimes it seems like I'm running full speed just to keep up with the craziness.  :)

I sometimes think we have blind spots to our goals, which is why they often seem like revelations when we discover them and finally see first hand how they have been influencing us all along.

Some people manifest dominance in quieter ways than the known stereotypes. Do some soul searching on this. There may be an element of leadership in something you do, but it's not what you stereotypically think of as leadership. You do, for example, seem to have a capable and determined air about you.



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Re: Body types and Centering
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2011, 05:32:48 AM »
Have you had any past life information, as a matter of interest?

A while ago I guess I described it as having a cannonball wit. heh.

And that certainly sounds Kingly. ;)

It's just amazing to me, seeing how everything works together for essence... enables real awareness.

Ah, ha. You've really been turning on the passion lately. I like how you're using the teachings to truly know yourself.



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Re: Body types and Centering
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2011, 05:40:57 PM »

I've lived long enough to see how my chart has played out and how it's helped or at times seemed to hinder me.  I still don't know about my goal of dominance - either I've failed at the task or I'll have to live longer to have that part manifesting.   Since I'm 6th level Mature, sometimes it seems like I'm running full speed just to keep up with the craziness.  :)

I sometimes think we have blind spots to our goals, which is why they often seem like revelations when we discover them and finally see first hand how they have been influencing us all along.

Some people manifest dominance in quieter ways than the known stereotypes. Do some soul searching on this. There may be an element of leadership in something you do, but it's not what you stereotypically think of as leadership. You do, for example, seem to have a capable and determined air about you.


I would have answered this a few days ago but I couldn’t remember what thread it was on.  I realized that my lifelong issue of being constantly put in situations where people try to dominate me from the negative pole is karmic, teaching me how to get into my own positive dominance in order to deal with the situations.  A typical example would be my chiropractor, the only one who could keep my neck in, being angry and even yelling at me on a regular basis for simple things such as asking if I should do yoga and going to another chiropractor when he was out of town.  I finally chose to be in pain rather than have him entirely take away my dominance every time I saw him.  Now I’m in another situation with a chiropractor in which he’s always right and I’m wrong, no matter what I say.  My life for many years has consisted of almost entirely these types of people, including relatives, so I can’t get away.  So yes, I can see now where my lifetime goal would be dominance since it’s been affecting my life since the day I was born, pushing me to learn how to attain my goal.  I recently read a tip that going to the positive of submission and from there to the positive of dominance can be helpful.

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Re: Body types and Centering
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2011, 12:57:34 AM »

I've lived long enough to see how my chart has played out and how it's helped or at times seemed to hinder me.  I still don't know about my goal of dominance - either I've failed at the task or I'll have to live longer to have that part manifesting.   Since I'm 6th level Mature, sometimes it seems like I'm running full speed just to keep up with the craziness.  :)

I sometimes think we have blind spots to our goals, which is why they often seem like revelations when we discover them and finally see first hand how they have been influencing us all along.

Some people manifest dominance in quieter ways than the known stereotypes. Do some soul searching on this. There may be an element of leadership in something you do, but it's not what you stereotypically think of as leadership. You do, for example, seem to have a capable and determined air about you.


I would have answered this a few days ago but I couldn’t remember what thread it was on.  I realized that my lifelong issue of being constantly put in situations where people try to dominate me from the negative pole is karmic, teaching me how to get into my own positive dominance in order to deal with the situations.  A typical example would be my chiropractor, the only one who could keep my neck in, being angry and even yelling at me on a regular basis for simple things such as asking if I should do yoga and going to another chiropractor when he was out of town.  I finally chose to be in pain rather than have him entirely take away my dominance every time I saw him.  Now I’m in another situation with a chiropractor in which he’s always right and I’m wrong, no matter what I say.  My life for many years has consisted of almost entirely these types of people, including relatives, so I can’t get away.  So yes, I can see now where my lifetime goal would be dominance since it’s been affecting my life since the day I was born, pushing me to learn how to attain my goal.  I recently read a tip that going to the positive of submission and from there to the positive of dominance can be helpful.

This doesn't sound like dominance/submission. It sounds more like martyrdom (- victimization) or possibly impatience (- intolerance.)

As far as the chiropracter is concerned, see if you can find out how to put your neck back in yourself. You might be able to do quite a bit with practicing physical awareness of what that part of your body is trying to tell you.

Another suggestion: see a past life regressionist and make arrangements to see if there is any past life connection with the neck problem, and what your High Self (Essence) can tell you while you're in trance. Set expectations first - letting it go where it wants to is just setting yourself up. One key phrase that may resonate is "time line therapy."


John Roth


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Re: Body types and Centering
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2011, 01:42:27 AM »
This doesn't sound like dominance/submission. It sounds more like martyrdom (- victimization) or possibly impatience (- intolerance.)

As far as the chiropracter is concerned, see if you can find out how to put your neck back in yourself. You might be able to do quite a bit with practicing physical awareness of what that part of your body is trying to tell you.

Another suggestion: see a past life regressionist and make arrangements to see if there is any past life connection with the neck problem, and what your High Self (Essence) can tell you while you're in trance. Set expectations first - letting it go where it wants to is just setting yourself up. One key phrase that may resonate is "time line therapy."


John Roth

From this website about martyrdom:  “Martyrdom is the self-image of the "born loser", the "quitter", the "pushover", the "doormat". A person with this Feature sees himself as a weakling and a failure. He has a "defeatist" attitude.”  That’s not my inner attitude toward what’s been happening with me, and I’ve never had a defeatist attitude or consider myself a weakling or a failure.  That’s why it’s so weird that I’ve been attracting emotional abusers for the first third and the latest third of my life.  When I had the easier capability of leaving, I’d always leave the situation.  But anyway, it could be that it’s not dominance, and if it’s not, I’m not sure how dominance manifests in my life.  I’ve been somewhat disabled and stuck in a low-people situation for so long, it could be it just hasn’t had the opportunity to manifest.  Either that, or it’s not my true goal, since I’ve read that channels aren’t 100 percent accurate.


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Re: Body types and Centering
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2011, 06:00:43 PM »
I can understand how you feel.

I feel like i'm an old man trapped in a young go getters body.

I have to constantly fight the urge to be agressive and move about. I have a goal of dominance and a need for power but above all a soul age that desires to be at peace with people and let people be the king of their own nation. to sit back and observe, but my energy and overleaves make that difficult for me. When i do get to that point, people call me lazy, lack of drive, people think i'm depressed...when really, its times like that i enjoy the most and feel the most at peace

Maybe things will change in a decade or so when i'm around 30 things will change. Right now i feel like my body and systems are pushing me to achieve before i rest.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 06:03:01 PM by mAmbessa »