Soul Age / Re: Old Souls in a Young Soul World
« on: May 08, 2014, 04:40:51 PM »
Like most of you, I think young souls have their place--in fact, every soul age has its place and function. And, like you, I surely do appreciate all the technological and other inventions young souls have given us! Even the TV shows are appreciated. (well, except for the zombie craze, which I avoid at all costs)
As an old soul, I often feel out of place in our young-soul society, but I'm also very individualistic, so I'm okay with that. As long as they don't try to force me to participate in their dramas and other scenarios, I'm fine.
I don't know whether it's from being an old soul, or just the physicality of this lifetime, but simply witnessing all the seemingly limitless energy of young souls makes me tired.
As an old soul, I often feel out of place in our young-soul society, but I'm also very individualistic, so I'm okay with that. As long as they don't try to force me to participate in their dramas and other scenarios, I'm fine.
I don't know whether it's from being an old soul, or just the physicality of this lifetime, but simply witnessing all the seemingly limitless energy of young souls makes me tired.