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The Seven Attitudes / Creativity and skepticism
« Last post by jflozevis on March 17, 2019, 07:29:45 PM »
I am wondering about the link between creativity and skepticism. How does it work? Skepticism is the ordinal expression attitude and so is a natural overleaf of artisan role.
Suggestions/Help / Sequences
« Last post by jflozevis on December 08, 2018, 07:33:33 PM »
Should there be a new folder about MT' sequences?
The Seven Goals / My goal of flow thoughts
« Last post by jflozevis on December 08, 2018, 02:10:28 PM »
In my Shepherd's chart, I have the goal of flow. I understand these things on this goal for my life:
- no great ambition, I won't do something great in this life;
- life unfolds by itself; I just have not to interfer with it;
- I have a good job but with no great implication and which is well paid;
- not many big events in my life; it could be boring by moments.

Is it the same for you people with this goal which was called "stagnation" in the past?
The Overleaves (General) / Sliding to assimilation overleaves
« Last post by jflozevis on October 30, 2018, 07:41:34 PM »
I wonder if one can slide from a cardinal or ordinal overleaf to an assimilation one.
I know already that one can slide from an assimilation overleaf to whatever overleaf.
Essence Twins / Re: ET "visibilty"
« Last post by Dave on August 11, 2018, 10:13:14 PM »
In terms of role photos, an incarnate ET does not bleedthrough as much as when it's discarnate. You will see more of the role and the casting in that instance.

And I just now noticed the post. That's the reason for the delay.

Essence Twins / ET "visibilty"
« Last post by jflozevis on June 28, 2018, 07:16:45 PM »

I am wondering about this sentence in role descriptions on the Web site:
"When the ET is incarnate, however, the casting becomes more visually prominent"
I was believing that it was quite the contrary that bleedthrough is more important when the ET is discarnate.

Maybe I did not understand the web site as I'm French.

Regards, Jean-François.
The Nine Needs / Re: Literature on the 9 needs
« Last post by Barbara Taylor on May 28, 2018, 06:27:16 PM »
No, that is the work of Jose Stevens and JP Van Hulle. They have written articles and have audio tapes of material about the 9 Needs.

Check with them for what is currently available.


Center for Michael Teachings, Inc.
-  a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization supporting expansion of the Michael Teachings
5206 Markel Road, Suite 200
Richmond, VA  23230
"Michael Speaks: The Legacy of Sarah Chambers"

"Love is the highest truth.  Truth is the highest good." ... Michael
The Nine Needs / Literature on the 9 needs
« Last post by jflozevis on May 28, 2018, 06:15:07 PM »
Does anyone know if there is some literature about the 9 needs in all MT's books?
There seems to be only literature on MT's Web site.
General Discussion / Re: What is for you the special benefit of the Michael Teaching?
« Last post by jflozevis on September 09, 2016, 07:26:02 PM »
For me, it's the aspect of tolerance and understanding for other people that I like so much in MT. It removes some guilt and explains that many things we judge in other people are just overleave stuff.

Then I asked a chart and found it relatively accurate. I am not sure that I am a King; I'm fleeing leadership so for a King, it's kind of abnormal.

As a mature 3rd level and with a life quadrant of knowledge, I was believing I was a scholar but that is just my overleaves which push me to seek knowledge; this is accurate.
General Discussion / Can a Sage be introverted?
« Last post by Chiara DB on August 03, 2016, 04:08:05 PM »
I don't know how many of us are also fans of Jungian typology, but I just came across a Sage who says he is introverted. Do we know how common this is?
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