I think he was both Chiara. Or at least I could have a fun time with him and talk about a lot of things, we also had a lot of cardinal energy that added up (which was intense), but then he had the power-tripping side where he couldn't understand certain fundamental things about me and he felt I was lying when I would try to explain myself, told me plainly that he was right and I was wrong. Interesting fellow, quite magnetic, but in the end didn't feel like dealing with him... but also yes, I think it was difficult being around a person like that at a time when I was more vulnerable and depressed and generally at a weird point in my life. Felt like too much was being ripped off at one time, which is not usually fun for a king who doesn't like feeling her defenses stripped. heh.
But I have come across priests who are much more inspiring/lovely to be around, it's rather infectious. Had a very long chat with one about more fundamental meaningful self things and it felt fairly transcendental and I felt very glowing and happy/fulfilled afterward. Helped that we were sitting in an afternoon sun-bathed room and the light was coming from behind him. lol. His only 'zeal' I saw was when he got onto topics of conspiracy theories... which I could brush aside more easily... though I'm sure he could be pretty darn goading if he wanted to be. Saw the potential for it.
I think one of my sisters also has priest influence, and she's very good at guilt-tripping/goading, the kind where she gives you a look or tells you something you should 'do' and is usually right and you kind of hate her for it.

But I do like having her around. We live quite well together.
And Dave. That made me laugh quite hard last night.